I don't wait for someone to test for me, but I don't understand the program language. Planet dance was still working two days ago. I am not against updates on the very contrary. I would just like to get like mac users to be able to follow your progress. If I have to change system I will.
I would like to know what configuration can work for the mac user eventually and do some kind of tutorial at the end. So just need a little help. You said Ed is on Wine with it works, is he on mac or linux?
for the log it should be easy to do, I don't understand, I try to collect infos on mac user forum
my planetdance subfolder is here
/ Users / TT / Wine \ Files / drive_c / Planetdance
Last login: Sun Feb 7 09:36:23 on ttys001
MacBook-Pro-de-TT:~ TT$ /usr/bin/wine
-bash: /usr/bin/wine: No such file or directory
MacBook-Pro-de-TT:~ TT$