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Messages - Jean

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 83
Astrobasic / Re: Problem with command window
« on: December 10, 2024, 11:58:59 AM »
Yes, works again, thanks for the quick response.

Two comments on the rhythm module:
1. the yellow markers for the annual cycle are very difficult to see on a light background.

replaced them with RED.

2. I think the term "M?nchner Rhythmenlehre" is protected, so i would recommend a different name for legal reasons.

Thanks for the notice.

Astrobasic / Re: Problem with command window
« on: December 10, 2024, 11:15:45 AM »
Volker i have put back some old code, now it works again.
Planetdance' code is much too big.  :(

ps if you update, there's also various - rytmlehre, not finished though.

Astrobasic / Re: Problem with command window
« on: December 10, 2024, 11:03:31 AM »
I could replicate it, not sure why this is happening.

Planetdance General / Re: Changing Colors of Wheel/Radix in Planetdance
« on: December 10, 2024, 10:57:32 AM »
Look at options settings colors, in the top box you can set zodiac colors, see also the Save / Save As buttons there.
See also the General tab, the Zodiac box.

Planetdance on Other OS / Re: 64-bit or 32-bit Wine installation
« on: December 01, 2024, 07:30:13 PM »
Pd is 32 bit only, it's build on what is called 'WIN32', it's an older API before windows had 64 bit versions. So 64 wine is not necessary thought it will just run on it just like it runs on 64 bit windows.

Astrobasic / Re: 7 Rythmen Lehre
« on: December 01, 2024, 07:27:26 PM »
That's ok Volker, i was just joking, wish you health.
Meanwhile the script is progressing fine.

Astrobasic / Re: 7 Rythmen Lehre
« on: December 01, 2024, 04:10:40 PM »
So frustrating, i can't rely on you all and have to do it myself again :)
But in it's simplest form it turns out not too difficult so i guess it's gonna be fun again.

Astrobasic / 7 Rythmen Lehre
« on: November 29, 2024, 05:45:04 PM »
I've got a request for the 7 Rythmen Lehre.
If i remember correctly i have asked Ed about this, maybe even twice, but i forgot again.
Any of you interested in copying the huber module into this one?
ps, i made a new huber module with lp / bp points etc.

from Glikerias who helped me with the new huber.

Planetdance General / Re: Asmakhammari Minor Planet / Asteroid
« on: November 27, 2024, 10:04:47 PM »
You mean asteroid, right?
Sorry, it's not in there anymore, must have been deleted when purging.
Look at c:\planetdance\eph\seasnam.txt for a list of all asteroids.

this works for me, the button looks wider, nothing else

Code: [Select]
button(width * .135, height * .96, "New Return", calcNewReturn);
command(BUTTON, buttonnumber, WIDTH, 100);

It could just be a wine glitch.

About the error, if you put the command() before this button there are no buttons yet, this is the first button, so you get an error.

I love the multiwheels Ed  :D
Only thing i saw is on the return tab the button with new return is too small and the edit to the left of it could be a few pixels higher.

Planetdance General / Re: Post-update loss
« on: November 24, 2024, 04:18:52 PM »
Sorry my fault, that file is not distributed anymore. I will make it so that it does not cause an error.
Meanwhile, colors are stored independent of the .sym file, those are stored in .col files. You should be able to just change to another symbol file and have your old colorset.

Planetdance General / Re: planetdance and AI
« on: November 09, 2024, 06:31:53 PM »
It's for rally gaming ;D

Planetdance General / Re: planetdance and AI
« on: November 08, 2024, 11:41:37 PM »
I have a ryzen 3700x, 970 evo plus nvme and a gtx 3060ti, i use
It's 12 gb, not very fast but quite impressive.

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