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Messages - ABer

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 84
Planetdance General / Re: Tyl Chart Synthesis
« on: February 08, 2025, 09:12:46 AM »
Hi Sue Mari - I'm just looking at this again. To alter the SR date, just alter the dates in the top right corner of the screen and press Calculate. If you have the SR displayed in the outer wheel it will automatically recalculate. To get the required SR, just alter either the day, month, year or some combination of them. So in the case of Ai Wei Wei's solar return above, to get the prior return, just alter the year box to 2024 and press Calculate. The SR will automatically recalculate to the 2024 SR. Does this do what you require?

Thanks. Ed

Planetdance General / Re: Time Zone Error
« on: February 08, 2025, 09:01:57 AM »
Hi Tom and Jean - good find and bug fix. Thanks. Ed

Planetdance General / Re: Egyptian Harmonic and Conception
« on: February 08, 2025, 09:00:34 AM »
Hi Tom - thanks for the links. I'm not a sidereal astrologer and I can't really follow the logic of the 'Egyptian Harmonics'. However I would be interested in coding this and making it available as an extension script (downloadable through the forum). I won't have time to complete this work before the spring for various personal reasons but it might be possible to do a small module that calculates the harmonic charts and puts them in the main window. The harmonic charts would then at least be available. The full version including the conception chart would have to wait.

Jean is best able to advise on the .ini file question. However I don't see why this wouldn't work.

All the best. Ed

Hi Zagata - that went quite smoothly. The new version is on its way to you. Ed

Thanks Zagata - that's extremely clear. I will keep you updated on progress. I'm quite busy over the weekend so I may not get round to this until next week.

Great progress so far. Thanks for your assistance with the testing.


Planetdance General / Re: Egyptian Harmonic and Conception
« on: February 07, 2025, 01:18:41 PM »
With reference to the harmonic charts, check the extension script on the forum to download at:,569.0.html

Thanks. Ed

Planetdance General / Re: Egyptian Harmonic and Conception
« on: February 07, 2025, 01:16:07 PM »
Hi there - I get 502 bad gateway on the angelfire sites too. Without the info I don't think there's much we can do. Ed

Planetdance General / Re: Egyptian Harmonic and Conception
« on: February 07, 2025, 01:13:04 PM »
Hi Tom - at over 3700 pages it sounds complicated! Is it easy to describe these methods at all.

Have you checked the novenary methods in Ed Greek Horoscope or Medieval Traditional Chart.

Thanks. Ed

Hi Zagata - thanks for the clear information about the friends and enemies table. This is again something I wanted to do so it is convenient to include this in the module. I will press on with this over the weekend.

Best wishes. Ed

Planetdance General / Re: Tyl Chart Synthesis
« on: February 06, 2025, 04:33:31 PM »
Hi Sue Mari

It's a long time since I looked at this module. I think the SR date is taken from the current date in this module. I can look at changing this as more recent modules allow users to choose a return date.

I'm rather busy at the moment so it might be a week or two before I can get round to this, but if it would be helpful I will put this change on my list!

Thanks for the kind feedback about the module.

Best wishes. Ed

Hi there - I have incorporated a firdaria tab in the medieval forecasting module. This will be coming out in the next release.

See screenshot below.

Best wishes. Ed

Planetdance General / January 2025 Updates
« on: February 04, 2025, 07:57:14 PM »
Hi there - here is a summary of the bug fixes and updates released in January 2025. Please update (Help->Check for Updates) to get all the latest improvements.

Januari 31
* Options Places did not use the right timezone, regression since introduction of timezone 'None'.

Januari 30
+ Horoscope-Classical-Ed Greek Horoscope: v.19.400 - many bug fixes and improvements, extensive improvements to the forecasting tab, formatting and dynamic positioning enhancements
* Option to turn hints on/off in Settings was missing.
- Options - Keyboard when in any other language than english, showed unnecessary items.

Januari 27
+ Fixed the way the rows are colored and selected records are displayed in the filemanager.
* The mechanism in the filemanager where you could just type characters to find a name was not working since the addition of the filebox.

Januari 20
- Fixed some oversights in the bitmap editor. Added monochrome mode back in for use with setbitmamp(name, color).

Januari 19
+ On request, added Options - General - View - Planets get color from sign. This works with the enigma font, planets get the color from the sign they are in.
+ Added the Bitmap Editor to Help - Downloads, this is for people who write scripts, it can make multiple color bitmaps, see setbitmap(). After download it will appear in the Options menu.

Januari 18
- Horoscope-Classical-Ed Greek Horoscope: v.19.287 - fixed bug with planetary listings display where the sesquiquadrate glyph would be shown in the exaltation column if large glyphs chosen and no exaltation lord present

Januari 17
- Horoscope-Medieval-Medieval Traditional Chart: v.10.80 - various bug fixes and formatting improvements.

Januari 15
- Horoscope-Medieval-Medieval Traditional Chart: v.10.68 - bug fixes for display of lot axes for eros and necessity if albiruni var chosen, other minor refinements.

Januari 14
- Fix bug in input window where changing the date in the edit field would set the year to only 2 digits.
+ The Horoscope - Return section can now also have shortcuts / bookmarks.

Januari 13
+ Completely rewrote Options - Keyboard / Bookmarks. You have to redefine your bookmarks, the key shortcuts are not affected.
* Some shortcuts were not working anymore in the rewrite.

Januari 8
+ Horoscope - Extra - More Aspects, Added checkbox for Show All, shows angles for all planets.
+ Filemanager now remembers the width of the columns.
+ First column Name in Filemanager now resizeable.

Januari 7
* Fixed regression since december 29, a bug that affected several search functions when the moon is involved, for instance syzygy did not work as expected nor did functions like moonphase and the like.
- Fixed spelling, it's Secondary, not secundary, thanks to Mariko.

Hi Zagata - I have just emailed you the latest version which is 3.15. Thanks. Ed

Hi Zagata - I think that I have debugged the firdaria lords calculation now. I will test a little bit more and then send you v.3.15.

Best wishes. Ed

General Astrology Topics / Re: Unknown birth time
« on: February 04, 2025, 07:20:48 AM »
Hi Suemari - thanks for joining us. It's always good to have new members from different parts of the world. We are glad you are enjoying Planetdance.

Best wishes. Ed

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