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Planetdance General / Re: "Array out of bound: ayanamsha Line 29
« on: October 17, 2022, 08:06:33 PM »
Hi Jean, sorry for the late reply. When it comes to your request you will have to give me a step by step instruction in order for me to retrieve the data you need since I literally have no idea what you are talking about but I can probably follow your instruction.

Planetdance General / Re: "Array out of bound: ayanamsha Line 29
« on: September 08, 2022, 01:50:34 PM »
Hi Jean, the update didn't work.

Planetdance General / Re: "Array out of bound: ayanamsha Line 29
« on: September 05, 2022, 04:00:21 PM »
I don't know about others, but for me this issue is still on.

Classic, Medieval, Vedic / Re: Ptolemaic Primary Directions
« on: November 27, 2021, 07:53:28 PM »
Thank you Jean! Now it works. I'm extremely happy!

Classic, Medieval, Vedic / Re: Ptolemaic Primary Directions
« on: November 18, 2021, 04:55:47 AM »
Hi both, I've tried downloading the ephemerides but the error code remains the same, unfortunately. The chart I'm checking right now as I said is that of Jacob Grimm, 04, January, 1785 22:30 LMT, Hanau am Main, Germany. Thanks for taking the time to check it. And feel better!

Classic, Medieval, Vedic / Re: Ptolemaic Primary Directions
« on: November 16, 2021, 08:35:02 AM »
Hi Ed,
I don't know about others but I'm highly appreciative of the changes you guys made to this part of planetdance. Since I use this technique not only for predictions but to better understand how the different elements in a chart actually express themselves in events, especially when they meet the pivotal degrees, but also when they meet the Moon, the Sun and the Lot of Fortune. I have a few remarks although I'm not sure any of them would be possible under the constrains of the coding and data you work with.
First I would be happy if other important releasers could be included, especially the Lot of Daemon and the Syzygy.  I use both when it comes to longevity issues, I use the Lot of Daemon for career etc and the Syzygy for wealth and health etc. And if these changes are possible then perhaps also consider the Lot of Eros, Necessity and whoever becomes of the two the Lot of Basis, all three as defined by Valens. All of these three indicate powerful 'psychological' needs that create favourable or destructive outcomes, through our ability to attract and be attracted to things and people, our ability to reject and say no, and our resources in terms of building blocks and ability to create and maintain stability in life. Aspects to these lots, etc, including Direction are important not only in Valens' reading but my own experience as well.
And I have a question, ever since you introduced these changes, or perhaps a bit later, every time I try to use this module to create the Directions chart of someone born something like 200 years ago, or perhaps a bit older, will fail to produce any results and an error message pops out: "Invalid math argument tan line 2037". I'm not sure if this is an issue for others perhaps it isn't or most people simply don't use these Directions in relationships with folk that lived two centuries or more ago, but in my case this is an issue with any chart that is old enough. It works perfectly fine down until sometime in the 19th century and then it doesn't. I get the same message with any older than that chart but let's say that here I was trying to check the Directions in Jacob Grimm's chart.
Thanks in advance.

Classic, Medieval, Vedic / Re: Planetary phases
« on: May 22, 2021, 03:30:07 PM »
I'm glad I could help!
If you would consider my advice I would also recommend changing the daytime visibility of the planets.
There are two planets and the Moon that are visible during the daytime, of these Venus and the Moon are visible during high-noon as well. These are the rules that should stand true for the most part for these three.

Moon: when the Moon is about 30 degrees removed from the Sun it appears to us as a slim crescent that is easy to observe with the naked eye either before sunrise or after sunset, but, it is actually visible during the entire day as long as it is above the horizon with about +2 degrees and the sky is clear.
The reason you need those 30 degrees or so in elongation from the Sun is in order to easily observe it, due to the light saturation around the Sun and the fact that bellow that elongation the crescent is really thin against the bright daytime sky. 

Venus is also visible during the entire day time, but this is especially true when she is occidental and helically setting as an evening star at the same time and when she is oriental and helically rising as a morning star at the same time. More precisely, when she is helically setting as an evening star from when she reaches the 45 degrees on her way towards the sun down to when she is 30 degrees removed from the Sun still as an evening star. Within this 15 degrees window her apparent size and brightness are both large enough to make her easy to see during the daytime. As long as her altitude above the horizon does not fall bellow +5 degrees. Equally when she helically rises as a morning star, form when she is 30 degrees moving away from the sun in longitude up to when she is 45 degrees away (but still helically rising) she is visible during the day time, again in terms of her minimum altitude the same +5 degrees above the horizon applies.

Jupiter is also visible during the day, but only shorty after sunrise and shortly before sunset at times when he is at his perihelion, while being removed in longitude from the Sun by about 90 degrees.
The rule is the following.
Jupiter oriental in Pisces, when the Sun is in Gemini, and the Sun is not more than +3 degrees above the horizon after sunrise.
Jupiter oriental in Aries, the Sun in Cancer, and -//-
Jupiter occidental in Pisces, when the Sun is in Sagittarius, and the Sun is not more than +3 degrees above the horizon before sunset.
Jupiter occidental in in Aries, the Sun in Capricorn, and -//-

And with Jupiter there is a special rule that makes him visible throughout the day while he is in the same signs and configuration to the Sun, as stated above, as long as he is conjunct the half-Moon within 7 degrees or so in longitude.
Then the rule is the following (and I'll just give one example that holds true for all four combinations detailed above):
Jupiter oriental in Pisces, when the Sun is in Gemini, the Moon within 7 degrees from Jupiter, and Jupiter above +10 degrees altitude.
The Moon in this case facilitates the location of Jupiter in the bright daytime sky and guides the eye. Without her you would not be able to locate him with the naked eye once the Sun has risen +3 degrees above the horizon.

Hope this helps.
For those of us that have diurnal charts this data set can actually be rather important.

Classic, Medieval, Vedic / Re: Planetary phases
« on: May 14, 2021, 06:51:11 PM »
My pleasure! I'm glad if I could help.
There are more specific rules but those would be probably difficult to implement in terms of coding.
I can give you guys a few examples just as a curiosity.
Venus is much brighter when she helically rises as a morning start and when she sets as an evening star compared to when she sets as a morning start and when she rises as an evening star. That is, Venus is much brighter at inferior conjunction than at superior conjunction, as such her heliacal rise and setting around this time happens earlier and later than when she is close to her superior conjunction (in terms of altitude difference between her and the sun).
Mercury is much much much brighter at superior conjunction than at the inferior one, which naturally reduces the difference between him and the sun in terms of altitude needed for him to be visible at superior conjunction.
The Moon is larger and brighter at perigee.
Mars is rather dim and small in terms of apparent diameter (as small as Uranos and Mercury) as he gets closer to the sun with a difference of a 60 degrees in longitude or so, so that's why he needs that rather large difference in altitude between him and the sun to be barely visible. Except once ever 15 or 17 years when he is at his perigee (or more precisely perihelion) and then he is slightly easier to observe as he rises in the morning or just before he sets in the evening.
Saturn's apparent diameter and apparent magnitude varies based on two factors, his closeness to the sun and earth and his rings. He will rise earlier from the sunlight and set later when he is around Gemini, that's when he is at his brightens. He will rise later and set earlier when he is around Virgo and across from her in Pisces. When he is around the end of Sagittarius he is between these two.
Uranos and Neptune's magnitude and apparent size varies less, but both are naturally easier to observe at their perihelion.

Classic, Medieval, Vedic / Re: Ed Greek Horoscope issues
« on: May 14, 2021, 03:53:34 PM »
I don't know if it helps, probably not, but I use only the sign-house system for the 12 places from the horoscope.

Classic, Medieval, Vedic / Re: Ed Greek Horoscope issues
« on: May 14, 2021, 03:46:07 PM »
Hi Jean,
I don't remember it. It was a few months ago, and then I tried a few times, then gave up on it, and then I tried again like a few weeks ago and since then it works perfectly fine.

Classic, Medieval, Vedic / Re: Ed Greek Horoscope issues
« on: May 14, 2021, 03:23:14 PM »
Yes, the exacts same error message, with a difference in the line number: "Array our of bound: housePosArray Line 1190"

Classic, Medieval, Vedic / Re: Ed Greek Horoscope issues
« on: May 14, 2021, 03:13:06 PM »
Yes, I think I will simply have to wait for the program to debug itself in one of the next updates, as it did with the Relocation function. And if it fails to do so I will reinstall it eventually altogether. I've tried the most recent update and it still fails to open this window altogether. Thanks in any case.

Classic, Medieval, Vedic / Re: Planetary phases
« on: May 14, 2021, 03:05:42 PM »
Hi there. I'm an amateur 'astronomer' and there is a very easy rule that can be employed with both planets and the sun. And the same goes for all the others. You hinted at it in your last comment. And it all relates to the Apparent Magnitude of a planet when close to the sun, and their height above or below the horizon in terms of altitude.
I'll just give a list and then you will decide if it works for you. This is based on my observations and the literature I reviewed on the subject when I educated myself about observing the night sky.
The dawn and dusk has three phases, and they all depend on the negative altitude of the Sun,
The indigo hours, where the Sun is -18 degrees below the horizon (they begin then), the blue hours when he is -12 degrees below, and the golden hors when he is -6 degrees below the horizon. For all planets to be observable without interference from trees and such it is desirable for them to be at at least +2 degrees altitude. Now depending on their apparent magnitude we can construct a list that will hold generally true (with some variation) across the year and longer planetary cycles.
And this is the list:
Moon: she above the horizon +2 degrees the sun below the horizon -4 degrees.
Venus: +2, the sun -4
Jupiter: +2, sun -5
Mercury: +2, the sun -7.5 (in the case of Mercury it actually ranges between -6 and -9 depending on the solar phase).
Saturn: +2, sun -8
Mars: +2, sun -9
Uranos: +10, sun -12
Neptune: +12, sun -18 (theoretical, based on the Bortle scale which allows for true keen eyes and exceptional sky viewing locations to observe Neptune with the naked eye, with limits pushed to apparent magnitude +8.5 or so).

As you can see this list allows for the brightest objects, the crescent moon, and Venus to be observed helically rising or setting in the golden hours, along with Jupiter, especially when he is in his perigee. The next triad, Mercury and Saturn and Mars to be observed in the blue hours, and in the case of Uranos the limit is the indigo hours and for Neptune the limit is the indigo hour itself.

If you use the altitude of the sun and the object in question as a basis for being under the rays and the helical rising and setting, it's much more realistic than the simple ecliptic longitude rule which can be cheated drastically by the inclination of the ecliptic and the ecliptic latitude of the object in question.

Classic, Medieval, Vedic / Re: Ed Greek Horoscope issues
« on: May 14, 2021, 02:07:33 PM »
Hi to both of you, and thanks for the reply, I can give you a chart example data, but as I said in my last message, I get the exact same issue irrespective of the chart data that I use (for example if I use the current transit data under the Startup function, or with any other chart I have in my library). This is not the first time that a module or submodule becomes inaccessible to me, some months ago I couldn't use the Relocation function at all after an update (under the Horoscope/Extra heading), and then after months now I can again, back then I didn't say anything because that function I use less than the one reported in this post. So here is a chart data that I check often enough, 1982, 03, 01, 14:00 Arad Romania. Take care.

Classic, Medieval, Vedic / Re: Ed Greek Horoscope issues
« on: April 29, 2021, 12:24:35 PM »
Hi there, thanks for looking into it. I don't know what you mean by 'chart detail' in this case. As I stated in my original comment every time I want to use this function of the program, independent of the chart that I use, the Ed Greek Horoscope page will simply not open. So basically that function of the program has become inaccessible to me. I can open all the other functions under the Horoscope/Classical module starting from Calendar all the way to Zodiacal Releasing, with the exception of Ed Greek Horoscope. I guess if I deinstal the program all-together and then re-instal it, that would probably fix the issue, but I was hoping for an other fix. In any case updating it won't help. I've tried that several tiles over the past weeks.

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