Hi everyone,
It is time to put Planetdance in action with Sports Astrology predictions.
Note: About 90% of this method is based on American Jyotish astrologer Simon Chokoisky as described in his book Gambler’s Dharma - Winning with Vedic Astrology. Simon says that the method works with about 70% accuracy. His book contains about 40 example charts of real events that he bet money on and won, and he has the betting slips to prove it. As far as I know, Simon has been into the crypto currencies market for the past 3 years. Anyhow, my point is I have been researching his system and trying to improve its accuracy. As a result, I have had some valuable discoveries that improve the accuracy of the system, but it is a long journey. This will be the first time I share this on a public forum. Lastly, this analysis and prediction includes astrological methods only, that is, it does not take into account any sports factors, such as injuries of key players, suspensions, etc.
Special Note: This is being done for research purposes, at least as of writing this. If someone wishes to bet money on these Sports Astrology predictions, a whole other can of worms is opened. By that I mean, one has to know whether winning like this is promised in their nativity. On top of that, there are a number of rules of when NOT to bet. This is examined in detail in Simon’s book. Simon says he lost thousands of dollars and learned the hard way! Please do not assume you are above those rules!
The Match: Turkey vs Italy - 11 June 2021, 9.00 pm local time in Rome, ItalyThe first match I will examine and predict is Turkey vs Italy. The odds are 7.00 for Turkey to win, 3.80 for a draw and 1.55 for Italy to win.
In this method, as in the Western method, the favourite is always given the Asc and its lord while the underdog is given the Dsc and its lord. To these are added the 10th house and its lord for the favourite and the 4th house and its lord for the underdog. The favourite is determined by the odds the bookmakers, which are sort of a consensus reality. I am in Europe and have always used decimal odds. So, the smaller odds always show the favourite. E.g. 1.55 for Italy means that if one bets 100 euro, they will get back their 100 euro + earn 55 euro in profit. Likewise, if someone bets 100 euro that the match will end in draw, they will win their 100 back + 280 euro in profit.
I am writing these basic explanations for the opening match and will not be repeating them for any other matches I examine and publish here.
The MethodThe method comes from Indian Astrology/Jyotish and hence uses the sidereal Zodiac. Simon used Krishnamurti ayanamsha but then switched to Krishnamurti New, which is pretty much equals Lahiri. Whole Sign Houses are used, as well as the Placidus house system, which Krishnamurti used. Lastly, you must have the exact start of the match. In some cases a difference of 30-40 seconds, which is common in football, will weaken or even change some key points. The method uses the classical 9 planets in Indian Astrology. Trans-Saturnian planets, “Indian” planets Gulika and Upaketu, and a few asteroids are ONLY used if they are conj the house cusps given below within 2.00 degrees. So do not be alarmed when you see a chart full of unknown glyphs.
The favourite/fav gets houses 1, 3, 6, 10, 11.
The underdog gets the same houses from its house, that is, 7, 9, 12, 4, 5.
Victory House TechniqueMalefics in the whole sign houses. The malefics are Saturn, Mars, Sun, Rahu/North Node, and Ketu/South Node.
Points range from 2.5 to 4 per planet. If a planet is in its exaltation, its gets +0.5 or even +1. If it also has directional strength/dig bala, it gets +0.5 or +1. If a planet is walking back/”retrograde” it gets an additional 0.5.
The benefics can act as malefics and give points only if they are exaggerated: “retrograde”, exalted, or in its own domicile and combust. Possibly also when they are their own nakshatra lords.
The favourite gets +2.5 points here because the Sun and Rahu are in the 6th and Ketu only is in the 12th.
SKY/PKY YogasWhen there is one or more benefics in the 12th and one or more in the 2nd, from the Asc or from the 7th, i.e. in the 6th and 8th whole sign house, this is called a SKY configuration. It is very favourable and gives 7-9 points depending on the planets and their zodiacal state.
Conversely, when there are malefics in these places, hemming in the Asc or Dsc, a PKY configuration is formed. It is negative, but Simon says it is not as negative as the SKY is positive for sports. It deducts - 7 points.
Here we have a PKY afflicting the Dsc/underdog, because the Sun and Rahu are in the 6th WS and Mars is in the 8th WS. That hurts the underdog. We write it as +7, because when + is given, it shows points to the favourite. When - is given, shows points added to the underdog.
Notice that Ketu and Saturn are hemming in the Asc and forming a PKY. Having said that, Ketu is not real planet, it is not visible in the sky, so this PKY is weaker than the other one and hence afflicts the favourite less. I would give it -4 points.
Other rules Neither L1 nor L7 is combust. There is no planetary war either (when the relevant significators are conjunct within 1 degree of longitude).
There is mutual reception/generosity between Mercury and Venus, but I would not use it because both are in houses assigned to different teams, not one team. Otherwise it can give 3-4 points, depending on zodiacal state.
Lord 1 or lord 7 does not rule the day (Venus) or planetary hour (Mars). Otherwise I assign 3 points when it rules the hour and 5 points if it rules both. Simon does not mention these.
Cuspal StrengthNo planet or asteroid is conjunct the 1st, 7th, 10th, 4th, 6th or 12th house cusp. Otherwise the (classical) planets give 7-9 points depending on orb and nature. Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Gulika, Upaketu or asteroids give 7 points. The orb is 2.30 degrees for planets and 2.00 degrees for the others. It can only be slightly extended (15 to 30 min) if a planet is exalted or “retrograde”, but be careful with this orb extension. No planets are conj cusps, so I will not elaborate here is it will become way too long. There are no stolen cusps either. For the definitions, I refer those interested to Simon’s book.
Navamsha/D9 Strength and Navamsha combos in D9 Asc or DscPlanets conj the D9 Asc degree or D9 Dsc degree within 2.30 degrees. Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Chiron, Upaketu, Gulika within 2.00 degrees. Planetdance does not show the degrees of the divisional/varga charts, so I had to calculate them by hand or use other software. If Planetdance can show the degress that would be really useful. There are no contacts/activations in the D9 chart. Again, I am not gonna elaborate here is it will become way too long.
No D9 planetary combos in this chart.
Krishnamurti Sublords Table Strength of Sublord vs Sublord 7We are only interested in the comparison between sublord of the 1st house vs the sublord of the 7th cusp. This calculation takes time, which is why I registered and asked Ed if he would program it. I already calculated the table and explained in detail how it is done here:
https://jcremers.com/forum/index.php/topic,162.0.htmThe file, which I have attached here as well, is called: Krishnamurti-Chokoisky sublord 1 vs sublord 7 table for Turkey vs Italy.
Here the favourite gets a 10+ point advantage.
Sublord ArrayWhen all 12 sublords from the Krishnamurti table (also given in the above post as well as table) occupy house assigned to one of the teams, that gives a 7-9 point boost. In other words, if the sublords of all the 12 house cusps are situated, by whole sign houses, either in 1, 3, 6, 10, 11, or in 7, 9, 12, 4, 5, that team gets these points.
Since the 8th and 2nd houses are neutral in this method, if say 2 sublords fall there, while the remaining ones fall in the houses of the fav or the dog, the boost can still be counted as valid, though I would give it 7 points, not 9.
Simon also says that if this method does not apply to a chart to examine whether sublord 1, 7, and 10 fall in the houses assigned to either the fav or the dog. For this particular submethod
only, treat the 8th as belonging to the fav and the 2nd as belonging to the dog. Whoever has this, gets 3 points.
No sublord array nor the weaker one is present in this chart.
Navamsha syllables for the 10th house cuspThere is a table of the 108 sounds of the Navamsha syllables of the Zodiac. The reasons they are 108 is because one “sign”/zoidion/image is divided into 9 parts as per the Navamsha/Novenaria. Again, the sidereal Zodiac is used. This is an Ancient Hindu tradition.
The MC degree is 25.07 Virgo = the 8th part of Vir - from 23.20 to 26.40 Vir, which corresponds to the “Pe” sound. Neither Italy nor Turkey have that sound as the begining of their name, so no points are assigned. In the rare occasions this happens, a team gets 14-18 points!
Fixed StarsSimon comes from the Jyotish tradition, where they do not use that many stars. They focus on the nakshatras. Simon gives about 15 fixed stars that work in his experience and says that more research needs to be done. He uses the stars by conjunction by longitude, regardless of whether the star is on the ecliptic. He does not examine the issue whether a fixed star that does not rise on the local horizon can be used either. The ancients were emphatic that it cannot be used.
The orb is 1.00 degrees, preferably even smaller. The smaller the orb, the more powerful the effect. The primary significators are the 1st, 10th, 7th and 4th cusps and their lords. Simon says he focuses mainly on the cusps, and he also uses the stars conj the 6th or 12th cusp, but one has to sort of read between the lines to get the latter explanation.
This chart does not have any activation by the stars give by Simon.
However, the Asc is conj 3 malefic stars in the Scorpion: Lesath (Up Sco)- 4 min, Schaula (M6 Sco) + 30 min, Aculeus (Lam Sco) +40 min. In my research so far, these stars are really malefic. I give about 7 points to a star, but not in this case, because it would overwhelm the entire chart. I guess one could deduct 10 or 12 points from the favourite. If Planetdance can be made to show the fixed stars conjunct the planets and angles within the Planetdance main chart, that would be fantastic. I tried and it shows them but I could not see the degrees of the stars. Also, if Planetdance could show them conjunct just by longitude, not by declination, that would be great.
Lastly, the star Mirach (B Andromeda, of the nature of Venus) is very closely positioned on the IC by paran. Simon does not mention the parans at all, but I have found some of them to be really powerful. By paran, of course, I mean the real ones used by the ancients, not the pseudo ones that Bernadette Brady came up with in which every chart has dozens of parans. I mean degrees and stars of the 36 extra-zodiacal constellations that co-rise at a given location. Parans are extremely sensitive to location! And their orb/influence lasts for mere minutes at that location, not for 1-2 days as with fixed stars. For those that want to know more, I recommend this video called Hellenistic Parans (ignore the fact that Davic Cockhrane uses the wrong year for the chart in question):
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9yXcoBMDyEUnfortunately, as far as I know only Sirius software calculates the parans correctly. This is a crucial technique that ancient astrologers used. It would be really useful, not just for Sports Astrology but for helping people, if Planetdance could offer this calculation. It measures the stars by right ascension for the Meridian and by altitude for the horizon. I use Rumen Kolev’s Porphyry Magus software for this, but it only shows the exact orb for the Asc, not for the other angles. For the other angles one must visually check if a major star is on them. See the attached file. I circled Mirach on the IC by paran. Again, this configuration would either be with a much larger orb in other cities in the same country, or it would be valid at some other time of the day. And this is provided the star rises on that location, which it does here as Andromeda is a very northern constellation and Italy is 40N+ latitude.
As to the effect of Mirach, while it is positive in nativities, I am not sure in sports charts. More research is needed. I have seen the alpha star of Andromeda, Alpheratz, as possibly positive though.
Summary and Prediction
Simons’ system would show 19.5 points to the favorite Italy vs 4 points to the underdog Turkey. This is a 15.5 points difference.
If one uses the stars in the Scorpion as afflicting the favourite, as I would, and gives them at least 12 points, then it becomes 19.5 vs 16.5 = a 3 point difference.
Simon says that his research shows that for “soccer” a 3 point difference generally shows a winning difference by 1 goal.
So, according to his system, it would mean that Italy would win by at least 2 goals, to put it conservatively.
According to my system, if Italy wins, they would win by a 1 goal difference.
If the stars in the Scorpion are more malefic, or if Mirach of Andromeda gives a slight boost to the underdog, then the match would end in a draw.
I have to specify that is more important to determine whether a team would win or not, and now not by how many goals/points. Of course, it is more certain if the system shows that a given team has a bigger advantage in points.
What an essay post! My other ones will be shorter, but I wanted to explain the method.