Author Topic: Krishnamurti KP significators table  (Read 9660 times)

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Krishnamurti KP significators table
« on: June 08, 2021, 01:25:19 PM »

I found out just yesterday about your great astrological software. I installed it and am amazed with the so many traditional astrological calculations it offers. And it is free - thank you!

I have a request. Could you please program and add the Krishnamurti table to the Vedic module? It divides the Zodiac into 249 parts, ruled by each of the 9 planets in Indian Astrology. It is used for extracting specific information from the chart, such as telling why twins can have major differences in their lives. If you are interested, I can provide a screenshot of the table taken from an example chart.

This KP significators table can also be used for sports investing, which is something I am also interested in. If Planetdance can calculate and display the strength in points of the lord of the Asc vs the strength in points of the lord of the Dsc, that would be fantastic. Calculations are easy to do, but it would save a lot of the time over the long run. I can make a table and show you what I mean. This is based on American astrologer Simon's Chokoisky's book Gambler's Dharma - Sports Betting with Vedic Astrology. Given that Planetdance offers a Vedic module with the needed D9 chart, I am sure that other astrologers would appreciate this as well since currently no paid professional software that I know of provides this calculation.

Thank you for your consideration.  :)


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Re: Krishnamurti KP significators table
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2021, 06:00:02 PM »
Hi Zagata - thanks for getting in touch. I'm pleased that you are happy with the software. It's good to have your feedback. I'm happy to look at your requests. Please put more details in this listing and I will look at coding this for you in the Vedic module. I like to put features in that aren't found elsewhere - it makes the software unique.

Best wishes. Ed


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Re: Krishnamurti KP significators table
« Reply #2 on: June 08, 2021, 08:23:10 PM »
Hi Zagata - is this the sort of thing you are looking for? Ed


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Re: Krishnamurti KP significators table
« Reply #3 on: June 09, 2021, 12:05:47 AM »
Hi Ed,

Thank you for considering my request. Yes, the table you have attached is very similar.

Let me show you what I specifically mean by using an example chart:

1) This is a Krishnamurti table that is found in many places on the Internet:

I have compared the table with the one given in Simon Chokoisky's book and they match.

2) I have used and attached the Turkey vs Italy football match of the Euro Championship that will be played on 11th of June 2011 at 9.00 pm at the Olimpico Stadium in Rome, Italy (12E 27, 41N56, GMT+2). Lahiri ayanamsha is used and Placidus houses. Asc 1.13.16 Sag, MC 25.07.03 Vir, Moon 11.40.54 Gem.

3) I have attached the Krishnamurti sublords table for this match. Only the 9 traditional planets in Vedic Astrology are used here.

4) I have attached the rules given by Simon in his book on how to allot points to significators.

5) And finally, I have manually calculated the points of only the significators we are interested in for (sports) prediction: 1st sublord (Venus) vs 7th sublord (Mercury). Only the 9 traditional planets in Vedic Astrology are used here. Sublord 1 gets +6 points, Sublord 7 gets - 4 points. The total result is a 10 point difference to the favourite (Italy in this case), written at +10. This is the most important part and one I am sincerely hoping you will program.

If the chart had shown -5 for the favorite and +4 for the underdog, there would have been a 9 point difference and since it is for the underdog, we write it as - 9. The reason is the points of the favourite are written as + and of the underdog as -.

If there is anything that is not clear by my post, please ask and I will explain.

Best regards,

« Last Edit: June 09, 2021, 12:15:07 AM by Zagata »


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Re: Krishnamurti KP significators table
« Reply #4 on: June 09, 2021, 06:37:00 AM »
Hi there - thanks Zagata - I will take a look at this for you. The main challenge is that sign, star and sublord table - is there any pattern to the division of the nakshatras? It looks quite random to me. Best wishes. Ed


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Re: Krishnamurti KP significators table
« Reply #5 on: June 09, 2021, 12:20:12 PM »
Hi Ed,

I believe it would help if you think of the Krishnamurti sublords table as the table of Egyptian bounds. As to the rationale of the Krishnamurti sublords table, each of the 9 planets in Vedic Astrology is assigned to each of the 27 nakshatras as a "star lord" in the following sequence:

Ketu, Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury.

The cycle repeats itself 3 times to cover all the 27 nakshatras. The star lord of each nakshatra determines the planetary period known as Vimshottari Dasha. As Simon explains, Krishnamurti's genius was taking the dasha-bhukti (main lord and secondary planetary period lord) division of time and and turning it into a division of space, but instead of calling them bhuktis, he called them sublords (which are divisions of space).

Every nakshatra has star a lord for the whole nakshatra and a sublord for the division of the nakshatra. Each sublord is proportional to its length to its span in the Vimshottari Dasha system:

Ketu 7 years, Venus 20 years, Sun 6 years, Moon 10 years, Mars 7 years, Rahu 18 years, Jupiter 16 years, Saturn 19 years, Mercury 17 years.

The star lord of every nakshatra is always its first sublord as well.  So there is a good rationale for this division. It is more rational than the one for the Egyptian bounds.  :)

I forgot to give the table of how Simon Chokoisky divides the houses into positive and negative. I have attached it.

Let me explain how I calculated the values of the sublord of the 1st house vs the sublord of the 7th house in the Turkey vs Italy football match. The 1st house is always the favourite (shown by the odds) and the 7th house always shows the underdog. The table from my previous post shows that the sublord of the 1st house is Venus, because the Krishnamurti sublords table shows so (Venus rules the space between 0.46.40 and 03.00.00 Sag). Mercury is the 7th sublord according to the table (it rules the space from 0 to 01.53.20 Gem).

All we have to do is compare the strength of the sublord of the 1st vs the sublord of the 7th house. Using the Krishnamurti-Chokoisky sublord 1 vs sublord 7 table for Turkey vs Italy and the table I have attached here that shows the values of the houses:

We see that Venus is the house lord of the 6th and 11th houses. This adds +1 and +4 (because there are no other planets in the house) points to it from Column A. 
Checking Column B, we see that Venus is not related there, so we cannot add or subtract points.
Checking Column C we see that Venus is in the 7th, so we subtract - 3 points from its score. 
Checking Column D we see that Venus is related to the 6th house, in the sense that it is in a Nakshatra ruled by the planets in the 6th Placidus house (no 5 degree rule) - Rahu, Mercury, Sun. Venus is at 17 Gem, or Ardra Nakshatra ruled by Rahu (from 6.40 to 20 Gem). Thus it gets +4 points.

Putting it together, Venus has 5 points from Column A, 0 from Column B, -3 from Column C and +4 from Column D = +6 points to Venus, sublord 1.

As for sublord 7 Mercury, we see that Mercury is the house lord of the 7th and 10th houses. This gives -1 and +4 (because there are no other planets in the house) points to it from Column A. 
Checking Column B, we see that Mercury is related to the 5th and the 12th house, which means we subtract -4 for the 5th (only planets in Columns A and B) and -2 points for the 12th.
Checking Column C we see that Mercury is in the 6th house, so we add +3 points to its score. 
Checking Column D we see that Mercury is related to the 7th house, in the sense that it is in a Nakshatra ruled by the planets in the 7th Placidus house (no 5 degree rule) - Moon, Venus, Mars. Mercury is at 25 Tau, or Mrigashirsha Nakshatra ruled by Mars (from 23.20 Tau to 6.40 Gem). Thus it gets -4 points to its score.

Putting it together, Mercury has +3 points from Column A, -6 from Column B, +3 from Column C and -4 from Column D = -4 points to Mercury, sublord 7.

Summary: sublord of the 1st house = +6 vs sublord of the 7th house = -4 = +10 points to the favourite

It took me a while to write the calculation down, but in practice it is way quicker. Once the Krishnamurti sublords table is added and the values of the houses are input, the rest is dividing and subtracting.

Best regards,
« Last Edit: June 09, 2021, 12:22:18 PM by Zagata »


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Re: Krishnamurti KP significators table
« Reply #6 on: June 09, 2021, 12:57:25 PM »
Hi Zagata - thanks for this helpful reply. The proportional division of the nakshatra makes the coding easing! Hopefully I will have this module out by the end of the weekend. Thanks for the request. I've wanted to include some sports astrology in Planetdance.

We will see if Italy wins on Friday! You have a good chance to test this method with the Euro Championships starting soon. Perhaps you would be able to start a thread about your predictions for the results.

By the way, I will move this thread to the vedic sub-board now.

Best wishes. Ed


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Re: Krishnamurti KP significators table
« Reply #7 on: June 09, 2021, 01:00:46 PM »
i just hope the dutch are defeated soon, whole streets are colored with orange flags and the like here, i'm not going there for awhile.  :-\
Greetings from Groningen Netherlands.


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Re: Krishnamurti KP significators table
« Reply #8 on: June 09, 2021, 01:03:09 PM »
Hi Jean - I am keen to see Zagata's methods in action. Let's hope the Dutch predictions favour an early exit so that you can get some peace and quite. Ed


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Re: Krishnamurti KP significators table
« Reply #9 on: June 09, 2021, 06:54:35 PM »
Hi Zagata - here are the sublord divisions. Does this look right to you.

Here is the code too!

r1 = 0;
  i = 0; for (i < 27){
    j = 0; for (j < 9){
      r = 360 / 27 * (dashaYears[(i + j) % 9] / 120);
      r1 += r;
      putrealnumber(300 + j * 80, 10 + i * 20, r1, 2);
      if (j = 0){
         if (nakRuler[i % 9] > -1)
            putplanet(270, 10 + i * 20, nakRuler[i % 9]);
             objectsymbol(270, 10 + i * 20, 3);}
      if (j % 9 != 0){
         if (nakRuler[(i + j) % 9] > -1)
            putplanet(270 + j * 80, 10 + i * 20, nakRuler[(i + j) % 9]);
             objectsymbol(270 + j * 80, 10 + i * 20, 3);}}}



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Re: Krishnamurti KP significators table
« Reply #10 on: June 09, 2021, 07:03:55 PM »
Hi Ed,

I was just composing a message. I will later check your sublords table and reply. Here is my message:

Thank you very much, Ed. I will look forward to testing it out.

As for whether Italy will win against Turkey, this particular calculation definitely suggests so. Having said, it is very important to keep in mind that the sublord table is just one of about 8 elements that one needs to take into account and compare.

Jean, the method uses an event chart, that is, a chart drawn for the exact start of any match. Because of that, it cannot predict whether a team will advance to the next phase or be eliminated, unless one examines a given team's matches one by one. So, short of a valid horary question or another method of divination, I know of no other way to determine that.

Ed, I am so glad that to hear that you are interested in including some Sports Astrology in Planetdance.

Indeed, I will be testing this method on the Euro and on Copa America, also starting next week. I had not decided whether to create a Sports Astrology section on my website, so the idea of opening a thread here is a good one.  :)

Best regards,


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Re: Krishnamurti KP significators table
« Reply #11 on: June 09, 2021, 07:25:57 PM »
Zagata, i was just joking. Good luck with the module.
Greetings from Groningen Netherlands.


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Re: Krishnamurti KP significators table
« Reply #12 on: June 09, 2021, 08:36:10 PM »
Hi Zagata - we're on the way! This is the hard bit done.

set(r1, 0);
  putstring(10, 10, "Hse");
  putstring(40, 10, "Sign");
  putstring(75, 10, "Deg");
  putstring(130, 10, "Lord");
  putstring(170, 10, "Nak");
  putstring(210, 10, "Sub");
  i = 0; for (i < 27){
    j = 0; for (j < 9){
      k = 0; for (k < HOUSES){
        r = 360 / 27 * (dashaYears[(i + j) % 9] / 120);
        if (kpHouses[k] > r1 && kpHouses[k] < normalize(r1 + r)){
           putnumber(10, 40 + k * 30, k + 1);
           putsign(40, 40 + k * 30, kpHouses[k] / 30);
           strset(s, "%a", kpHouses[k]);
           putstring(70, 40 + k * 30, s);
           putplanet(130, 40 + k * 30, ruler[kpHouses[k] / 30]);
           n =  kpHouses[k] / 360 * 27;
           if (n % 9 != 0)
              putplanet(170, 40 + k * 30, nakRuler[n % 9]);
               objectsymbol(170, 40 + k * 30, 3);
           if ((i + j) % 9 != 0)
              putplanet(210, 40 + k * 30, nakRuler[(i + j) % 9]);
               objectsymbol(210, 40 + k * 30, 3);}}
        r1 += r;}}



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Re: Krishnamurti KP significators table
« Reply #13 on: June 09, 2021, 09:29:00 PM »
I see, Jean. Thank you for the wishes.

Ed, I know nothing about programming, so I can't appreciate the code that you are showing me.  :)

I checked your Krishnamurti sublords table and unfortunately it has errors. While the 9 planets follow each other in that sequence, there are some exceptions to this rule in the table. In the correct table Ketu is skipped, Venus is skipped, Rahu is repeated, etc.

Also, the calculations must include the seconds of arc as we are dealing with she smallest of divisions. For example 0.46.40 Ari would become 0.7730. (Sports) events don't always start at that minute, which could change the sublords.

I have a word format version of the Krishnamurti table link that I quoted earlier. Would you like me to attach it here?

Best regards,


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Re: Krishnamurti KP significators table
« Reply #14 on: June 09, 2021, 10:15:40 PM »
Hi - thanks for the feedback. I'll take another look. Ed