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Messages - TheHangingDude

Pages: [1]
Classic, Medieval, Vedic / Re: Ed Greek Horoscope
« on: July 18, 2024, 10:00:19 PM »
Just when I was about to write my own module for monomoiria, I decided to search in help files for it first, et voila -- it's already here. Thank you for all the work on this module, it's pretty radical.

Planetdance General / Stellium calculation question
« on: June 26, 2024, 07:14:31 PM »
I've been noticing this in some horoscopes I was trying to analyze: when I check Options - Settings - Show patterns, stelliums seemingly are calculated by proximity, but don't factor the sign uniformity if a planet falls out to a neighbouring sign.

Case in point, a horoscope of someone I know where the stellium is displayed in PlanetDance version 26/06/2024 like this:

I've been reading and searching for various definitions of stelliums and, while degrees and the minimum amount of planets are debated, the consensus seems to be that the planets have to be in the same sign.

In this case in the picture Saturn is in Leo, but it's included in the Venus-Sun-Mercury stellium in Cancer. In the same time, I had an impression that the angles ("virtual planets") shouldn't be accounted for when deciding what is a stellium and what isn't.

Is this a bug or am I not understanding something correctly? (Apologies if I don't!)

Extension Scripts / Re: Bernadette Brady's Predictive Grids
« on: June 19, 2024, 06:12:10 PM »
You're welcome, and it'll always be for everybody to use. And you're right, Brady's method is something very specific that I don't see having a lot of popularity these days, if at all. I'll keep working on this little by little and post updates here. So far my backlog looks like: add Vertex, IC and South Node; add notes on applying/separating/sinister/dexter; notes on dates when a transit is "in/out orb", "in/out effect" (Brady suggests using very tight orbs for "in effect", like 12') and if the "sender" planet is  going to turn retrograde within transit; make s switch to textual representation of planets/aspects for more comfortable copy paste; and so on.

PS big thank you for your wishes and no less big thank you to your fellow citizens and government for helping us out! As banal as it sounds, we  really appreciate it.

Extension Scripts / Re: Bernadette Brady's Predictive Grids
« on: June 17, 2024, 08:58:23 PM »
Thank you very much for the clarification, it shouldn't be a problem then. Also, does isaspect() use the orb thresholds defined in Options - Objects for objects when determining if there's an aspect or not?

Extension Scripts / Re: Bernadette Brady's Predictive Grids
« on: June 17, 2024, 08:11:42 PM »
Thanks Dude - nice looking code. Ed

Thank you Ed. I'll try to keep it up.

Wow, i always love it when i see this, my compliments, looks great.
Some remarks.

I would add a menu(0, "Close", close) in stead of the keypress, it's more visible to the user.
Placing it in somewhere in ab/horoscope will make it accessible from the horoscope / right mouse click menu.

Vertex is a little complicated because it needs getplanet(), it can't user the shorter getplanetx() function because it needs houses, it's like this

Code: [Select]
real r[6];
copyhoroscope(-1, 0);
real vertex = getplanet(16, 0, r);

Thank you Jean. I haven't looked into getplanet() yet but now I will.

In relation to that, can Vertex's planet index (16) be used in getaspects... related functions even if Vertex is not checked manually in global/horoscope extra objects?

Extension Scripts / Bernadette Brady's Predictive Grids
« on: June 17, 2024, 06:18:44 PM »

When I found out that PlanetDance has a built-in programming language, I knew I wanted to create something for it, so here's my humble attempt at making something useful.

In the first chapters of her book "Predictive Astrology: The Eagle and the Lark" Bernadette Brady offers a system to help with delineating a given transit. Since we all probably have some transits going on in our charts at all times, accounting for each of them by hand quickly turns into some hassle, especially for a beginner like myself. I don't know if anybody even needs this, but when I tried to apply her framework to people I know personally, I had some interesting positive results, so naturally, I decided to automate this.

In short, Brady suggests that for each significant transit you make a grid like this:

-- Transit ---- Natal --
PlanetPlutosq Mercury
Natal house11
Transit house4
Natal house(s) ruled by planet18, 11

To delineate a transit by her method, you not only consider the aspect and planets involved, but also houses that they occupy, rule over or transit through. Brady says "top/middle/bottom row" referring to the rows with houses only. So to use her teminology,
- Top row of the grid means the houses (areas of life) that would be sources of event triggered by transit;
- The main action unfolds in the middle row, the natal house that a transiting planet is moving through;
- The bottom row describes the houses that will have the outcome of event(s) described in the rest of the grid.

How to use it: put the script into your %Planetdance%/ab folder, open a transit to some radix and launch the program. Press Escape key to close the program window.

For example, the output that this program would produce for Arnold Schwarzenegger, should he be so inclined to sit in Los Angeles, open PlanetDance and run this script for himself approximately at the time of this post:

What I've done here is I pivoted the grids. Instead of rows, the houses are in columns, for ease of readability. Snd means "sender", Rcv means "receiver", and "src/act/out" captions mean "source/action/outcome" respectively.

As we can see, at the moment Mr. Schwarzenegger has Neptune sextile his North Node within 1 degree, with events that would (sextile) create an opportunity in 4th House, and if taken on, would make some action in 10th house with results that he would see in his 9th and 11th houses and whatever matters that are governed by Venus within context of his chart. (And he also has a bunch of other transits not included in the screenshot.)

For specific interpretations I'm afraid I will have to refer you to the book itself because it's copyrighted material that cannot be freely quoted (but I've made an extended version with her interpretations for private use, that I could probably privately share with anybody interested strictly for education purposes if that's even a thing).

The script follows rules outlined by Brady, meaning that if an aspect is formed to an angle, the source house of the angle is not mentioned in the grid, and in the outcome is included the planet that rules over the sign that captures the angle (both traditional and modern rulers are included).

The script only includes aspects formed by Mars-Pluto (sorted down from Pluto) to personal planets and Saturn. Quintile-related aspects are not included because they are not mentioned in the book. Vertex is not included because, unlike Asc or Mc, it is not a "first-class" citizen of the AB framework, and I couldn't make it work immediately. But I'll try to cover it in the next versions someday.

The script doesn't enforce orbs so it's up to you to choose orbs before running the script. I've made a couple of 1-2-3 degrees presets myself for ease of use, and you can do the same easily in Options - Orbs - Bi-wheel of PlanetDance, just don't forget to include the minor aspects too. Brady recommends that only 1 degree orbs are used, or even smaller, but so far I've found that using wider orbs (2-3 degrees) for trans-Saturnians can also yield some results.

The script was done with whole sign houses in mind, because that's what Brady used throughout the book. The script doesn't account for house interceptions or any non-whole-sign issues that may arise from that.

Upcoming features: by Brady's recommendations, treat oppositions to nodes as conjunctions of opposing nodes; include South Node accordingly if an aspect is formed to North Node; and whatever else comes to mind in the future.

Edits: typos and some wording.

Planetdance General / Re: South Node
« on: June 01, 2024, 09:23:45 PM »
I apologize for necroposting this, but after using PlanetDance for some time, I have similar questions about South Node, IC and anti-Vertex and such.

Just from the user experience perspective, if you want to find oppositions to IC, currently you should look for conjunctions to MC; if you see sextile to Asc that means there's also a trine to Dsc, and so on. That's some extra work that needs to be done by the human operator to look for "bigger" aspects to "non-primary" angles.

In the same time, isn't one of the benefits, that a software could provide, to take that load off from the operator? Would you consider to elevate the basic "anti"-angles to the same status of "first-class" chart occupants as the primary angles (Asc, MC, Vx, Node) for ease of use? Like in terms of the small aspect table on the horoscope window for example, or to be searchable separately in aspect list/finder window?

I know that you can select "anti-angles" in "Settings-Objects", along with other stuff, but if I do that, they're only visible in F2/Aspect grid view, and their orbs cannot be fine-tuned like in Settings-Orbs. I'm just wondering if it's a problem of implementation, of the conceptual framework, or else. I know that I can probably write a program that can handle that separately, but are there any possible plans to do that in the base program, or any ways to contribute to that?

May 31
- Setting a hotkey for Horoscope - Edit would trigger Session - Edit after restart.

Can confirm that with the latest update the hotkey duplication is no longer happening, the settings are applied correctly and hotkeys for Horoscope-Edit and Session-Edit work separately after app restart.

Glad to be of help!

Your nickname, are you hanging yourself or do you hang others?  ;D

I'm simply hanging around, you know ;D Just a small personal reference to a more relaxed interpretation of a tarot card, because sometimes too much seriousness is too much...

Greetings, I'd like to report a bug with hotkey assignment.


As mentioned in the title, if I try to assign a key to a menu option for Horoscope-Edit, it works. But if I restart the application, this hotkey starts triggering File-Session-Edit instead.

Steps to reproduce

1. Get a clean installation of Planetdance.
2. Launch app, get to Options-Keyboard.
3. In the keyboard shortcuts settings window, find Horoscope-Edit and set it to an unused key, for example Ctrl+E. Press "ok" in the menu of the keyboard settings window to save the settings.
4. In any open horoscope, press newly assigned shortcut, in my case it's Ctrl+E. It works as intended.
5. Close the app normally (like by File-Close or close window button).
6. Launch the app again.
7. Press Ctrl+E and suddenly a session manager window opens.

Duplicate entries in cfg/keys.ini

I found the cfg/keys.ini file, and it turns out that it had two (!) Edit1 entries, both of which were set to Ctrl+E.

I tried to edit keys.ini manually and add entries like Edit2, Edit3 etc with my hotkey, but that didn't help.

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