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Topics - Roberto

Pages: [1]
Planetdance General / Filter - Setup value aspecy
« on: May 12, 2024, 05:07:36 AM »
Hi Jean,
in Filter where the value of the aspect is setup? Is the sameused in the charts?
I want, for example, to find a conjunction for 2 planets at 1 degree, or a different value, Is that possible?

Thanks ion advance


Planetdance General / Copy PD on Laptop
« on: March 03, 2024, 07:29:42 AM »
Hello, what would be the simple ways to transfer PD from my desktop computer to my laptop in its current state (with all of the configurations, database, etc.)?
After installing PD on the laptop, should I put everything from the desktop into the Planetdance directory?


Hi Jean
Try again, this request is for a friend who is doing a research project.
It is possible to add in P[en/Application/Import Export/Convert to add in HouseSystem the Whole Sign House System starting from the House that contains the Fortune.
For example, my Fortune Parts is at 22* Cancer, it is possible to have the chart, using the Whole Sign House, starting from 0^ Cancer as first house?
Thanks for the attention


Planetdance General / Time in France 1891-1911
« on: February 04, 2024, 12:36:46 AM »
Hi Jean
It just came to me that there was a period in France where they had a special Time zone; it seems PD doesn't have this classification.

"Before 1891, each town and city in Metropolitan France had its own time based on local solar time. In 1891, to avoid complications with railway timetables, time was unified in Metropolitan France and based on the solar time at the Paris Observatory — the Paris meridian being approximately 2°20′ east of the Greenwich meridian, Paris mean solar time was 9 minutes 21 seconds ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). In detail, the railway companies used a unified time which lagged behind Paris solar time by 5 minutes, for the benefit of non-punctual travellers.[5] In 1911, Metropolitan France adopted GMT+0 as its official time, and used it until 1940 (with GMT+1 used during the summers from 1916 to 1940)."

Planetdance General / Save data in QCK format
« on: February 02, 2024, 03:07:59 AM »
Hi Jean
I think there are some problem when PD try to save the data in QCK
I can see problem in the last field Place that is supposed to be 25 characters and the Time zone seems not always exported

Exported by PD
Huber, Bruno           NOV 29, 193012:55:00 AM    -01.00008E32'00 47N23'00 Zürich (Kreis 4) / Langstrasse, Switzerland

Exported by SF
Huber,Bruno            NOV 29, 193012:55:00 PM CET-01:00008E32'00 47N23'00 Zurich, Switzerland

In PD we go over 100/101 characters, as by standard in QCK


Planetdance General / Database statistics in sideral and tropical
« on: January 30, 2024, 10:27:55 AM »
I tried, and it seems to work, but I want a confirmation.

I have a database of Opera's singers using the Tropical System ahd using the Placidus House

After renaming it, I converted it with the function Open/Application/Import-Expost/Convert in Sideral Lahiri and using the Equal House system.

Now that I have two databases, one Tropical and one Sideral, if I apply Count and Filter on them the statistics will be done considering the different positions of the Planets and Houses?

Jean could you please confirm.


Planetdance General / Flower - only planet selected
« on: December 14, 2023, 09:38:54 AM »
Hi Jean, in flower is possible to have the graphic only for the planets selected and eventually add a start and end time? At this moment, I have only two planets selected. and give me the graph for all planets.
Is a mistake?


Planetdance General / Fixed Stars Setting - add longitude position
« on: December 09, 2023, 12:22:14 AM »
Hi Jean
In the Fixed Stars setting, is it possible to add the longitude position? An order then by longitude?

Because the name used are not the same as those you normally expect, the longitude position will help to identify them, so you can save the ones that you want to use and be sure that you chose the correct ones


Planetdance General / Fixed Stars Name
« on: February 01, 2022, 10:54:42 PM »
Hi Jean, where the fixed star name in PD coming from? The list is quite different from the usual ones. This is the name that I expect to find

Classic, Medieval, Vedic / Trutine of Hermes
« on: May 31, 2021, 11:16:35 AM »
a friend asked me to check the Trutine of Hermes, and seems that the calculation is wrong.
As from the image attached the second chart is calculated for a place different from the one where I was born, and the date is not the one from the list of the results
Could you please check

Thanks in advance



Classic, Medieval, Vedic / Lord of the Geniture
« on: May 29, 2021, 12:58:56 AM »
We have in PD the calculation of the Lord of the Geniture as from Ezra?

Planetdance General / Planetdance ADB database 21/05/16
« on: May 16, 2021, 01:01:28 PM »
PD Database with public information from Astrodatabank updated on May 16 with 60678 data.
Criteria used:

Data Source:
BC/BR in hand (AA) Or
Quoted BC/BR (AA) Or
From memory (A) Or
News report (A) Or
Bio/autobiography (B) Or
Timed historic source (B) Or
Official source; untimed (AAX)
Data Type:
Public Figure Or
Private Person Or
Anonymous Or
Mundane Or

No Event

If you use this information for research please mentioned Astrodatabank and Astro com and if you can, please contribute to their database.


File ready to be used in PD, just copy where you have your charts and open it with PD.

Classic, Medieval, Vedic / Planetary phases
« on: May 01, 2021, 11:48:17 AM »
I think this is a question for Ed. How PW calculate the planetary phases for Mercury?
In Roberto Benigni chart (Roberto Remigio Benigni born on   27 October 1952 at 13:00 (= 1:00 PM ) Place   Castiglion Fiorentino, Italy, 43n20, 11e55) PD gibe Mercury visible, Phasis a classical astrology program invisible. from Wikipedia "Mercury and Venus are visible only in twilight hours because their orbits are interior to that of Earth. Venus is the third-brightest object in the sky and the most prominent planet. Mercury is more difficult to see due to its proximity to the Sun. Lengthy twilight and an extremely low angle at maximum elongations make optical filters necessary to see Mercury from extreme polar locations" (,its%20proximity%20to%20the%20Sun. ). about Twilight we have different definition

Planetdance General / PD ADB database up to 090221
« on: February 11, 2021, 02:19:15 PM »
PD Database with public information from Astrodatabank updated on February 09 with 60329 data.
Criteria used:

Data Source:
BC/BR in hand (AA) Or
Quoted BC/BR (AA) Or
From memory (A) Or
News report (A) Or
Bio/autobiography (B) Or
Timed historic source (B) Or
Official source; untimed (AAX)
Data Type:
Public Figure Or
Private Person Or
Anonymous Or
Mundane Or

No Event

If you use this information for research please mentioned Astrodatabank and Astro com and if you can, please contribute to their database.

File ready to be used in PD, just copy where you have your charts and open it with PD.

Planetdance General / ADB for Planetdance
« on: August 22, 2020, 01:22:44 PM »
PD Database with public information from Astrodatabank updated on Aug 22 with 59212 data.
Criteria used:

Data Source:
BC/BR in hand (AA) Or
Quoted BC/BR (AA) Or
From memory (A) Or
News report (A) Or
Bio/autobiography (B) Or
Timed historic source (B) Or
Official source; untimed (AAX)
Data Type:
Public Figure Or
Private Person Or
Anonymous Or
Mundane Or

No Event

If you use this information for research please mentioned Astrodatabank and Astro com and if you can, please contribute to their database.

File ready to be used in PD, just copy where you have your charts and open it with PD.

Pages: [1]