« on: March 19, 2024, 05:23:35 PM »
Thank you for replying friends. I'm sorry if I was not clear and thorough enough.
The calculation is useful for any house system to be able to see domal analogue aspects without eyeballing them from chart to chart. Of course it is much useful in Placidus where the houses are not proportional many times, but having a list, grid or even an aspect synastry grid between the two domal analogue positions would be incredibly useful. I know all this can be eyeballed but lots of time could be saved by having all the positions and aspects listed/grid ready to be consulted.
"So you want a list with each others 'domal analogues'? File - Synastry - Domal Analogue Function?" That would be very much desired. And also, if a synastry aspect grid could be added, that would save a lot of eyeballing.
Chart 1 has Moon and North Node at a specific poisition which seems to be in conjunction with the Moon's in Chart 2, but because of the difference in house size we cannot be absolutely sure about that; it could even be a conjunction with Chiron in Chart 2. This is where the domal analogue technique can make things precise and save lots of calculation/guessing. Using Carter's formula only with degrees we can see that the Moon in Chart 1 is at 21.17 "Virgo" (24° away from 6th cusp multiplied by 30 divided by 34 which is house 6 length) while the Moon in chart 2 is at 18.21 "Virgo" (17*30 / 28). So we can precisely conclude that both moons are in domal analogue conjunction by an orb of aprox. 3°.
Eyeballing conjunctions can be easy but other aspects after it can be more tricky and time consuming, like the Sun in Chart 1 being in opposition to Saturn and trine to Lilith in Chart 2.
I hope it is clearer now. Thank you for your disposition to make this incredible software even better.