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Re: Euro 2020 - Predictions for Knock Out Stages
« Reply #15 on: July 06, 2021, 05:52:26 PM »
Hi Ed,

Congratulations on your correct predictions so far. I just published mine for the semifinals. Looking forward to yours.  :)


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Re: Euro 2020 - Predictions for Knock Out Stages
« Reply #16 on: July 06, 2021, 06:26:56 PM »
Thanks Zagata - this is a very interesting comparison between two systems. My system is still evolving but it's offering interesting insights. I like Chokoisky's system, but I've never felt that the sidereal zodiac gives me good results. It's a personal preference based on my experience, but the tropical zodiac seems more effective to me. We might live under the stars, but our lives are marked by the passage of the seasons.


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Re: Euro 2020 - Predictions for Knock Out Stages
« Reply #17 on: July 06, 2021, 06:30:58 PM »
SF1 - Italy vs. Spain

Italy are favourites here, and in my view the astrology is with the bookmakers on this one. Italy will win and progress to the final.

Although the bound lords of H1, H10 and H7 are malefic, and potentially favour the 'dog, and Mars is in the bounds of Saturn, Saturn itself is in the bounds of Venus. In fact there is a mutual reception by bounds between Saturn and Venus. Although I am not entirely clear on this reception symbolism yet, as the system is very new, there are so many factors relating to the benefics for the favourite Italy that I feel that they will win and eliminate the Spanish side.

Venus is the almuten of the 4th house representing the outcome and scores heavily in this position, being the ruler of Taurus, a triplicity ruler and bound lord of the IC. Venus is the natural co-significator of the favourites. Fortune and the Moon are both in the bounds of Venus, as is Jupiter the natural and primary significator of the favourite.

There are some unknowns with this system at the moment, including Moon, ruler of the hour, conjunct the north node, traditionally thought to be a malefic point in the chart, but its next aspect after the node is to sextile Venus, before it trines Saturn.

In game commentary. Italy are 1-0 up, with the Spanish having had most of the ball. About 15 minutes to go in the match. Now 1-1 in the 80th minute. The Spanish are making the most of those malefics ruling the first, tenth and seventh dominating around 67% of the possession. 1-1 in the first 90 minutes. Extra time. This might go to penalties.

The symbolism of the malefics on three out of four of the angles is giving Spain plenty of astrological support. The question is whether the mutual reception by bound is a relevant factor here. If it is I still favour the Italians to win. However, if mutual reception doesn't play a role, with Venus in the bounds of Saturn Spain have the edge. Interestingly the underdog Swiss beat the French with the ascendant in the bounds of Saturn, albeit with Capricorn rising rather than Sagittarius. Still lots to learn about this system of sports astrology.

Post-match commentary.

A close call for the bookmakers and astrologer. Italy through to the final on penalties 4-2 after a tied match. The learning from this game is that the bound lords of the angles are absolutely essential to understand the match. With malefics being bound lords of 3 out of 4 angles, the favourites were never going to have an easy game. Mars was bound lord of H1 and H10, and Saturn was bound lord of H7. H10 seems to describe the match well, with Mars, being the ruler, almuten and bound lord of the angle, showing Spain with plenty to play for in the game despite being the 'dog.

I still need time to reflect on the symbolism of the mutual reception by bound between Venus and Saturn. However my initial view is that this symbolism reinforces the rulership of the bounds of Venus and Saturn. So, in this instance, Venus, being the bound lord of the IC, gives its full testimony as the natural co-significator of the favourite without being diminished by being in the bounds of Saturn itself. Similarly, for Saturn, the natural significator of the underdog, is able to act in Saturnian bounds with its full testimony despite being in the bounds of Venus, lending support to the favourite's opponent. On the whole, an interesting match from an astrological point of view, with plenty to take away and learn.

Bookmakers 2, Astrologer 1 (both backed the favourite)


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Re: Euro 2020 - Predictions for Knock Out Stages
« Reply #18 on: July 07, 2021, 06:23:14 PM »
SF2 - England vs. Denmark

In this match the English are heavily favoured by the bookmakers. However, the astrology presents us with a dilemma. The match venue and time are identical to yesterday's match: Wembley at 8PM. Hence the two charts are very similar. This is an interesting test for sports astrology.

The differences between the two charts are these:

Day ruler - Mercury (yesterday Mars)
Hour ruler - Mars (yesterday Moon)
Moon has moved to 20 GE 34, and approaches the conjunction of Mercury, the primary significator of the underdog, having passed the sextile to Mars.
Fortune has moved from Mars ruled Scorpio and the bounds of Jupiter, to Jupiter ruled Sagittarius and the bounds of Jupiter.
Mercury has moved from the bounds of Mars to the bounds of Saturn.
Venus is now beseiged between Mars opposite Saturn.

The bound lords of the angles remain the same, with Venus both ruling the fourth and being the bound lord of the IC. Venus remains the most powerful house almuten and signifies the outcome of the match. Benefics are almutens for the first (favourite) and fourth (outcome) houses. Malefics are the almutens of the tenth (match) and seventh ('dog - co-almuten Mercury).

This could be another tough match for the favourites. Denmark, like Spain, with malefics ruling the bounds of 3 out of 4 angles, could dominate possession and territory during the match. The game could go into extra time or even penalties, based on yesterday's match. A malefic hour ruler, Mars, adds further astrological support to the underdogs, with the lesser malefic being a co-significator for England's opponents.

I am still going to say that the favourite will win. England are likely to progress to the final against Italy. I think England will have to fight for every inch of territory and possession, and may have to go to extra time or even penalties. However the mutual reception by bound between Venus and Saturn is still in play. On balance I think this tips the match England's way.

Venus is, however, in a very challenging position - beseiged between Mars and Saturn, in the bounds of Saturn in Leo. The Sun ruler of Leo is in the bounds of powerful Mercury. This lends further emphasis to the power of the 'dog. The beseigement of Venus is the Dane's trump card. I don't have enough evidence with this system to be able to decode the symbolism, but in traditional astrology this would be a highly malefic environment for a benefic, and would be considered to destroy the benign significations of the planet.

If this match had been scheduled for 7.45PM, just fifteen minutes earlier, all angles would have been in the bounds of the malefics. In this case I would have not have hesitated to call for the underdog, against the bookmakers.

This game will be a very interesting test for the importance of the hour ruler and the concept of beseigement. However, it remains to be seen whether a malefic hour ruler and the beseigement can overcome the testimony of the fourth house, a highly Venusian position, symbolising the outcome of the match. The mutual reception by bound between Venus and Saturn may just be England's get out of jail card. With Venus as the co-significator of the favourite being the ruler, bound lord and triplicity lord of the fourth, I think England will just make it into the final, courtesy of being received by bound by Saturn.

In game commentary. 1-1 with about 15 minutes of the second half to go. England have had the bigger share of possession, but the match seems pretty evenly poised, with extra time pending. 1-1 at the end of normal time - it's going to extra time.

Post-match commentary.

England won 2-1 in extra time. They will be heading to the final vs. Italy. This game has been very interesting from an astrological point of view. It seems the beseigement of Venus, the malefic hour ruler and the Moon's pending application to L7 Mercury were not sufficient to overturn the Venusian symbolism of the fourth house. In my view the reception by bounds between Venus and Saturn did work in favour of England, just giving them the edge in this match.

Bookmakers 2, Astrologer 1 (both predicted the favourite to win)


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Re: Euro 2020 - Predictions for Knock Out Stages
« Reply #19 on: July 10, 2021, 03:31:59 PM »
Hi Ed,

Very interesting analysis on your part. I will be checking this indication about the bound lords and the angles.

Let me just say that I am using the sidereal Zodiac only because Simon's system is based on it and because it contains Indian Astrology techniques that are not present in Ancient Astrology.

I will not be making a prediction for the Euro 2020 final because the odds are so close that there is hardly any favourite. This is one drawback not only in Simon's system but also in other sports astrological ones.


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Re: Euro 2020 - Predictions for Knock Out Stages
« Reply #20 on: July 10, 2021, 07:01:15 PM »
Hi Zagata - the odds are very close aren't they. May be too close to predict. I'm going to look at match analysis soon. Ed


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Re: Euro 2020 - Predictions for Knock Out Stages
« Reply #21 on: July 11, 2021, 04:53:58 PM »
Indeed, Ed. I mean, I want to predict, I want to test and improve the system with many matches from many sports. However, when the odds are such, the only thing that remains is horary or divination. Since I have no interest or stake in this match, I can't use these either.


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Re: Euro 2020 - Predictions for Knock Out Stages
« Reply #22 on: July 11, 2021, 09:39:23 PM »
Hi there - as Zagata says, this match presents the challenge of choosing between two sides who are almost equally favoured by the bookmakers. England, however, have a slight advantage according to the odds presented by bookies. Hence I will count the English as favourites. I am running a bit behind with my prediction, which is presented about half an hour into the match, with England 1-0 ahead.

I won't present a detailed analysis of this match, as many of the factors relevant in the previous England match still apply, including the beseiged Venus. However Capricorn rises, being ruled by the natural significator of the underdog Italy. The ascendant is in the bounds of Mercury, setting in the final few minutes of its own sign Gemini. Cancer sets, ruled by the Moon, and the Moon is in the bounds of Venus. The mutual reception by bounds between Venus and Saturn still applies, which seems to ameliorate the impact of the widening opposition between Mars and Saturn. The moon is just about to intervene between Venus and Saturn, temporarily removing the beseigement. Moon applies to Venus.

In my view the Venusian fourth house and the mutual reception between Venus and Saturn by bounds, shows that the favourite (albeit slight favourite) will be difficult to overturn. Hence it seems likely that the English team will prosper on this occasion and become Champions of Europe.

Post match commentary. Italy won this on penalties so they become the champions!

Bookmakers 2, Astrologer 1 (both predictions failed as the underdog won)

I think there are a number of learning points here.

1. I did this prediction very quickly, and didn't give the chart due attention. Mercury on the descendant may have symbolically been a representation of myself, as astrologer, in this circumstance.
2. The bookmakers had the teams evenly matched in terms of odds. Whilst it seems to take a lot of astrological symbolism to support the 'dog winning over a heavy favourite, in a more evenly match game, the reverse is true, and apparently very minor symbolic details may turn the outcome in favour of the 'dog.
3. Dynamic factors - these have not been brought into match analysis in earlier games, but in this match they seem to be decisive. Fundamentally, as ordinary time went on, Saturn was bought closer to the ascendant, and crucially, Mercury changed signs. This occurred at 21:37, probably around the time that ordinary match time expired. There was also a change of sign on the MC/IC axis in the final phase of the match and Gemini, a Mercury ruled sign came onto the fourth house cusp. This occurred at 21:32. According to the realtime text commentary on the Guardian newspaper website, the Italians equalised at around 21:28. The IC then entered the bounds of Mercury signifying a shift in the balance of the game. Mercury also began to approach Jupiter by trine.
4. With Mercury's move into Cancer, it entered the bounds of Mars, and a new mutual reception by bounds was established with Mars, which started and ended the match in the bounds of Mercury. Mars is the natural co-significator of the underdog in this system, so as extra time goes on we have the IC in Gemini, ruled by Mercury, and Mercury in mutual reception with Mars by bounds. Saturn also moved to within a few degrees of the ascendant and was due to rise.
5. The shootout began at 22:45. At this point we have L4 Mercury, and the IC in the bounds of Mars, and L10 Jupiter and the MC in the bounds of Mercury. The bounds of Saturn rise in Aquarius, a Saturn ruled sign, and the bounds of Mars set in Leo. Moon has moved into the bounds of Saturn and is tightly opposing Saturn. In a finely balanced match, these factors look symbolically decisive for Italy.
6. These factors seem to bear out my earlier speculation that extra time and/or penalties may be seen as new contests with new charts. The shootout chart is attached below.

I have also attached the dynamic chart factors analysis that occur within 4 hours of the match. Moon switches bounds at 22:12. Further analysis has shown that it is rare to have planets change sign or bounds during match time. This suggests that any sign or bounds changes must be noted and weighed in any prediction.

So. My conclusions are:

This system may well be, with some practice and refinement, as good as the bookmakers at predicting the outcome of major matches. Where the odds are evenly balanced, a good deal of work has to go into the match analysis to tease out the decisive factors. Where there are significant dynamic changes during the match, such as planets changing sign in real time, the chart will need extensive analysis to re-work the symbolism. Sometimes this will be a major factor in whether a successful prediction is made or not. I think the general outline of the symbolism seems to hold true, meaning that the natural significations and the interpretation of the lords and bound rulers of the angles seem to be key to making a successful prediction.