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Topics - Jean

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Planetdance General / planetdance and AI
« on: September 07, 2024, 12:28:09 PM »
Recently i discovered the use of AI bots for astrological interpretations. I read a text from chatgpt and got enthousiast, so i made the Generate Ai Prompt module (GAP).
My only experience is with chatgpt so far, claude and perplexity by default don't give much text.
On chatgpt i had a really impressive text the first time, in that it combined several factors without me asking for it. I did not give it aspects at that time, only sun, moon, venus and mars in house / sign.

It gave:
Planet in sign
Planet in house
text about that sign / house combo

The next day (model changed?) it gave
Planet in sign / house

So you could argue that the next day it was better because it combined sign/house right away, but it left out the interesting texts about sign / house relations.

Also the second one was much shorter, it omitted several sections that were present in the first attempt: interactions, strengths, challenges and advice. These were really well done if you ask me, it seemed quite intelligent in combining factors. I couldn't get it to use the first approach, asking it why it reported that parameters just get changed, i guess the model was somehow changed?

So i tried adding that as a second question, which did indeed give texts similar to the first attempt, so i made the Header function in GAP.
But i prefer the first approach of giving all that info without asking specifics.

What are your experiences?

Astrobasic / Find Code
« on: December 12, 2023, 05:15:18 PM »
The program editor now has a function to search for text in all ab programs.
If you click on a file it loads into the memo on the right.
If you click on Load it opens that file just as if you would have done Application Edit, but it also scrolls to that line.

Astrobasic / comboboxcmd has been replaced
« on: May 07, 2023, 02:20:27 PM »
comboboxcmd has been replaced with command(COMBO functions:

16: Adds str to combobox, parm4 points to str.
17: Returns the the str in the combobox that's currently selected
18: populates a combobox with all housesystems except gauquelin, it will also adjust the return index value to compensate for the misssing entry. Also command(COMBO, n, 6, 0) will compensate for it.

example of the last one, handy for comboboxes for housesytem without gauquelin getting in the way:

char dummy[0][0];
combobox(x, y, width, dummy, housesys, go);
command(COMBO, 0, 18, 0);

creates a full functional combobox for housesystems without gauquelin.


I just made a wonderful discovery! Google has done something to my android app so it works on newer android versions. They ship it with some layer that enables it to work again.
So I just bought my own app and it works on my tablet with android 10 as well as on my S7 with android 8!

At least it works on all my 3 mobiles, so you can give it a try, you can always refund.

Astrobasic / image() enhanced
« on: October 05, 2022, 06:44:14 PM »
New syntax: image(char mode, int left, int right, int width, int height);

Action: If mode = 0, makes a copy of part of the screen, if mode = 1, puts that copy back.
You can now specify a rectangle, so you can do an animation on some graph. Draw the graph, put it into the buffer with image().
Then you can draw over the graph and restore it anytime with image(), draw again etc.
See time list flower for an example.

Astrobasic / bitmap editor
« on: September 19, 2022, 03:27:36 PM »
I made an editor for setbitmap.

Click on a color on the right to paint with it.
Use Get to copy an array from the clipboard.
Use Put to copy an array to the clipboard.
Single Color means a Get only checks for fore and background color and Put exports 'x' for black in stead of 'b' for use with setbitmap in single color mode. Check / Uncheck it, then do Get / Put.
Ctrl + click or painting with Silver removes a color, makes it transparent.
Shift click will replace all pixels with that color with the current color.
In the lower right you can adjust columns/rows.
When you Get an array and Lock is checked, these dimensions will stay the same, else they will be adjusted to that array.
The latest 'put' will be saved to a file mem.txt.
When importing Single color mode gets set.

An array will look something like this:
Code: [Select]
"r              l",
"                ",
"  n         n   ",
"  n         n   ",
"  n         n   ",
"  n         n   ",
"                ",
"      llll      ",
"  llll   llll   ",
"  r          r  ",
"  r          r  ",
" r           r  ",
" r           rr ",
"    ffffffff    ",
"                ",
"a              u";

Astrobasic / colored bitmaps
« on: September 18, 2022, 01:59:06 PM »
There is now a multi-colored version for setbitmap, set color to -2 and use these letters:
a Black
g Green
b Blue
n Navy
o Olive
p Purple
r Red
q Aqua
w White
y Yellow
s Silver
l Lime

Code: [Select]
char b[24][33]=

setbitmap(b, -2);

Astrobasic / dark color mode
« on: July 30, 2022, 08:35:07 PM »
On making dark mode consequent i found that if you use set/putbitmap and give it a black color, it won't be seen on a black background.

Now you can use

Code: [Select]
setbitmap(bitmap, -1); it will automatically use the foreground color

Another wayt is using command(FUNCTION, 43, x, 0) where

x = 0, returns current background color
x = 1, returns current foreground color
x = 2, returns current font color

So if you use
Code: [Select]
int mycolor = command(FUNCTION, 43, 1, 0);
setbitmap(bitmap, mycolor);

it will also always be visible.

Astrobasic / searchaspect
« on: February 17, 2022, 02:30:40 PM »
- Februari 17
+ Added astrobasic command 'searchaspect'.

This is a simplified version of findaspect, it searches only for one aspect between two planets.

From the help:


Syntax: searchaspect(real start, real end, int p1, int p2, int as);

Action: Searches for aspect as between p1 and p2, from start to end, returns julian day if found, else returns 6000000.


int time[6];
real jd = getsystemtime(time);
jd = searchaspect(jd, jd + 30, SUN, MOON, CONJUNCTION); ` search for the next new moon
real zone = gettimezone(defaultplace, jd);
juliantotime(jd + zone, time); ` make local time

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