PD Database with public information from Astrodatabank updated on May 16 with 60678 data.
Criteria used:
Data Source:
BC/BR in hand (AA) Or
Quoted BC/BR (AA) Or
From memory (A) Or
News report (A) Or
Bio/autobiography (B) Or
Timed historic source (B) Or
Official source; untimed (AAX)
Data Type:
Public Figure Or
Private Person Or
Anonymous Or
Mundane Or
No Event
If you use this information for research please mentioned Astrodatabank and Astro com and if you can, please contribute to their database.
ADB 210516.zip
https://www.dropbox.com/s/ms548cemkt9l7w2/ADB%20210516.ZIP?dl=0File ready to be used in PD, just copy where you have your charts and open it with PD.