Hi Jeremy - I guess this scheme didn't make much sense to me, especially the relatively low score for H9. This house is elevated and trine the ascendant so I feel it needs to score more.
My scheme is this:
First: 5
Second: 3
Third: 1
Fourth: 4
Fifth: 3
Sixth: -5
Seventh: 4
Eighth: -5
Ninth: 3
Tenth: 5
Eleventh: 4
Twelfth: -5
Broadly speaking, angular houses score 5 (rising) or 4 (setting), the succeedent 11th scores 4, the 2nd and 5th score 3, along with the mutable 9th, the third scores 1, and the difficult houses score -5. To me this seems clearer than the 12-1 scheme. Whenever I checked my method against the traditional method, the Victor was usually the same, but not always. On looking at this again, I might score the 2nd house with 2.
I couldn't recreate the chart for the other guy who posted on FB so I wasn't able to look at why the scores turned out that way.
These points systems are only a guide and it is down to the astrologer to interpret the results. Sometimes the algorithm supports the interpretation, and sometimes it doesn't. Any scoring system will be like this.
I hope that helps. Ed