Dear All,
this is my first post here. I have just started my adventure with Planetdance. This is wonderful astrology tool! Fully customizable which is much appreciated.
Still I need to study a lot how to use it.
I tried to customize Planetdance a bit more for my needs. In the settings (Classic tab), I found the options to add some rings (Bounds Ring and Second Ring). Unfortunately there is no chance - at least I did not find a way - to add freely customized ring.
Could you help me with that please? Is there any chance to add such ring by script which I can make myself or other option? like in the tab "Classic" in Settings?
For example: number of sectors (number), sector position (degrees,m,s), sector covers the arc (degrees,m,s), names of sectors (text)
I hope there is a chance. That would be so much helpful for my studies.

Kind regards, Les