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Topics - ABer

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Hi there - this is a beta release for further testing and development. If you are interested in exploring these techniques please download the script below and copy it to your chosen folder within the Planetdance Horoscope folder.

From the Help:

Egyptian harmonic charts are a sidereal technique developed by Cyril Fagan, the noted Irish astrologer, and Garth Allen, his American colleague. The technique is designed to be used with the Fagan/Bradley ayanamsa or Synetic Vernal Point.

For more information see:

For information on the sidereal zodiac see:

The module also calculates standard harmonic charts (Addey's harmonics). Users can choose between standard and Egyptian harmonics by clicking the relevant button on the first tab.

Weidner Conception chart

The Weider conception chart was developed by Sandra Weidner in the 1980's. The method is described in Considerations magazine, Volume V, Number 2, published in 1988.

This may be downloaded from:


A button on the Conception Navamsa tab can be clicked to display a quadwheel. This shows four charts oriented to the position of the conception navamsa Moon as an ascendant degree.

The inner wheel is the conception navamsa chart.

The mid-inner wheel is the conception chart calculated according to the Weidner method.

The mid-outer wheel is the natal (first harmonic) chart.

The outer wheel is the natal navamsa (novien) chart.

For further information see this thread on the Planetdance forum:;topicseen#msg4634

For screenshots see below.

If you discover any problems or bugs please report them here.

Best wishes. Ed

Planetdance General / January 2025 Updates
« on: February 04, 2025, 07:57:14 PM »
Hi there - here is a summary of the bug fixes and updates released in January 2025. Please update (Help->Check for Updates) to get all the latest improvements.

Januari 31
* Options Places did not use the right timezone, regression since introduction of timezone 'None'.

Januari 30
+ Horoscope-Classical-Ed Greek Horoscope: v.19.400 - many bug fixes and improvements, extensive improvements to the forecasting tab, formatting and dynamic positioning enhancements
* Option to turn hints on/off in Settings was missing.
- Options - Keyboard when in any other language than english, showed unnecessary items.

Januari 27
+ Fixed the way the rows are colored and selected records are displayed in the filemanager.
* The mechanism in the filemanager where you could just type characters to find a name was not working since the addition of the filebox.

Januari 20
- Fixed some oversights in the bitmap editor. Added monochrome mode back in for use with setbitmamp(name, color).

Januari 19
+ On request, added Options - General - View - Planets get color from sign. This works with the enigma font, planets get the color from the sign they are in.
+ Added the Bitmap Editor to Help - Downloads, this is for people who write scripts, it can make multiple color bitmaps, see setbitmap(). After download it will appear in the Options menu.

Januari 18
- Horoscope-Classical-Ed Greek Horoscope: v.19.287 - fixed bug with planetary listings display where the sesquiquadrate glyph would be shown in the exaltation column if large glyphs chosen and no exaltation lord present

Januari 17
- Horoscope-Medieval-Medieval Traditional Chart: v.10.80 - various bug fixes and formatting improvements.

Januari 15
- Horoscope-Medieval-Medieval Traditional Chart: v.10.68 - bug fixes for display of lot axes for eros and necessity if albiruni var chosen, other minor refinements.

Januari 14
- Fix bug in input window where changing the date in the edit field would set the year to only 2 digits.
+ The Horoscope - Return section can now also have shortcuts / bookmarks.

Januari 13
+ Completely rewrote Options - Keyboard / Bookmarks. You have to redefine your bookmarks, the key shortcuts are not affected.
* Some shortcuts were not working anymore in the rewrite.

Januari 8
+ Horoscope - Extra - More Aspects, Added checkbox for Show All, shows angles for all planets.
+ Filemanager now remembers the width of the columns.
+ First column Name in Filemanager now resizeable.

Januari 7
* Fixed regression since december 29, a bug that affected several search functions when the moon is involved, for instance syzygy did not work as expected nor did functions like moonphase and the like.
- Fixed spelling, it's Secondary, not secundary, thanks to Mariko.

Classic, Medieval, Vedic / v.20.00 - Ed Greek Horoscope
« on: January 30, 2025, 02:19:45 PM »
Hi there - I've moved Ed Greek Horoscope to v.20.00 now and closed the previous thread which related to If you have any bugs or questions about Ed Greek Horoscope please post them here now.

Many thanks. Ed

Astrobasic / syzygy()
« on: January 18, 2025, 04:29:44 PM »
Hi Jean - I think there's still a small error with the syzygy() function. Rajiv Gandhi's pre-natal lunation should be 25 LEO 44 as he's born just after a new moon. However the chart shows the syzygy glyph at 2 SC 17.

Could you take another look at this. It might need a small adjustment.

Thanks. Ed

Classic, Medieval, Vedic / Medieval Traditional Chart - v.11.
« on: January 17, 2025, 10:51:19 AM »
Hi there - I have locked the previous topic, which related to the tabbed version of the Medieval Traditional Chart module. As this is now a mature module I will move on to the next version which will be v.11. Please post any requests or bug notices for the module in this thread.

Best wishes. Ed

Astrobasic / getalmuten()
« on: January 16, 2025, 06:02:39 PM »
Hi Jean - this is a really useful function and I'm using it in a few places. However I can't get the output of the function to match with my own calculations for the Dorothean (triple) triplicity lords.

I have attached Nick Drake's chart below. You will see in the table of dignities that there is a joint almuten for the ascendant - Moon and Jupiter. However for the temperament calculation, which uses getalmuten(), only one almuten - Moon - is shown. I have the code to display up to three, but I think the function is only identifying one. There is a debugging string on the upper left for the temperament table screenshot (second attachment below) that shows Number of almutens = 1.

Could you take a look at this when you have time.

Nick Drake data:

Name    Drake, Nick    Gender: M
Birthname    Nicholas Rodney Drake
born on    19 June 1948 at 07:15 (= 07:15 AM )
Place    Rangoon, Burma, 16n47, 96e10
Timezone    NST h6e30 (is standard time)

Thanks. Ed

Planetdance General / Venus Star Point
« on: January 13, 2025, 09:43:42 AM »
Hi Jean - there seems to be a small bug with the VSP module. If transits are selected and the user changes one of the parameters (start, years) and clicks go the scrolling text box disappears. It also seems to happen if the user chooses to display text rather than glyphs. Not sure if I'm using it wrong or there's a small glitch.

I'm using Donald Trump's chart.

Thanks. Ed

Planetdance General / Next version of Flower
« on: January 05, 2025, 11:01:41 AM »
Hi there - I've been working on a significant development of the Flower script (Horoscope-Extra-Flower). I am still testing the changes so I won't be releasing this imminently. However I thought that I would share a few screenshots.

The main changes are a new listing which shows the angular contacts between diurnal planets and the diurnal horizon and diurnal meridian. This helps to see when key outer planet transits might be particularly active in an individual horoscope.

It will also be possible to show individual diurnal house cusps in the wheel. I have also added the option to specify a date for calculating transits, progressions, solar arcs and a quad wheel. This means that there will be two ways of achieving this; right clicking in the wheel and choosing from the pop up menu, or setting a date manually to get great accuracy. With the mouse click method it is sometimes difficult to get the accuracy of the mouse pointer to within a day's accuracy.


Main Flower tab
Diurnal chart calculated from listing for Jimmy Carter, 1 October 2024
Bi-wheel, using synastry function
Quadwheel for Jimmy Carter, 30 September 2024

This day was effectively Carter's diurnal return for his 100th birthday. Note the close alignment of transiting Pluto with his fourth house cusp, and diurnal Pluto exactly on his diurnal IC. Diurnal Mars is crossing natal Pluto and the sec. progressed Moon is aligned with Pluto and transiting Mars. Solar arc Pluto is approaching his natal ascendant and square his meridian. Diurnal Uranus and Neptune are aligned with his diurnal and natal 6th and 8th house cusps using Porphyry. Outer planet transits to these cusps seem to be particularly significant at times of great challenge in an individual's life.

All the best. Ed

Planetdance General / December 2024 Updates
« on: January 01, 2025, 09:40:05 PM »
Hi there - here is a summary of the major bug fixes and updates for Planetdance during December 2024:

December 30
+ On request added option to set place / timezone to Application DateFind.

December 29
+ Application - DateFind, added a graph to visualize the search and the periods, faster planets are only searched in the slower planet's periods.

December 28
+ Rewrote Application - DateFind again, advanced search technique, much faster, includes outer planets.
+ Updated Appllication - Datefind added Reset Fields to fix messed up settings, added Calculation - Middle.
+ Update 17:26 UT, the algorithm for DateFind was still not optimal, much faster now!
- Fixed possible crash when using File - Reset.
- Fixed File - Reset not working when pd.ini.bak already existed.

December 23
+ Rewrote Application - DateFind. This is the first time I used AI (claude / chatgpt) for a big piece of code.
+ Horoscope-Medieval-Medieval Traditional Chart: v.10.61 - bug fix for display of degree of part of dangerous year - #52 in albiruni table popup

December 19
+ Added Time - Tools - Day Length, reports day lengths in a year.

December 15
+ Horoscope-Medieval-Medieval Forecasting Methods: v.2.28 - simplified calculation for circumambulation angles, fixed bug with recalculation of fortune and daimon in circumambulations wheel

December 10
+ Horoscope-Medieval-Medieval Forecasting Methods: v.2.25 - bug fix for display of natal planets on outer wheel on circumambulations tab, reversion to original calculation of circum angles, removed auto-adjust of fortune and daimon as buggy

December 7
- fixed small issue with the help.
+ Horoscope - Various - Huber will hilight the next event in the list on startup.
+ Added functions to set the color of a day to the right mouse click menu in Horoscope - Calendar.

December 6
Horoscope-Medieval-Medieval Forecasting Methods: v.2.21 - added wsh cusps to circumambulations outer wheel when transits chosen

December 2
+ Horoscope-Medieval-Medieval Forecasting Methods: v.2.18 - added circumambulations tab, updated help, bug fixes

December 1
+ Horoscope-Progression-Diurnal Horoscope: v.2.70 - now full screen, with dynamic bi-wheel and planet and house listings, converse functions work with all elements of the module.

Planetdance General / Day Length
« on: December 19, 2024, 06:15:46 PM »
Hi Jean - this is a really nice little addition to the Time-Tools options:

Day Length

Really helpful to have this set out clearly.


Planetdance in Action! / Hunter Biden's Pardon - Planetdance on Skyscript
« on: December 05, 2024, 06:01:46 PM »
Hi there - I added some comments to a thread on Skyscript about Hunter Biden's Presidential Pardon. This show the Medieval Forecasting Methods module in action.

Thanks. Ed

Planetdance on Other OS / 64-bit or 32-bit Wine installation
« on: December 01, 2024, 06:31:56 PM »
Hi there - I've never been quite clear whether PD on Linux using Wine should be installed in a 32-bit or 64-bit version. Is there a preferred option?

Thanks. Ed

Planetdance General / November 2024 Updates
« on: December 01, 2024, 05:53:12 PM »
Hi there - here is a summary of the PD updates for November 2024. Please download to get the latest fixes and changes. Just go to Help->Check for Updates.


November 29
+ Rewrote Horoscope - Various - Huber, now has Bp / Lp points. Thanks to Glykeria Spittler,

November 24
+ Updated Livio's scripts; Horoscope Various Livio Comparative Forecasting Techniques and Relocated Solar Return.

November 22
+ Horoscope-Medieval-Medieval Traditional Chart: v.10.58 - minor formatting fixes and improvements

November 18
Horoscope-Medieval-Medieval Forecasting Methods:
  v.1.299 - added monthly return whole sign houses to profection chart on outer wheel, improvements to lifetime tab listing, help updated.
  v.1.305 - added natal wsh positions to return wheels, added sr wsh positions to natal wheel tab, updated help.
Horoscope-Vedic-Vimshottari Dashas and Bhuktis: v.3.09 - bug fix for ayanamsa problem

November 11
+ Horoscope-Medieval-Medieval Forecasting Methods: v.1.292 - now includes Ages of Man, rulers of the triplicities, aspects to profected points, dynamic profection wheel, updated help.

November 3
+ Changed (again) the way scripts are updated when you do an update to prevent scripts not updating.
+ Added 'Delete Database' to the filemanager menu.
- Removed popup menu in the filebox in the filemanager as it's obsolete.
+ Added selection for a map to the findcode function in the astrobasic editor.
- Changed the way Naibod houses are calculated slightly.
- Horoscope - Graph when in progression mode, Make progression from the context menu was incorrect.

November 2
+ Added a checkbox to the filemanager to show or hide a box with databases, if you click on a database it gets loaded. The box also has a context menu with Delete and Open in new window.
- Fixed crash opening the filemanager when Options - Settings - Extra - Show buttons in filemanager was off.
- Fixed cursors for resize handles not showing in the astrobasic editor and debugger.

Hi there - I've taken the decision to release this significant update of the Medieval Forecasting Methods module in beta for further testing.

I have made some key changes to the module, including adding a circumambulations tab. This is a complex piece of code and it needs further testing before being released in the main PD update.

If anyone would like to test it and provide feedback please download from the link below. Just copy the file to your medieval folder within PD and go from there. Please post bugs/feedback here.

Further details about the circumambulations tab can be found in the Help file - just click the button at the bottom left of the screen on this tab.

Thanks. Ed

Planetdance General / October 2024 Updates
« on: November 01, 2024, 12:07:18 PM »
Hi everyone - here is a summary of the October updates for 2024:

October 31
- Horoscope-Medieval-Medieval Firdaria: v.2.28 - bug fix for AB variations - position of (S) for south node in sub-listings

October 19
- File - Synastry - Multichart 3 and 4, when Settings - Show birth info in wheel was checked, this data was not correctly displayed in some wheels.

October 11
- Fixed wrong longitudes for objects in Progression Solar Arc and Progression User Arc.

October 10
+ Fixed update process to avoid changes not propagating due to timezone issues.

October 5
+ Added checkbox to Options - Settings - General to be able to determine the fast / slow planet by looking at it's speed when doing Dexter / Sinister.

October 2
* Time - List did not show conjunctions anymore because i tested something and forgot to remove it.
- Time - List did not show the node correctly when searching eclipses.
- Fixed possible crash in File - Synastry Browser - Add.

Please update to grab all the latest fixes and improvements.

Best wishes. Ed

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