Hi there - I have attempted a rectification of Liz Truss' chart, since no time is known. You can find a useful thread on skyscript about this:
https://skyscript.co.uk/forums/viewtopic.php?t=11760One of the more interesting things about this chart, with 2 Scorpio rising, is that it brings this autumn's eclipses into sharp relief in relation to her premiership. This has already got off to a catastrophic start, with the Chancellor's precipitous 'mini-budget' which collapsed the pound.
However, based on this rectification, the eclipses of 25 October 2022 (solar) and 8 November 2022 (lunar) are particularly portentous.
The solar eclipse is at 2 Scorpio, directly on the rectified ascendant. An eclipse on Truss' horizon is not encouraging for her authority since eclipses are traditionally associated with the death or fall of monarchs, or rulers more generally.
Other factors in the diurnal chart for 25 October 2022 reinforce this sense of instability. Diurnal Uranus and Node are on the diurnal IC. This suggests the foundations of Truss' world will be shaken. Note that natal Mars is closely conjunct diurnal IC and the Uranus/Node conjunction. Note that the eclipse squares her natal Sun and is just past the conjunction to her natal Uranus (Sun and Uranus natally in an out of sign square). Rising diurnal Pluto is square diurnal Mercury. This pair is trigger her natal Jupiter/Saturn/Mercury square.
In truth, Monday 24 October, the day prior to the eclipse, might presage the events of the Tuesday, with MPs returning from their constituencies with bad news from voters. I believe Truss may experience a dramatic ultimatum that reaches a crisis on the Tuesday, the day of the eclipse. On Monday 24 October, diurnal Uranus is exactly conjunct diurnal MC.
Notice that Truss' rectified lunar position, precisely square Neptune and opposite Venus, is in an 8th harmonic relationship with her Jupiter/Saturn square, and broadly with the Mercury and Saturn square. I think this gives Truss a significant vulnerability which is masked by the bull-like unaspected Mars in fixed sign Taurus.
I think that Truss might discover the limits of her forceful persona during these days, as Uranus shocks the natal Mars by transit, and this combination is triggered by the diurnal chart's meridian.
I will write more about the following lunar eclipse in the coming days.