Author Topic: Liz Truss - Prime Minister's Diurnal Charts  (Read 2299 times)

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Liz Truss - Prime Minister's Diurnal Charts
« on: October 06, 2022, 08:13:36 PM »
Hi there - I have attempted a rectification of Liz Truss' chart, since no time is known. You can find a useful thread on skyscript about this:

One of the more interesting things about this chart, with 2 Scorpio rising, is that it brings this autumn's eclipses into sharp relief in relation to her premiership. This has already got off to a catastrophic start, with the Chancellor's precipitous 'mini-budget' which collapsed the pound.

However, based on this rectification, the eclipses of 25 October 2022 (solar) and 8 November 2022 (lunar) are particularly portentous.

The solar eclipse is at 2 Scorpio, directly on the rectified ascendant. An eclipse on Truss' horizon is not encouraging for her authority since eclipses are traditionally associated with the death or fall of monarchs, or rulers more generally.

Other factors in the diurnal chart for 25 October 2022 reinforce this sense of instability. Diurnal Uranus and Node are on the diurnal IC. This suggests the foundations of Truss' world will be shaken. Note that natal Mars is closely conjunct diurnal IC and the Uranus/Node conjunction. Note that the eclipse squares her natal Sun and is just past the conjunction to her natal Uranus (Sun and Uranus natally in an out of sign square).  Rising diurnal Pluto is square diurnal Mercury. This pair is trigger her natal Jupiter/Saturn/Mercury square.

In truth, Monday 24 October, the day prior to the eclipse, might presage the events of the Tuesday, with MPs returning from their constituencies with bad news from voters. I believe Truss may experience a dramatic ultimatum that reaches a crisis on the Tuesday, the day of the eclipse. On Monday 24 October, diurnal Uranus is exactly conjunct diurnal MC.

Notice that Truss' rectified lunar position, precisely square Neptune and opposite Venus, is in an 8th harmonic relationship with her Jupiter/Saturn square, and broadly with the Mercury and Saturn square. I think this gives Truss a significant vulnerability which is masked by the bull-like unaspected Mars in fixed sign Taurus.

I think that Truss might discover the limits of her forceful persona during these days, as Uranus shocks the natal Mars by transit, and this combination is triggered by the diurnal chart's meridian.

I will write more about the following lunar eclipse in the coming days.


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Re: Liz Truss - Prime Minister's Diurnal Charts
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2022, 02:21:21 PM »
Yesterday's events (sacking of Kwarteng, the Chancellor) and the turbulence within the government, suggest a refinement of the original rectification of Truss' chart.

If we push Truss' birthtime back to 14:35, we can bring diurnal Uranus and North Node to the diurnal IC conjunct Truss' natal Mars on 14 October 2022. This would highlight the impact of transit Uranus on her chart for the day.

This time then allows us to look again at the potential for the days around the forthcoming solar eclipse at the end of October. This later time brings diurnal Pluto closer to the diurnal ascendant. In the days before and after the eclipse on 25 October, Pluto moves closer to the rising degree. On 26th October diurnal Pluto is exactly conjunct the diurnal ascendant, opposite her natal Saturn and Mercury setting and natal Jupiter and Uranus square the horizon. This suggests a confrontation with reality.

The diurnal chart for the day of the eclipse brings diurnal Mars to the midpoint of diurnal ascendant and MC. Truss' cardinal t-square is tightly configured with the horizon in the diurnal chart.

Any rectified birthtime is provisional so we will have to see what events transpire. Both times - 13:56 and 14:35 - remain viable.

It is noteworthy that Isaac Starkman rectified Truss' birthtime to 14:44, with around 10 Scorpio rising (see thread above).


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Re: Liz Truss - Prime Minister's Diurnal Charts
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2022, 08:35:42 AM »
Liz Truss' victory in the leadership contest was announced on 5 September 2022. The diurnal chart for this day, based on the 14.35 time, is stunning. Of particular note is the angular Mercury, Jupiter and Mars all within a few minutes of arc of their respective angles. The moon is just sweeping past the meridian degrees and translating light between Jupiter and Mercury. Truss must have felt absolutely elated and unstoppable.

However, diurnal Uranus on the 6th house (Porphyry) cusp square to Saturn spells danger. I have noticed that the sixth Porphyry cusp in these charts often signifies considerable problems. In the days prior to the announcement, the diurnal IC would have been triggering the diurnal Saturn/Uranus midpoint. Truss' problems are definitely located, symbolically, in this square which is tightening over these weeks and months. (It will not perfect, only getting to within a few minutes of exactitude.)

If we look at Truss' chart in relation to the diurnal chart for the day, we see her natal Neptune rising. This shows the fantasy on which her premiership was built. Her natal t-square, involving feminine planets, Moon, Venus and Neptune, is brought into sharp relief diurnally. Her natal Pluto is brought to the diurnal MC, symbolising the assumption of power. Diurnal Sun is a few degrees past the horizon axis. It's possible to sense the building anticipation for her in this transit Sun, moving across her t-square degrees, in the final days of the election contest.

Note also diurnal Pluto, trigger her wider t-square involving Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter and Uranus. This later rectified time brings this combination to the horizon at the time of the coming solar eclipse, which I believe will be the denouement of the affair and Truss' premiership. In my view, Truss is in the grip of a desperate, terrible fate, and her life's hopes are being tested to the extreme.

Diurnal Venus conjunct fixed star Regulus, in an out of sign square to her nodal axis, speaks to this fate. Regulus is the star of kings and queens and it seems she must have believed it was her destiny to assume this high office. However the diurnal chart for 5 September shows just how conflicted and complex this fate was for Truss.


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Re: Liz Truss - Prime Minister's Diurnal Charts
« Reply #3 on: October 20, 2022, 08:38:44 AM »
Yesterday was a day of complete chaos in Westminster. The Home Secretary, Suella Braverman, resigned. This has echoes of Sunak's resignation from Johnson's government. This precipitated the end of the previous PM. The events of yesterday, and today, are symbolised in the diurnal chart by the exact square between Truss' natal MC at 23 Leo 48 and the diurnal MC at 23 Scorpio 52. This suggests an extreme crisis, amplified by the Moon transiting these degrees over the last 24 hours. At the time of the diurnal chart on 20 October 2022, the Moon is at 28 Leo 33, exactly square Truss' natal nodal axis. This suggests a reckoning with fate. The diurnal Sun is transiting square diurnal Pluto and approaching exactly conjunct Truss' natal Uranus at the end of Libra. Today is surely the beginning of the end for Truss, as the eclipse of 25 October fast approaches.

Truss' diurnal chart is the inner wheel in the graphic below.


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Re: Liz Truss - Prime Minister's Diurnal Charts
« Reply #4 on: October 20, 2022, 07:05:32 PM »
Just heard the news, i almost feel sorry for her.  :(
Greetings from Groningen Netherlands.


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Re: Liz Truss - Prime Minister's Diurnal Charts
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2022, 10:20:47 AM »
Thanks Jean - I wouldn't feel too sorry! It's a tragedy in the classical sense - she's been undone on a colossal scale by her own shortcomings. The shame is that the country is being destroyed as a consequence. Ed


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Re: Liz Truss - Prime Minister's Diurnal Charts
« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2022, 12:54:31 PM »
Let's hope you get some decent government soon, it's sorely needed in these times.
Greetings from Groningen Netherlands.


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Re: Liz Truss - Prime Minister's Diurnal Charts
« Reply #7 on: October 24, 2022, 05:57:15 PM »
Thanks Jean - we have a new PM today. He will take office tomorrow, the day of the eclipse. This is not a good portent. The handover between Truss and Sunak tomorrow does suggest a slight adjustment of the rectified time of birth, to bring Pluto right to the ascendant on the day of the eclipse.


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Re: Liz Truss - Prime Minister's Diurnal Charts
« Reply #8 on: October 24, 2022, 06:09:49 PM »
Sorry to hear Ed. I would like a strong leader in the UK. Just by looking at the man I don't know if Sunak can stand up to it all. Boris is a macho but he is also a leader.
Greetings from Groningen Netherlands.