Packers at the 49ers.
In the last Sunday night match the Packers travel to the 49ers stadium. The bookies predict a close match. The Packers odds are odds drifting as I write. The 49ers odds are tighening so the bookmakers are swinging behind the San Francisco team. The Packers are a strong defensive team, but are under-performing offensively, in rushing and passing. The 49ers are a solid team in all areas of the game, with stats that give them a mid-field position relative to their rivals.
Favourites - 49ers
Primary Natural Significator (PNS) - Jupiter
Jupiter is in the bounds of Mars, close to ascendant, having just risen at the start of the match
Primary Natural Co-Significator (PNC) - Venus
Venus is in the bounds of Mercury in Scorpio, a Mars ruled sign, in mutual reception with Mars, in angular WSH tenth
Ruler - Saturn
With Aquarius rising, the 49ers are Saturn ruled, with Saturn in Aquarius in the first WSH. Saturn is in the bounds of Venus
Bound Lord of the Ascendant - Saturn
The rising degree is in the bounds of Saturn, with Saturn in the first WSH in dignity.
Using refined method, Saturn is co-opted for the favourites, being the ruler of the first house and in the first house in its own sign in the bounds of Venus albeit retrograde. Co-option of a rival's natural significator seems to diminish the resources of the opponents, in this case the Packers who are underdogs.
The Packers
PNS - Saturn
For analysis of Saturn in this match chart see above. Saturn is lost to the dog as it is co-opted by the 49ers as favourites.
PNC - Mars
Mars is in Libra, ruled by Venus and in mutual reception with Venus. Mars is in the bounds of Mercury, in mixed reception with Venus by rulership and bound, and in mutual reception by bounds with Venus
Lord of the Descendant - Sun
With Leo setting, the Sun is signification for the Packers. The Sun in the bounds of Saturn in Venus ruled Libra. Sun is in the WSH ninth.
Bound Lord of the Descendant
Mars is the bound lord of the descendant degree, for further significations see PNC for the Packers
Outcome Significations
Lord of the Fourth - Mercury
With Gemini on the IC, the outcome is ruled by Mercury. The degree of the IC is in bounds of Jupiter. Mercury is in Libra, ruled by Venus. Mercury is approaching its station, being very slow in motion and due to retrograde very soon. Mercury is trine Jupiter. All planets are in air signs, except Venus.
Moon, changes bounds quite soon into match from Jupiter to Venus, both natural significators of the favourite. Moon separates from its trines to Sun, Mars and Saturn, and approaches trine Mercury and Jupiter. The Moon is the hour ruler of the chart.
This is a challenging game to predict. The weight of signification seems to be behind the 49ers as favourites. The PNS of the Packers, Saturn, has been co-opted by the favourites and seems to be working for them. The Packers strongest card is the bound lord of the descendant, being Mars, which is also the bound lord of Jupiter, the 49ers primary significator. However, Mars is in mutual reception with Venus, the PNC of the favourites. The Packers ruling planet, Sun, is in it's fall and in the bounds of Saturn.
The outcome is ruled by Mercury, in the bounds of Venus. With Venus in the bounds of Mercury, there is a mutual reception by bounds between the two of them. This suggests to me that Mercury, for all its unpredictability, works for the 49ers, and with the Packers' strongest significator, Mars, in the bounds of Mercury, with the trickster in mixed reception with Venus, the PNC for the favourites, I am tempted to say that the 49ers will steal the match. Mercury is due to retrograde very soon, perhaps suggesting a reversal of the bookies' fortunes, and that of the 49ers. However the bound lord of the IC is Jupiter, indicating a 49ers victory. The Moon, as hour ruler, is in the bounds of Jupiter, moving to the bounds of Venus in match time, and to the trine of Mercury and Jupiter.
With all planets bar Venus in air signs, the long passing game could be decisive. This pitches the 49ers Jimmy Garoppolo against the evergreen Aaron Rodgers, last year's MVP. With every phase of the game working for the Packers they would be favourites here, but after a stunning GB loss in week 1, the 49ers have more momentum at this early stage of the season.
The Packers could sneak this, but on balance, I think the bookies have this one right, and the 49ers will just prevail. Report
Packers 17 49ers 7
The 49ers get a last second TD in the second quarter to regain some ground on the Packers. However, it will be an uphill battle here for the SF team. This match is a good test for the interpretation of mutual receptions. I have said that the reception favours the 49ers, on the basis that Venus is the PNC for the 49ers (Venus as PNC for the 49ers in the WSH 10th angular trumps Mars as PNC for the Packers in the WSH 9th ). It's clear that Mercury, Venus and Mars are central to the outcome of the match (bound lord of IC is Jupiter and and Jupiter is in the bounds of Mars. Mars in turn is in the bounds of Mercury, Venus in mixed and mutual reception with Mercury), and on reflection there's no clear reason why the reception shouldn't favour the 'dog. The question is how to determine the priority of Mars over Venus or vice versa.
One option would be to look at the planets' relationship with the angles. In this match Mars is the bound lord of the descendant, clearly for the Packers as this angle is the underdog's primary position. Jupiter, the PNS for the favourite is in the bounds of Mars. Jupiter is also bound lord of the IC. Venus, on the other hand, doesn't feature as a significator for any position, by rulership or bound. Venus is in detriment, being opposite own of its own signs Taurus. Mars is also in detriment, being in Libra opposite one of the signs it rules, Aries. There doesn't seem to be anything to split the pair at this level.
If we look at planetary speed etc, we see that Mars is setting heliacally (losing it's power to the Sun as it is coming to the end of an heliacal cycle) and is moving at its own average speed. Venus on the other hand is fast, distant from the Sun (not combust or under beams) and heliacally rising. Venus is becoming stronger in relation to the Sun. This would be one possibility for determining the relative priority of Mars and Venus.
It may also be of note that the Packers own ruler, the Sun, is in fall in Libra being opposite the sign of its exaltation. Based on this analysis I think I will stand by my original prediction, but the outcome of the match is going to be instructive in the development of this system of sports astrology.
Midway through Q3 the 49ers are back in the match, 14-17 to the Packers.
The Packers won, just. The underdog won with a field goal inside the final minute of match. It was pretty clear that this would be a close match based on the astrology. I think the simplest learning point is that the winner must have bound lord symbolism in one of the key positions associated with the match. In this case, the 49ers did not have specific bound symbolism related to one of the angles, either the first, seventh or fourth house cusp. See analysis above relating to Venus and its relevance to the match and the 49ers chances.
However the bound lord of the IC is Jupiter, indicating a 49ers victory. This sentence is from the summary above. The error here is that Jupiter, correctly identified as the PNS for the favourites, the 49ers, is in the bounds of Mars. Mars, in mutual reception with Venus, creates the significations for the Packers' victory, with trickster Mercury in mutual reception with Venus by bound and mixed by rulership and bound. Mars is bound lord of the descendant, strengthening the Packers' hand. In the end, bound symbolism seems to be decisive, which is where this experiment began with the Euro finals.
So much was right! But the prediction was ultimately wrong.
Packers 30 49ers 28
Bookies 1 Astrologer 1 (both predictions were incorrect)
Success ratio:
Bookies 4/7 (57%)
Astrologer 4/7 (57%)