Thank you Volker for your time.

A question once again! I'm currently struggling with gaining any likes or interaction on my Astro Twitter account with my recent posts, which using the 90° dial and "The combination of stellar influences" bible, its to do with Neptune's current placement at 25°10 Pisces which is sesi-quadrate my Uranus/Mc midpoint at 10°Scorpio
In the attached image, my Uranus/mc midpoint is at 10°scorpio, and transit Neptune is currently at 25°10 Pisces, calculating this manually this = 134°53 between this midpoint and Neptune, which is - 7" applying to exact. But the software has it as -17 applying to exact?
Also using the top midpoints (Saturn/Pluto) which is at 24°20 Virgo, with Tr Neptune 50" passed, but the software says 40" passed.
So there seems to be a 10" difference. Am I being too Virgo sun perfectionist here, or is there a fault?
But thank you Volker for your help. It seems now that the top of the list midpoints is the separating midpoints, and as they go down, especially when you get to - degrees, they are still applying. That's the pattern i couldnt see before.