« on: May 13, 2021, 06:38:00 PM »
The dutch help was more comprehensive, here's a translation.
The idea is that you create a database with events so you can compare these by means of progressions / transit to a radix.
Using the big buttons you can change the time for the radix one minute forward or backwards.
Use Database to create or use other databases. Standard is 'correction.db'.
Use Add to add events to the database so you can compare those times to a radix.
Use Delete / Change to delete or change these events.
Help by T. Sipsma, thanks to W. van Dam & J. Kampherbeek.
Birth time correction.
The best result to correct a horoscope according to Wim van Dam - writer of the book 'Correction of the birth chart' - by releasing primary cuspen in combination with secondary planets and transits on the radixhoroscope on the day of the event.
It must be concrete events, whereby the (PR.) ASC or (PR.) MC must receive one or more aspects.
If the birth time is correct, these aspects will fall within 1 degree.
If the orb is greater and also occurs with other events, then click on the black arrows at the bottom right to adjust the birth time.
Click on the frame at the top right of the circle on Transit.
Then look at the aspects with the Radix.
Click Wheels / Aspect to view the size of the orb.
Then click SEC / Prim.
In the left column you now see the SEC. Planets with the pr. Cuspens.
Pay particular attention to the aspects of PR. ASC. and pr. Mc. (The 2 last columns) on the Radix and to aspects of SECPlanets on the R.Asc and MC.
Then look at their orbs by clicking on Wheels / Aspect again.
This analysis gives an accuracy of up to 1 degree of the MC, i.e. a birth time to approximately 4 minutes accurately.
One degree shift from the MC stands for approximately 1 year. (This can make a big difference with for instance Tr.Pluto at predictions)
N.B. Please note that the half squares (45 degrees) and one and a half squares (135 degrees) should be included, because they often play a big role according to Van Dam.
For an even more refinement of the birth time, Van Dam advises use annual harmonies. (Read his aforementioned book for this).
For information: According to Van Dam, as opposed to the primary cusps, the primary planets are a dangerous area and secondairy cups move much too quickly to be useful when correcting.
This was published in 1984, the opinion could be changed by now.