« on: February 04, 2025, 07:57:14 PM »
Hi there - here is a summary of the bug fixes and updates released in January 2025. Please update (Help->Check for Updates) to get all the latest improvements.
Januari 31
* Options Places did not use the right timezone, regression since introduction of timezone 'None'.
Januari 30
+ Horoscope-Classical-Ed Greek Horoscope: v.19.400 - many bug fixes and improvements, extensive improvements to the forecasting tab, formatting and dynamic positioning enhancements
* Option to turn hints on/off in Settings was missing.
- Options - Keyboard when in any other language than english, showed unnecessary items.
Januari 27
+ Fixed the way the rows are colored and selected records are displayed in the filemanager.
* The mechanism in the filemanager where you could just type characters to find a name was not working since the addition of the filebox.
Januari 20
- Fixed some oversights in the bitmap editor. Added monochrome mode back in for use with setbitmamp(name, color).
Januari 19
+ On request, added Options - General - View - Planets get color from sign. This works with the enigma font, planets get the color from the sign they are in.
+ Added the Bitmap Editor to Help - Downloads, this is for people who write scripts, it can make multiple color bitmaps, see setbitmap(). After download it will appear in the Options menu.
Januari 18
- Horoscope-Classical-Ed Greek Horoscope: v.19.287 - fixed bug with planetary listings display where the sesquiquadrate glyph would be shown in the exaltation column if large glyphs chosen and no exaltation lord present
Januari 17
- Horoscope-Medieval-Medieval Traditional Chart: v.10.80 - various bug fixes and formatting improvements.
Januari 15
- Horoscope-Medieval-Medieval Traditional Chart: v.10.68 - bug fixes for display of lot axes for eros and necessity if albiruni var chosen, other minor refinements.
Januari 14
- Fix bug in input window where changing the date in the edit field would set the year to only 2 digits.
+ The Horoscope - Return section can now also have shortcuts / bookmarks.
Januari 13
+ Completely rewrote Options - Keyboard / Bookmarks. You have to redefine your bookmarks, the key shortcuts are not affected.
* Some shortcuts were not working anymore in the rewrite.
Januari 8
+ Horoscope - Extra - More Aspects, Added checkbox for Show All, shows angles for all planets.
+ Filemanager now remembers the width of the columns.
+ First column Name in Filemanager now resizeable.
Januari 7
* Fixed regression since december 29, a bug that affected several search functions when the moon is involved, for instance syzygy did not work as expected nor did functions like moonphase and the like.
- Fixed spelling, it's Secondary, not secundary, thanks to Mariko.