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Re: NFL New Season - Predictions
« Reply #15 on: October 01, 2021, 07:36:52 PM »
Seahawks @ 49ers (Week 4)

03/10/2021 13:05 Levi's Stadium

I have taken on this match as a challenge. The expert pickers at nflpickwatch are split on this game. 42% favour the Seahawks and 58% favour the San Francisco team. However the bookmakers have the 49ers as favourites. Clearly this match is expected to be close. The question is whether astrology can offer additional clues on the likely outcome of this match.

The 49ers are currently 2-1, the single loss being the tight match with the Packers. The Seahawks are currently 1-2, something of a mixed start to the season. The 49ers are performing well across the board, with midfield rankings in all four areas of play. The Seahawks are more highly rated for offense than the 49ers, but are struggling at the bottom of the league for defense.

49ers - favourites

Natural Significator (NS) - Jupiter

Jupiter remains in Saturn ruled Aquarius and in the bounds of Mars. This places Jupiter, the greater benefic, in the hands of the two natural significators of the underdog - Mars and Saturn. Jupiter is slowing towards its direct station and remains retrograde. It is in the WSH third, a cadent house. It forms a partile trine with Mercury in Libra.

Natural Co-Significator (NC) - Venus

Venus is in Mars ruled Scorpio, in mutual reception with Mars in Libra. Venus is in the bounds of Saturn. It has a separating square with Jupiter, the 49ers natural significator. It is in WSH twelfth, an uncomfortable place being cadent and in aversion to the WSH first house and seventh house.

Ruler of the First House - Jupiter

The greater benefic's natural signification is fulfilled with Jupiter ruled Sagittarius rising. However, as noted, Jupiter is somewhat compromised by being in the bounds of Mars.

Bound lord - Saturn

The ascendant degree is in the bounds of Saturn, again adding a degree of tension to the astrological picture for the 49ers. Saturn is stationary in the bounds of Mercury in its own sign of Aquarius. Saturn is in the WSH third.

Seahawks - underdogs

NS - Saturn

See Bound Lord of Ascendant for the 49ers. Saturn is probably the most potent planet in this chart, despite its cadent house placement. Saturn as bound lord of the 49ers NC Venus and the ascendant degree seems to establish something of a hold over the 49ers' chances.

NC - Mars

Mars in Venus ruled Libra, making the mutual reception with Venus. Mars is in poor shape dignity-wise, being in detriment and peregrine. However, accidently it is in the succeedent WSH eleventh and as such is much better placed to influence the first and seventh houses.

Mars is combust, being close to the Sun and is fading in power. However it is in the bounds of Mercury, which I think is going to be a decisive factor in this match

Ruler of the Seventh House - Mercury

Mercury is lord of the seventh, since Gemini sets at the time of the match. Mercury is in the bounds of Venus, in Venus ruled Libra. Venus is co-almuten of Mercury with Saturn. Mercury is peregrine, but has a mixed reception with Saturn by exaltation and triplicity because Mercury is in the sign of Saturn's exaltation and triplicity, and Saturn is in the bounds of Mercury. Note that Mercury is partile sextile ascendant and trine descendant.

Bound lord - Mars

Mars is the bound lord of the descendant degree. Mars is the NC of the underdogs. Mars is in the bounds of Mercury, so there is connection established between Mars and Mercury, the ruler of the seventh house, the house associated with the underdogs.


Ruler of the IC - Mars

Aries, the Mars ruled sign, is on the IC. This brings Mars into play as a key significator for the outcome of the match.

Bound lord - Mercury

This is a critical factor in establishing the likely outcome of the match. The IC degree is in the bounds of Mercury. So the outcome is symbolically described by the combination of Mercury and Mars, a pair that are much more closely related to the significations of the Seahawks.

Hour ruler - Mars

Mars comes to the fore again as the ruler of the hour.

Dynamic Factors

About an hour after the match begins, the Moon changes bounds from Mercury to Venus. This may seem to favour the favourites, the 49ers, but we need to recall the condition of Venus in the chart - cadent in the whole sign twelfth, in detriment, in the bounds of Saturn, ruled by Mars.

Other Factors

To unpick this match in detail it's helpful to note some additional factors:

The antiscia of Venus and Saturn, fall on the natal positions of Saturn and Venus respectively. This reinforces the harsh position of Venus, being also in the bounds of Venus.

The antiscion of the Moon falls opposite Mercury. The antiscion of the Moon falls in the bounds of Mars.

The Lot of Courage (Mars' lot) conjunct Fortune in Scorpio (Mars ruled) in the bounds of Mercury. The Lots of Fortune and Courage are close to the midpoint AS/MC.

The Moon is in Virgo, Mercury ruled, in the bounds of Mercury at the start of the match. As noted, it moves to the bounds of Venus in match time. It is not within the moiety of any other planet but will eventually make its way to the sextile of Venus.


This match chart is full of interesting and complex symbolism. However, my concern with the position of the 49ers as favourites is that a lot of the natural signification is tied to malefic planets, and malefic planets are natural significators of the underdogs.

The bounds symbolism grounds the natural signification and rulership signification, and all of the major symbols associated with the 49ers are closely aligned with malefic planets.

For example, Jupiter (NS and ruler of the first) is in the bounds of Mars; Venus is in the bounds of Saturn; the bound lord of the ascendant is Saturn. Saturn is the most potent planet in the chart, apart from its position in the cadent WSH third. However the third WSH can aspect the first and the seventh, so Saturn can directly impact the match.

The significations of the underdog are closely aligned with the trickster magician Hermes/Mercury. The outcome of the match is symbolised by the the relationship between Mars and Mercury.

My sense is that this match will be filled with Russell Wilson magic and that the Seahawks will overcome the 49ers. With Mercury playing such a prominent role in this match we can expect a lot of twists and turns, surprises, mistakes, moments of genius and plain old blunders. However, with the relationship between Mars and Mercury so clear, the strength and dynamism of Mars should combine with the wiles of Mercury to power the Seahawks to 2-2.


The Seahawks won this match so my prediction came good. Unfortunately Jimmy Garoppolo, the 49ers' QB had to leave the field at half-time with a calf injury. Nevertheless, a good result for the Seahawks to go 2-2 after a slightly shaky start to the season.

Seahawks 28 49ers 21

Bookies 1 Astrologer 2 (astrologer's prediction was correct)

Success ratio:

Bookies 6/10 (60%)
Astrologer 7/10 (70%)


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Re: NFL New Season - Predictions
« Reply #16 on: October 03, 2021, 06:59:31 AM »
Buccaneers @ Patriots (Week 4)

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers head north this week to take on Tom Brady's old team: the New England Patriots. The Buccs are 2-1 and the Patriots are 1-2. The bookmakers have the Buccs as favourites. As I write, a few days before the match, the odds on the Patriots are drifting, and the odds on the Buccs are shortening, meaning that the bookmakers are moving squarely behind the Florida team.

The Buccs are strong on passing and offense, as expected with Tom Brady at the helm. The Buccs are relatively weak on defense and very weak on rushing. It looks like they will need to rely on Brady's air game to succeed.

The Patriots are strong on defense, but weak on other elements of the game. The Patriots will have to have their pass rush working like clockwork to get anywhere in this game. This is a tough ask against Brady's offensive line.

Buccaneers - favourites

Natural Significator (NS) - Jupiter

Jupiter is in Saturn ruled Aquarius, in the bounds of Mars. Jupiter is peregrine, having no dignity. Jupiter is in the WSH tenth, so angular and elevated. Jupiter is slowing towards its direct station, but is still retrograde. As it moves into its heliacal setting phase, it will fade from its brilliant showing at opposition.

Natural Co-Significator (NC) - Venus

Venus is in Mars ruled Scorpio in the bounds of Saturn. It is angular in the WSH seventh. Venus continues to extend its longitude from the Sun, so is increasing its brilliance in the evening sky. It is heliacally rising. It is also peregrine.

Ruler of the First House - Venus

See NC above.

Bound lord - Mars

The ascendant degree is in the bounds of Mars, a quality it shares with Jupiter, the NS for the Buccs. Mars is itself in the bounds of Mercury, combust, very close to the Sun, and ending is heliacal setting phase. Mars is in detriment, being in Venus ruled Libra, and peregrine as it is without dignity. It is placed in the WSH sixth, a placement that puts it in aversion to the first WSH and the seventh WSH. This may limit the expression of its significations in relation to the two teams, a difficulty that is likely to have the greatest impact on the underdogs.

Patriots - underdogs

NS - Saturn

Saturn is in dignity in one of its own signs - Aquarius. It is in the bounds of Mercury. Saturn is stationary, preparing to turn direct and enter its heliacal setting phase. Saturn is dimming noticeably, from its brighter phase at opposition. Saturn is in the WSH tenth, so angular.

NC - Mars

See bound lord for the favourites above.

Ruler of the Seventh House - Mars

See bound lord for the favourites above.

Bound lord - Saturn

See NS analysis for the underdogs above.


Ruler of the IC - Sun

Leo is on the fourth house cusp. The Sun, as ruler, is in fall in Libra, ruled by Venus. The Sun is close to Mars, making Mars combust. Sun is in the bounds of Mercury, along with Mars.

Bound lord - Jupiter

See NS analysis for the favourites above.

Hour ruler - Mars

See analysis for Mars above.

Dynamic Factors

None of the planets change sign or bounds within match time.

Other Factors

The Moon is in Virgo, ruled by Mercury, in the bounds of Venus. It is not within the moiety of any other planet, but eventually it will make a sextile with Venus.


This chart presents particular challenges for the astrologer. Two out of three angles (ascendant, descdendant but not IC) are in the bounds of malefics. The malefics are the natural significators of the underdog. The signs on the horizon conform to the natural signification of the teams, with a Venus ruled sign rising for the favourite, and a Mars ruled signing setting for the underdog. For co-option to occur, this needs to be reversed, with a sign ruled by a malefic rising and a sign ruled by a benefic setting. A planet associated with the relevant sign by dignity needs to be angular too. Nevertheless, whilst the signs conform to signification, the bounds on the horizon do not, suggesting some sort of advantage to the underdog.

The 'dogs' natural significators are a mixed bag. Saturn is stationary in its own sign in the tenth WSH. It is in the bounds of Mercury suggesting the potential for an upset, in this case a very big upset. Mars, the NC of the underdog, is in detriment, close to the Sun, in the WSH sixth. It is in a mutual reception with Venus setting in Scorpio, in the bounds of Saturn. Venus takes us to Saturn which takes us to Mercury in the bounds chain.

In the Venus-Mars combination I believe the benefic is the more influential planet - it is angular, close to the horizon, bright, fast and extending its distance from the Sun. Mars on the other hand is combust, invisible, within the grasp of the Sun (albeit a Sun in fall) and in the very final stages of its heliacal cycle. Symbolically it is a 'spent force'. It gains something from the mutual reception with Venus, but I don't think Venus is going to give up all its power to Mars in this instance. For that to occur Venus, for example, would have to be in the bounds of Mars. It should be noted that Mars also rules the hour.

In short, I think Saturn can do something symbolically for the Patriots, but is it enough to overturn the Buccs and Tom Brady?

For the favourites we have an angular Jupiter, although without dignity so it is peregrine. Jupiter is also retrograde and slowing. Being in the tenth WSH gives the planet status accidently. On balance, Saturn is the more powerful tenth WSH planet, but Jupiter has its own accidental strength. Jupiter is in the bounds of Mars, with Mars 'fading' into the Sun. The symbolism here does bring to mind Tom Brady, one of the greatest football players of all time, still being able to demonstrate his imperial might, but this strength being due to the circumstances that he finds himself in (the meaning of accidental dignity).

Venus, the NC for the Buccs, is in detriment in Mars ruled Scorpio in the bounds of Saturn, the NS for the Patriots. So the natural significators for the favourites are in malefic bounds. This is an interesting phenomenon, relating to the structure of the bounds ruler positions within signs. Since Venus and Jupiter are towards the end of their signs, there is a good chance they will fall within malefic bounds. This suggests challenging circumstances for the favourites. The degree of challenge is established by looking at the quality of the positions of the underdogs' significators. Saturn is well placed, in dignity and accidentally, but Mars looks somewhat ineffective on both counts, even with the reception with Venus. Mars needs Venus more than Venus needs Mars. Mars, in theory, could dominate Venus, being its almuten. However Mars is not in a strong position in this chart.

The question looks like it should be framed in terms of Mercury, Venus and Saturn. Venus has minor dignity by face, not ordinarily factored in to this system. It is powerfully angular, but in detriment and in the bounds of Saturn. Saturn is potentially the most powerful planet in the chart - in dignity, its own almuten (shared with Mercury), in the WSH tenth, stationary turning direct. Saturn is in the bounds of Mercury and the triplicity of Mercury.

Mercury itself is in the bounds of Venus, in a Venus ruled signed. This shows that Venus is its almuten, or most powerful ruler in this position. Mercury is in its own triplicity. Whilst Venus is ruled by Mars, Mars is not in a powerful position in this chart. Venus, I believe, is in a position of strength in relation to the Libra placed planets, despite its bound lord being Saturn. The greater malefic is in the bounds of Mercury, Mercury in the bounds of Venus. The bounds chain takes us back to the accidently dignified Venus.

Mercury is partile trine to Jupiter, to the minute. This is a critical relationship too. Although Jupiter is the less powerful benefic for the Buccs, it nevertheless rules the IC degree. In a previous match - Packers @ 49ers - I tripped up over Jupiter's bound lord Mars, but what is the situation in this game?

Firstly, Mars was in the WSH ninth, in a much better relationship with the first WSH than in this game. Mars, from the ninth, was in a superior position with respect to the rising sign in the Packers game. Mars was able to impact the match in a way that I don't think it can in this match. In the Tampa match, Mars is is below the horizon and in aversion to the first WSH. Mars has potential to upset the match, but I think it's a long shot. Venus is much better placed to express its significations in this match.

Secondly, Venus was in a Mercury ruled bound, tieing it much more closely to the impact of the trickster and Mars. In this case it is in the bounds of Saturn, not ideal from the Buccs point of view, but better than being tied to the wiles of Mercury.

In the match chart, the Moon is in Mercury ruled Virgo and is in the bounds of Venus. It's next (eventual) aspect is the sextile of angular Venus. Moon overcomes Venus as it forms a sinister sextile (left-handed) with the lesser benefic.

In the end I am going to call the game for the Buccs. But I wonder if the Patriots, being the home team, might have something up their sleeve to frighten the Tampa team. The symbols in this chart are extremely complex and subtle. I want to suggest that this could be a break out game for Belichick and his young protege Mac Jones at QB. It would take a tremendous effort to overturn the Buccs, but the symbolic dynamic in this game is not overwhelmingly positive for the favourites, but nor is it clearly decisive for the 'dog. The game could be quite a scrap.


The scoreline suggests a tight match. The Patriots might have won with a late field goal. Nevertheless, the prediction was correct.

Buccaneers 19 Patriots 17

Bookies 1 Astrologer 2 (both predictions were correct)

Success ratio:

Bookies 7/11 (64%)
Astrologer 8/11 (73%)


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Re: NFL New Season - Predictions
« Reply #17 on: October 03, 2021, 09:13:39 AM »
Raiders @ Chargers (Week 4)

04/10/2021 17:15 SoFi Stadium

The Chargers at 2-1 are favoured in this match over the 3-0 Raiders. The bookmakers have this as a close game and the team stats suggest a tight competion. However the Raiders lead the league in offense and passing, are middling in defense and lag in rushing. The Chargers match the Raiders for passing, defense and passing, but lag the Raiders in offense. A lot in this match will depend on the relative performance of the two quarterbacks. The match is played at SoFi Stadium, the Chargers home ground.

Chargers - favourites

Natural Significator (NS) - Jupiter

Jupiter is retrograde in the bounds of Mars, in the Saturn ruled sign of Aquarius. Jupiter is close to Fortune. Unfortunately the planet is in the WSH twelfth, the joy of Saturn, and is in aversion to the first and seventh WSH.

Natural Co-Significator (NC) - Venus

Venus is in Mars ruled Scorpio, in the bounds of Saturn. Venus remains in mutual reception with Mars in Libra. Venus is still extending its distance from the Sun, is bright, direct and occidental. It is in the WSH ninth.

Ruler of the First House - Jupiter

See NS analysis above.

Bound lord - Jupiter

See NS analysis above.

Raiders - underdogs

NS - Saturn

Saturn is in its own sign, in the bounds of Mercury. Saturn is stationary, preparing to turn direct and enter its heliacal setting phase. It is in the WSH twelfth, along with Jupiter.

NC - Mars

Mars is in mutual reception with Venus, being in Libra. It is in the bounds of Mercury. It is just over a degree from the Sun, so combust and weak as it is heliacally setting. It is in the WSH eighth, and like Jupiter and Saturn, in aversion to the first and seventh WSH.

Ruler of the Seventh House - Mercury

Mercury is retrograde in Venus ruled Libra, retrograde and getting close to the Sun. It is under the beams, so being consumed by the power of the Sun as it is heliacally setting.

Bound lord - Venus

See NC analysis for the Chargers.


Ruler of the IC - Mercury

See Ruler of the Seventh House analysis for the Raiders.

Bound lord - Mars

See NC analysis for the Raiders.

Hour ruler - Mars

See NC analysis for the Raiders.

Dynamic Factors


Other Factors

The Moon is in Mercury ruled Virgo, in the bounds of Mars in the WSH seventh, hence angular. The Moon is approaching the sextile of Venus. The Moon overcomes Venus being dexter to the lesser benefic.


This is another challenging match to predict on the basis of the astrological symbolism. On the face of it, the Chargers have the upper hand, with the benefic planets commanding the bounds of the horizon. However, both planets are themselves in the bounds of malefics. Venus is in the bounds of Saturn and Jupiter is the bounds of Mars.

Mars is a relatively weak planet in the match chart, being in detriment and peregrine in the WSH eighth. It's proximity to the Sun - combustion - adds further weakness. The Sun and Mars are somewhat akin, both being hot and dry, so Mars' combustion is potentially less damaging, but its position within a degree of the Sun, in the final stage of heliacal setting, is arguably as it weak as the minor malefic can be.

Saturn has a great deal of dignity, being in its own sign and triplicity. It is in the bounds of Mercury, the wily trickster. Saturn is in the WSH twelfth, but if considered to be in the dynamic eleventh by Porphyry, a succeedent house, it is the strongest planet in the chart.

Mercury is the wildcard here, ruling the WSH seventh and fourth - the houses associated with the underdog and the outcome respectively. There is a mixed reception between Saturn and Mercury, by bound, exaltation and triplicity. Mercury is in the exaltation of Saturn and the triplicity of Saturn, and Saturn is in Mercury's bound.

Mercury seems to be associated with upsets and reversals of fortune. The key to predicting this match is balancing the symbolism of Mercury and Saturn, and Mercury's association with the seventh and fourth houses, with the benefics control of the bounds on the horizon and Jupiter's rulership of the WSH first.

However, when we dig deep into the symbolism I believe that the Raiders have a real chance to upset the Chargers. Remember that Jupiter is in the bounds of the malefic Mars. Although Mars is relatively weak, it is nevertheless the NC for the underdog. Venus, the NC for the favourite is in the bounds of Saturn and Saturn is in the bounds of Mercury. Saturn is the more dominant outer planet, considered in relation to Jupiter.

Mercury is in the bounds of Venus and although the lesser benefic has some dignity by triplicity, it is in detriment. The outcome is really signified by the balance of symbolic power between Mercury, Saturn and Venus. Mercury is without dignity and peregrine, in the grip of Saturn - as exaltation lord and triplicity ruler - and Venus - as lord and bound lord. It is retrograde in the WSH eighth. It could be that the mixed reception between Saturn and Mercury is the decisive factor.

Despite Mercury's poor position, it is in the exaltation and triplicity of Saturn, so Saturn can bring its undeniable strength to Mercury. Saturn is the NS of the underdog. Saturn is also the exaltation lord of Jupiter and Mars. Saturn is also the almuten or co-almuten of all planets apart from Moon and Venus. Mercury is the almuten of the Moon (in the bounds of Mars and Mercury ruled Virgo) and Mars is the almuten of Venus.

Although this match is very difficult to call, I am going to go for the Raiders against the Chargers, and challenge the bookmakers. In reality I think the match could go either way, but Saturn's strength for the Raiders could swing the game for them.


Although the outcome was not clear from an astrological point of view, this was a clear win for the Chargers, who dominated the first half and stretched out to 14-0. The Raiders got 2 TDs back in Q3, but the Chargers sealed the match with a Q4 TD.

Raiders 14 Chargers 21

Bookies 2 Astrologer 2 (the bookmakers were correct)

Success ratio:

Bookies 8/12 (67%)
Astrologer 8/12 (67%)


The symbolism here is challenging to interpret. The main factor seems to be the limited symbolic power of planets in difficult WSHs. This chart has the main significators in the WSH eighth or twelfth. The only planet not in a challenging house position is Venus, the NC for the favourites. Venus is the bound lord of the descendant which seems to suggest the Chargers dominance in this match. A tough match from an astrological point of view.


It seems the start of this match was delayed by 35 minutes, due to a lightning storm over the stadium. This presents the astrologer with a dilemma, since the prediction is predicated on the starting time of the match being known. The later start time of 5.50PM (17:50) was confirmed by the official record of the match in the NFL Gamebook. The question is whether this would have altered the prediction. The later start brings the last degrees of Pisces to the ascendant. However this seems to have little impact on the overall symbolism. Malefics now dominate the bounds of each angle. There is very little change in the planets' house positions by WSH.

The main change is that Venus, active in the WSH ninth and on the cusp of the dynamic Porphyry ninth, comes into focus by partile trine to the ascendant by degree. For what it's worth, Venus is the exaltation lord of the ascendant. The only other factors that might be relevant include the antiscia of the benefics are conjunct their lots, so the antiscia of Jupiter is conjunct the lot of Eros and the antiscia of Venus is conjunct the lot of Victory. However, the symbolism, whilst relevant, seems quite tenuous in this context.

Sometimes we just have to accept that the symbolism is beyond our ken and that some charts don't seem to lend themselves to judgement.

Further conclusions (added 16 Oct 2021)

Looking back at this match, at the risk of post hoc rationalisation, I think I can see that I should have called this match for the Chargers. Benefics are bound lords of the horizon - Jupiter for the favourites and Venus for the 'dog. Mercury, ruler of the 'dogs' seventh, is the bounds of Venus in Venus ruled Libra. This again seems to favour the Chargers.

Venus in the bounds of Saturn and in Mars ruled Scorpio seems to be the factor that undermined my analysis and led me to favour the 'dog. However Saturn is in the bounds of Mercury and Mercury is in the bounds of a benefic. Mars too is in the bounds of Mercury, but tied to a benefic symbolically. The IC is ruled by Mercury in the bounds of Mars. This returns us to Venus. Mars of course was in the mutual reception by rulership at the time of the match.

Moon is in Mercury ruled Virgo in the bounds of Mars. It approaches Venus by dexter sextile. Venus is the only planet, apart from Moon, that is not in aversion to the ascendant. My reading is that, on balance, I should have gone with the Chargers in this match, although the symbolism is more complex than in some matches.

This match was delayed by a storm. Should we take the second chart as the start of the match? It's tempting to look at the chart of the delayed kick-off and say that this is the symbolically relevant time. However, malefics move to be the bound lords of the angles which strongly suggests an underdogs' triumph. My conclusion is that the intended start time is the time to use for astrological purposes. If astrology is about anything it is about attempting to understand cosmic intention through symbolism, and human intention, being subordinate to cosmic intention, must reflect the greater whole. Since the original choice of match time is the primary human factor here and subordinate to the cosmic factor, we have to assume that the electrical storm is 'built in' to the original chart, and does not displace this original kick-off time.


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Re: NFL New Season - Predictions
« Reply #18 on: October 07, 2021, 08:53:07 PM »
Rams @ Seahawks (Week 5)

07/10/2021 17:20 Lumen Field

The first match in week 5 looks very competitive, with the bookmakers giving the Rams a slight advantage. However, just hours before the game, the odds on the Rams are drifting and those on the Seahawks are shortening. It looks like the advantage might be shifting to the Seattle side.

The Rams are 3-1, undefeated until last week. The Seahawks are 2-2 after a decidedly mixed start to the season. On paper the Rams have an offensive advantage, but the two teams are decidedly weak on the defensive side of the game. The Seahawks are ranked last in the whole league in this element of the game. The Rams are not far ahead of them, being ranked 27th. The Rams are well ahead in offense and passing.

Rams - favourites

Natural Significator (NS) - Jupiter

Jupiter remains in Saturn ruled Aquarius, in the bounds of Mars. It is still retrograde, slowing towards its direct station, and fading in the night sky as the Sun draws closer in longitude. The planet is in the WSH twelfth, potentially limiting its ability to manifest its significations.

Natural Co-Significator (NC) - Venus

Venus is in Jupiter ruled Sagittarius having recently ended its sojourn in Scorpio and drawing its mutual reception with Mars to a close. Venus is closely conjunct the malefic South Node, but it is in the bounds of Jupiter. The planet is in the WSH tenth.

Ruler of the First House - Jupiter

See analysis for NS above.

Bound lord - Venus

See analysis of for NC above.

Seahawks - underdogs

NS - Saturn

Saturn is in Aquarius, one of its own signs. It is in the bounds of Mercury, placed in the WSH twelfth. Saturn is stationary, pending its station direct. It is the lord of Jupiter and the exaltation ruler of Sun, Mars and Mercury. It is the almuten of all planets apart from Venus and Moon.

NC - Mars

Mars is cazima Sun, being just 2 minutes of arc from a perfect conjunction in longitude. According to traditional astrological lore, this position enhances the power and symbolism of Mars in extremis. Mars is in Venus ruled Libra in the bounds of Jupiter. Mars and Jupiter are in mutual reception by bounds. Mercury, being retrograde, is approaching Mars by conjunction too. Mars is in detriment and peregrine, having no essential dignity. However the peregrine nature of the planet is ameloriated by the mutual reception by bound with Jupiter. Mars is in the WSH eighth.

Ruler of the Seventh House - Mercury

Mercury is approaching conjunct Mars. It is retrograde in Venus ruled Libra. Mercury is in the bounds of Jupiter. Saturn is in the bounds of Mercury. Mercury is combust.

Bound lord - Venus

See analysis for NC for the favourites.


Ruler of the IC - Mercury

See analysis for the ruler of the seventh house.

Bound lord - Mars

See analysis for NC for the underdogs.

Hour ruler - Venus

See analysis for NC for the favourites.

Dynamic Factors

The Moon changes bounds from Mars to Venus during match time. The Moon is approaching the square of stationary Saturn from the bounds of Mars. The Lot of Fortune is in the bounds of Saturn, in the last few minutes of Pisces. It enters Aries, ruled by Mars and the bounds of Jupiter, shortly after the beginning of the match.

Other Factors

The Lots of Eros and Victory are angular. The Lot of Victory (Jupiter's lot) rises in Pisces and is ruled by Jupiter and is in the bounds of Jupiter. The Lot of Eros (Venus' lot) is in Jupiter ruled Sagittarius in the bounds of Saturn. The hour ruler is Venus.

The antiscia of Sun, Mars and Mercury are closely conjunct Jupiter. The antiscia of the Moon is closely conjunct Jupiter, and the antiscia of Jupiter is closely conjunct the Moon.


The analysis of the symbolism turns on whether one gives Mars to the underdog, hence victory for the Seahawks as it is bound lord of the IC, or whether Mars' mutual reception by bound with Jupiter means that Mars' power by cazimi, in combination with Jupiter, the NS for favourite, favours the Rams. The bounds on the horizon are both ruled by Venus, and Venus is in the bounds of Jupiter.

I am inclined to say that although the match may begin well for the Seahawks, the dynamic factors in the chart, particularly the progress of the Moon between the bounds of Mars and Venus, favour the Rams. So, despite the recent loss of their unbeaten record, I think the Rams will prosper here.


The Rams came through in this match with a win as predicted.

Rams 26 Seahawks 17

Bookies 2 Astrologer 2 (both predictions were correct)

Success ratio:

Bookies 9/13 (69%)
Astrologer 9/13 (69%)


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Re: NFL New Season - Predictions
« Reply #19 on: October 08, 2021, 09:22:32 AM »
I can’t wait for the match of the round Bills vs Chiefs
AFC Conference final rematch
Have a good weekend ABer 😎


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Re: NFL New Season - Predictions
« Reply #20 on: October 08, 2021, 09:26:50 AM »
Jets @ Falcons (Week 5)

10/10/2021 14:30 Tottenham Hotspur Stadium, London

This is the first London match up of the season, with the NY Jets travelling to face the Atlanta Falcons. The Falcons are the home team and favourites for the game. Both teams are 1-3. However the Falcons are favoured to be the stronger team. Both teams are evenly matched in three elements of the game - offense, passing and rushing, although the Falcons have a slight edge in each. The Jets are rated much more highly as a defensive team.

Falcons - favourites

Natural Significator (NS) - Jupiter

Jupiter is the Falcon's natural significator. It is in Saturn ruled Aquarius, in the bounds of Mars, in the second WSH. Jupiter is retrograde, turning direct, and fading in the night sky as the Sun approaches. The Sun is approaching by dexter trine.

Natural Co-Significator (NC) - Venus

The lesser benefic is in the Jupiter ruled sign of Sagittarius. It is on the South Node, in the bounds of Jupiter. Venus is in the WSH twelfth, occidental of the Sun. Venus is still stretching ahead of the Sun, increasing its distance in longitude, so becoming more prominent in the evening sky.

Ruler of the First House - Saturn

Capricorn rises, so the ruler of the first house is Saturn, the NS of the underdogs. Saturn is powerfully placed in Aquarius, a sign that it rules, and is in its own triplicity. Saturn is in the second WHS, and the dynamic first Porphyry house. It is stationary, about to turn direct and enter its heliacal setting phase. It is in the bounds of Mercury.

Bound lord - Jupiter

The NS of the favourite is also the bound lord of the ascendant degree. See analysis for NS above. This is a powerful indication of the favourable status of the Falcons in this match.

Jets - underdogs

NS - Saturn

See Ruler of the First House of the favourites above.

NC - Mars

Mars has now exited its energising cazimi phase, but is now heliacally rising and gaining in strength. It is still combust in Venus ruled Libra, in the bounds of Jupiter. Retrograding Mercury is approaching its conjunction with Mars. Mars is in the WSH tenth but in detriment and peregrine. However it is in a mutual reception by bounds with Jupiter, the NS of the favourites.

Ruler of the Seventh House - Moon

The Moon is in Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, in the bounds of Venus. It is placed in the WSH twelfth. The Moon is separating from the sextile of stationary Saturn on the left and approaching the sextile of Mercury, Mars and Sun on the right.

Bound lord - Venus

See NC analysis for favourites above


Ruler of the IC - Venus

See NC analysis for favourites above

Bound lord - Mercury

Retrograde Mercury is in Venus ruled Libra in the WSH tenth. It is approaching conjunction with Mars. Mercury is in the bounds of Venus. The degree of the IC moves into the bounds of Jupiter within a minute or two of the start of the match. A slight delay in kick-off will put further emphasis on Jupiter to signify the outcome of the match.

Hour ruler - Sun

The Sun is in Libra, ruled by Venus in the bounds of Jupiter. It is in the WSH tenth, separating from its close conjunction to Mars.

Dynamic Factors


Other Factors

Saturn is the most powerful planet in the chart, having significant dignity. It is the almuten of many planets, apart from Moon and Venus, which have Jupiter as their almuten.


I think there is little here to give hope to the Jets' fans. Saturn, the NS for the underdogs is powerful, but rules the rising sign, which tends to favour the top team. Falcons to go 2-3 in the London stadium.


The Falcons won the match in the end, but had to face down a Jets comeback in the second half. They were up 20-3 at half-time, and it looked easy from there, but the match ended 27-20 to the Falcons.

Jets 20 Falcons 27

Bookies 2 Astrologer 2 (both predictions were correct)

Success ratio:

Bookies 10/14 (71%)
Astrologer 10/14 (71%)


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Re: NFL New Season - Predictions
« Reply #21 on: October 09, 2021, 01:39:38 PM »
Bills @ Chiefs (Week 5)

10/10/2021 19:20 Arrowhead Stadium

This match up is an exciting head-to-head for two of the league's top teams. Both sides are closely matched, with the Bills leading the league for defense, whereas the Chiefs are one of the poorest defensive sides. The Chiefs and Bills are closely matched in offense and rushing; the Chiefs are slightly ahead in the passing game. This should be a very tough game, played out on the ground, with Bills looking to grind the Chiefs' defenses down and then exploiting the offensive game.

The bookmakers have the Chiefs as favourites, but both sides are in with a real chance of winning. The Chiefs have the home advantage at Arrowhead Stadium.

Chiefs - favourites

Natural Significator (NS) - Jupiter

Jupiter is in Aquarius ruled by Saturn and in the bounds of Mars. Jupiter is in the WSH tenth. The greater benefic remains in a mutual reception by bounds with Mars. Jupiter is slowing towards its direct station.

Natural Co-Significator (NC) - Venus

Venus is in Jupiter ruled Sagittarius, in the WSH eighth. It remains close to the South Node. Venus is in the bounds and triplicity of Jupiter. The almuten of Venus is Jupiter. Venus is still gradually extending its distance from the Sun in longitude and if the sky is clear over Kansas the planet will be clearly visible.

Venus or Jupiter is the almuten of the Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars, lending the favourites a decided advantage.

Ruler of the First House - Venus

See NC analysis above.

Bound lord - Venus

See NC analysis above.

Bills - underdogs

NS - Saturn

Saturn  is a dim presence in the night sky, overshadowed by Venus, Jupiter and the Moon. Saturn is in its own sign in the bounds and triplicity of Mercury. It is stationary, turning direct, and entering its heliacal setting phase. It is losing visibility and power, although its station tends to reinforce its remaining strength at the moment. Saturn is in the WSH tenth.

NC - Mars

Mars remains closely conjunct the Sun, but has entered its heliacal rising phase and is gathering strength. It is not visible, is in Venus ruled Libra, and in the bounds of Jupiter. Venus is its almuten. Mars is in the WSH sixth. Mars is combust, but arguably this condition is not as symbolically damaging for this planet as for others.

Ruler of the Seventh House - Mars

See NC analysis for underdog above.

Bound lord - Mars

See NC analysis above.

The seventh house cusp is highly martial, being ruled by Mars and in the bounds of Mars. This mirrors the highly Venusian rising sign for the favourites. Venus rules the rising sign and bound. Both planets are in signs in aversion to the first and seventh WSH houses, suggesting that their significations are constrained in some ways. Venus has an advantage over Mars, being distant from the Sun, visible, occidental and the ruler of Mars. Both planets are in the bounds of Jupiter.


Ruler of the IC - Moon

The Moon is Jupiter ruled, being in Sagittarius. It is in the bounds of Mercury. Jupiter is also the triplicity lord so it becomes the almuten of the Moon. The Moon is in the WSH eighth, wedged between the Lots of Mars (Courage) and Jupiter (Victory). The Moon separates from the sextile of the Sun and approaches the sextile of Jupiter. The Moon is waxing so gaining in strenght.

Bound lord - Mercury

Mercury's bound holds the IC. Mercury is retrograde in Venus ruled Libra, combust, and in the bounds of Jupiter. Venus is its almuten. It is in the WSH sixth along with Mars and the Sun.

Hour ruler - Jupiter

See NS analysis for favourites.

Dynamic Factors

The Moon will change bounds from Mercury to Saturn during matchtime. This potentially favours the underdogs. The second half of the match, or even the final quarter, may see a strong Bills recovery. It is worth noting that Saturn is the exaltation ruler of the Libran planets Sun, Mercury and Mars.

Other Factors

None noted.


Saturn is a poweful significator for the Bills, and shows that they are in with a chance. However its power is limited by the fact that it isn't the bound lord for any of the key significators. This tends to mean that its symbolic power is not grounded in the context of this match.

The game is likely to be hard fought and physical, with the Chiefs potentially running out to an early lead. The Bills may well come back strongly towards the end of the game, taking this match into the final minutes on a knife edge. However, the symbolism tends to favour the Chiefs to come through over the Bills, albeit in a very close scoreline.


This was a very big win for the Bills. Unfortunately my prediction was not accurate in most respects which is disappointing. It is always worth paying attention to dynamic factors involving the Moon. The bounds change highlighted the symbolic power of Saturn in this game, and it seems this was decisive.

Bills 38 Chiefs 20

Bookies 2 Astrologer 2 (both predictions were incorrect)

Success ratio:

Bookies 10/15 (67%)
Astrologer 10/15 (67%)


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Re: NFL New Season - Predictions
« Reply #22 on: October 10, 2021, 07:23:03 AM »
Colts @ Ravens (Week 5)

11/10/2021 20:15 M and T Bank Stadium

The Indianapolis Colts travel to the Baltimore Ravens for this week 5 match. The Ravens are favoured in this match. The Ravens are 3-1 and the Colts are 1-3. On paper the Ravens are stronger in all areas of the game, particularly offense and rushing where they are one of the league leading teams. A good deal of the Ravens rush game is down to QB Lamar Jackson. The Colts are stronger defensively.

Ravens - favourites

Natural Significator (NS) - Jupiter

Jupiter is Aquarius, ruled by Saturn, in the bounds of Mars. Jupiter is about to turn direct, slowing towards its station. It is in the WSH tenth. Jupiter is in a mutual reception by bounds with Mars.

Natural Co-Significator (NC) - Venus

Venus is in Jupiter ruled Sagittarius, in the bounds of Jupiter. It is in the WSH eighth, but in the dynamic Porphyry seventh. It is separating from the South Node.

Ruler of the First House - Venus

See NC analysis for the favourites above.

Bound lord - Mars

Mars is the NC for the underdogs but is the bound lord for the ascendant degree. Mars is in Venus ruled Libra, in the bounds of Jupiter. It is combust. It lies in the WSH sixth.

Colts - underdogs

NS - Saturn

Saturn is in dignity in its own sign. It remains stationary, about to turn direct, and enter its heliacal setting phase. It is closely conjunct the MC in the bounds of Mercury.

NC - Mars

See bound lord analysis for favourites above.

Ruler of the Seventh House - Mars

See bound lord analysis for favourites above.

Bound lord - Saturn

See NS analysis for underdog above.


Ruler of the IC - Sun

The Sun is in Venus ruled Libra, close to Mars but separating, albeit slowly. It is in the bounds of Jupiter in the WSH sixth.

Bound lord - Jupiter

See NS analysis for the favourites.

Hour ruler - Mercury

Mercury is retrograde in the WSH sixth, in Venus ruled Libra, in its own bounds. It is its own co-almuten along with Venus.

Dynamic Factors


Other Factors

The Moon is in Saturn ruled Capricorn in the bounds of Mercury. It is close to Mars' Lot of Courage. There is a relationship between Saturn and Mercury by mixed reception - Mercury is in the exaltation of Saturn, being in Libra, and Saturn is in the triplicity and bounds of Mercury. Saturn is the almuten of the Moon. The Moon is not within moiety of other planets, but approaches the square of Mercury in time.

Venus is close to the Lot of Victory (Jupiter's lot). The Lot of Eros (Venus' lot) is in Mercury ruled Virgo in the bounds of Jupiter. Saturn's Lot of Nemesis is in the bounds of Mars in Mars ruled Aries in the WSH twelfth.


Saturn remains a powerful significator in this match chart. In this game it is the bound lord of the descendant degree giving it symbolic grounding. My reading of this is that it represents the Colt's defensive game, and I feel the Ravens will find it difficult to score. However, with Jupiter and Mars remaining in mutual reception, and Jupiter being the bound lord of the IC degree, I believe the overall symbolism favours the Ravens. Much of the match may turn on Lamar Jackson's mercurial QB skills being the decisive factor in the outcome of the game.

The Lots of Courage and Nemesis are instructive. The Moon, representing the flow of the match, is closely aligned with Mars' lot, suggesting that the lesser malefic, which I believe works for the Ravens because of the mutual reception with Jupiter, is a key factor in the game. Note that the Lot of Nemesis, the lot of the Colts most powerful significator - Saturn - is in the bounds of Mars in Mars ruled Aries. This suggests that the Mars-Jupiter combination, working for the Ravens, overcomes the underdogs.


A Ravens win in overtime in a high scoring game. The Ravens had to mount a surge in the final quarter of the game to win this one, having struggled to score for most of the match.

Colts 25 Ravens 31

Bookies 2 Astrologer 2 (both predictions were correct)

Success ratio:

Bookies 11/16 (69%)
Astrologer 11/16 (69%)


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Re: NFL New Season - Predictions
« Reply #23 on: October 13, 2021, 08:24:30 PM »
Bucs @ Eagles (Week 6)

14/10/2021 20:20 Lincoln Financial Field

The Bucs will be clear favourites on this trip to the Eagles. The Bucs are 4-1 and the Eagles are 2-3. As I write, the odds for the Eagles are shortening and those for the Bucs are drifting. The Eagles are a mid-rank team in all areas of the game and slightly stronger on defense. The Bucs are clearly a powerful offensive team, with high rankings for offense and passing. The are mid-rank for defense and a lowly ranked team for rushing.

Buccaneers - favourites

Natural Significator (NS) - Jupiter

Jupiter has slowed to its station direct, in Saturn ruled Aquarius. It is in the bounds of Mars, and forms a mutual reception by bound with the lesser malefic. Jupiter is elevated in the ninth WSH.

Natural Co-Significator (NC) - Venus

Venus is in Jupiter ruled Sagittarius, in the bounds of Jupiter. This is a highly Jupiterian Venus, with the greater benefic being its almuten. Venus is in the seventh WSH, the house associated with the underdog Eagles. It is a brilliant sight in the evening sky, and is just about to set at the time of the match. It has separated from the South Node, although its recent conjunct with this malefic point did not seem to circumscribe its significations.

Ruler of the First House - Mercury

Mercury is the lord of the first. It is in Venus ruled Libra, retrograde in the WSH fifth. Mercury is in its own bounds and is its own almuten along with co-almuten Venus.

Bound lord - Mercury

See analysis for ruler of the first house above.

Eagles - underdogs

NS - Saturn

Saturn is stationary and is just about to turn direct. It is in its own sign of Aquarius. Saturn is in the bounds of Mercury in the ninth WSH. It is close to the degree of the MC.

NC - Mars

Mars is slowly separating from the faster moving Sun. It is invisible, but will be entering its heliacal rising phase soon. It is in the bounds of Jupiter in the WSH fifth. It remains in its mutual reception by bound with the greater benefic.

Ruler of the Seventh House - Jupiter

See analysis for NS for favourites.

Bound lord - Jupiter

See analysis for NS for favourites.


Ruler of the IC - Sun

The Sun is in the bounds of Venus in the Venus ruled sign of Libra. The almuten of the Sun is Venus. The Sun is in the WSH fifth.

Bound lord - Saturn

See analysis for the NS for the underdogs.

Hour ruler - Saturn

See analysis for the NS for the underdogs.

Dynamic Factors


Other Factors

The Moon is in Saturn ruled Aquarius and its almuten is Saturn. It is in the bounds of Jupiter. The Moon is separating from the trine of Mercury and applying to the trine of Mars. Moon is close to the Lot of Courage, Mars' Lot. Saturn and Mercury remain in the mixed receptions. Saturn is the exaltation lord of Mercury, and Mercury is the triplicity ruler and bound lord of Saturn.


I think that the symbolism here clearly supports the bookies' favourite, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Saturn is still a powerful significator and rules the IC showing that the Eagles have something to play for. However, the power of Mercury, in its own bound and ruling the first house, being the bound lord of the ascendant and in mutual reception with Saturn, suggests that the Bucs have the upper hand.

This is a good example of the favourite's significators being associated with the underdogs. Jupiter rules the seventh house; Jupiter is the bound lord of the seventh; and Venus is in the seventh in the bounds of Jupiter. If Venus was in Libra or Taurus this would be a powerful sign of the strength of the underdog's position. However, in this case, I believe it shows the relative strength of the favourite and their dominant role in the match.  All planets also aspect the rising sign by whole sign.

Tampa Bay look a good prospect to extend their record to 5-1 and for the Dolphins to fall to 2-4.


The Buccs created a big lead in this match, but the Eagles came back strongly in the latter part of the game. However the Buccs ran out winners as predicted.

Buccanneers 28 Eagles 22

Bookies 2 Astrologer 2 (both predictions were correct)

Success ratio:

Bookies 12/17 (71%)
Astrologer 12/17 (71%)


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Re: NFL New Season - Predictions
« Reply #24 on: October 15, 2021, 09:19:20 AM »
Dolphins @ Jaguars (London - Week 6)

17/10/2021 14:30 Tottenham Hotspur Stadium

This game is an interesting one. The bookmakers favour the Dolphins, although statistically they are one of the poorest teams in the league, ranking 30+ in each area of the game. The Jags are better on paper, particularly in the rushing game, where they are ranked sixth in the league, and offensively, where they are ranked 21st. The Jags are not highly rated defensively or in passing. In theory, if the Jags can get their ground game working, they should be in with a strong chance in this game. However, to maintain consistency with this method, the Dolphins must be taken as favourites to win. The Dolphins are 1-4; the Jags are 0-5 and need to record a win to kick start their season.

Dolphins - favourites

Natural Significator (NS) - Jupiter

Jupiter is stationary in the bounds of Mars. It is in Saturn ruled Aquarius. Jupiter is in the WSH second.

Natural Co-Significator (NC) - Venus

Venus is in Jupiter ruled Sagittarius in the WSH twelfth. It is in the bounds of Jupiter; the greater benefic is its almuten.

Ruler of the First House - Saturn

Saturn is in Aquarius, its own sign and in the bounds of Mercury. It is slowly moving forward now, having passed its station direct. It has entered its heliacal setting phase and its power is now on the wane.

Bound lord - Venus

See NC analysis for the favourite above.

Jaguars - underdogs

NS - Saturn

See Ruler of the First House analysis above for the favourites.

NC - Mars

Mars is in Venus ruled Libra, in the bounds of Venus. The lesser benefic is its co-almuten along with Saturn. Mars is in the tenth WSH. Mars is direct and combust.

Ruler of the Seventh House - Moon

The Moon is in Pisces, ruled by Jupiter, in the bounds of Mars. The Moon is in the third WSH. It is void of course.

Bound lord - Mercury

Mercury is in its own bound, in Venus ruled Libra. It remains in mixed reception with Saturn. Mercury is retrograde, slowing towards its station direct. It is in the WSH tenth. It is under the sun's beams.


Ruler of the IC - Venus

See NC analysis for the favourites above.

Bound lord - Jupiter

See NS analysis for the favourites above.

Hour ruler - Sun

The Sun is in Libra, ruled by Venus and in the bounds of Venus. Saturn and Venus are its co-almutens. Sun is in the WSH tenth.

Dynamic Factors


Other Factors

Sun and Venus are in mixed reception. The Sun is ruled by Venus in the bounds of Venus; Venus is in the triplicity ruled by the Sun.


Although the Jags have the edge on paper, I believe that the bookmakers have called this game correctly. Saturn remains a powerful significator for underdogs at the moment, but it is partially co-opted by the favourites by being ruler of the first house. Saturn is not the bound lord of any significant points in the chart. Its mixed receptions with Mercury is helpful to the Jags, as Mercury is bound lord of the descendant and in its own bounds. However it is ruled by Venus. The Moon appears to work for the 'dog too. However it is ruled by Jupiter and in the exaltation and triplicity of Venus. The almuten of Venus is Jupiter.

On balance the Dolphins should win, taking their record to 2-4. Unfortunately it seems likely that the Jags will sink to 0-6, extending their losing streak.

Pre-match commentary

One way of look at the relative merits of the two teams is to sum the rankings of each side according to the stats summary on the match page.

The Dolphins are ranked as follows:

Offense: 31/32
Defense: 30/32
Passing: 30/32
Rushing: 32/32

This makes a total of 123/128 (96.1%), where a high score is worse than a lower score.

The Jags are ranked as follows:

Offense: 21/32
Defense: 27/32
Passing: 27/32
Rushing: 7/32

Total = 82/128 (64.1%)

This suggests that the Jags are much better than their 0-5 record, and that the Dolphins are probably worse than their 1-4 record.

Is this a fair conclusion?

The Jags have played the following teams:

Texans (1-4) - lost by 16 points (ranking score 109)
Broncos (3-2) - lost by 10 points  (ranking score 56)
Cardinals (5-0) - lost by 12 points  (ranking score 37)
Bengals (3-2) - lost by 3 points (ranking score 82)
Titans (3-2) - lost by 18 points (ranking score 59)

So the Jags have played four sides with winning records and have a deficit of 59 points. The win-loss record of their opponents is 15-10. Total ranking score of opponents is 343.

The Dolphins have played:

Buccanneers (5-1) - lost by 28 points (unknown)
Patriots (2-3) - won by 1 point  (ranking score 78)
Bills (4-1) - lost by 35 points to nil  (ranking score 25)
Raiders (3-2) - lost by 3 points (ranking score 56)
Colts (1-4) - lost by 10 points (ranking score 62)

Points deficit = 75 and they have played two sides with losing records and 3 with winning records. The win-loss record of their opponents is 15-11. Total ranking scores are 221 (unfortunately the Buccs ranking score is unavailable as they have already played this week.

The Jags have played more winning teams, but the Dolphins have played tougher sides. On balance, this does suggests that despite their own low ranking score, they have played better than the Jags, and their lower overall ranking is due to the more challenging teams that they have faced in the first five weeks of the season.


This was close match, won by the Jags with a field goal in the last five seconds of the game. This game does raise a serious methodological question. Should the first house represent the favourite, chosen by the bookmakers, or the best team on paper. The bookmakers don't necessarily make the best team the favourite, as their odds are driven by the betting patterns of punters. This is something to watch in future games.

Dolphins 20 Jaguars 23

Bookies 2 Astrologer 2 (both predictions were in correct)

Success ratio:

Bookies 12/18 (67%)
Astrologer 12/18 (67%)


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Re: NFL New Season - Predictions
« Reply #25 on: October 16, 2021, 07:52:39 AM »
Seahawks @ Steelers (Week 6)

17/10/2021 20:20:00 Heinz Field

The Seahawks travel to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania to take on the Steelers in the final Sunday game. The Seahawks have had a troubled start to the season and are on a losing record - 2-3. The Steelers have also been inconsistent and their record is also 2-3. On paper the Seahawks are a mid-field team in all areas of the game with the exception of defense where they are ranked bottom of the league. The Steelers are less favourably rated than the Seahawks in offense and rushing. Their defense and passing game are average.

The Seahawks total ranking score is 86; the Steelers total ranking score is 91. In the game the bookmakers favour the Steelers at home over the Seahawks on the road.

Steelers - favourites

Natural Significator (NS) - Jupiter

Jupiter remains in Saturn ruled Aquarius, in the bounds of Mars. It remains stationary, on its direct station, and is waiting to enter its heliacal setting phase. Jupiter is still bright in the evening sky. It is placed in the WSH ninth.

Natural Co-Significator (NC) - Venus

Venus is in Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter. It is in the bounds of Jupiter and the triplicity of Jupiter. Its almuten is Jupiter. Venus is in the underdog's house, being placed in the WSH seventh.

Ruler of the First House - Mercury

Mercury is in Venus ruled Libra, in  its own bounds. Mercury is retrograde in the fifth WSH. It is its own co-almuten along with Venus. Mercury separates from Venus by dexter sextile. 

Bound lord - Mercury

See analysis for Ruler of the First House above.

Seahawks - underdogs

NS - Saturn

Saturn is in its own sign of Aquarius. It is slow, heliacally setting, fading and in the bounds of Mercury.

NC - Mars

Mars is in Venus ruled Libra in the bounds of Venus. Its almuten is Venus. Mars is separating from the Sun, although still invisible being combust. It is direct and placed in the WSH fifth.

Ruler of the Seventh House - Jupiter

See NS analysis for favourites above.

Bound lord - Jupiter

See NS analysis for favourites above.

Venus is placed in the 'dogs' house.


Ruler of the IC - Sun

The Sun is in Venus ruled Libra, in the bounds of Venus. The Sun's almuten is Venus. The Sun is in the WSH fifth.

Bound lord - Venus

See analysis for the favourites' NC.

Hour ruler - Mars

See analysis for the favourites' NC

Dynamic Factors


Other Factors

The Moon is void of course in the Jupiter ruled sign of Pisces. It is in the bounds of Mars and placed in the WSH tenth. There are no mutual receptions if effect. The mixed receptions between Saturn and Mercury remain in place: Saturn is in the bounds and triplicity of Mercury and Mercury is in the exaltation of Saturn. The mixed receptions bring Saturn, the underdog's NS, into play for the Steelers. This symbolism may represent the Seahawks weakness in defense.

It is noteworthy that Mercury is the triplicity lord of all planets in air signs. Mercury is an important significator in this match and it is most closely aligned with favourites being ruler and bound lord of the first house. Mercury seems to be associated particularly with quarterbacks. The quarterback is a master of disguise, a trickster, using their feet and hands to give flight to the ball. The symbolism here suggests that Ben Roethlisberger, the veteran Steelers QB, shows some of his old magic in this match as he enters the final stage of his career (Saturn in the bounds and triplicity of Mercury is a good symbol for a veteran QB).


The astrological symbolism of this game is very similar to the significations in the Thursday night match. In that game I picked the favourites to win. In some ways the significations of this match are more clearly aligned with the favourites since the IC is in the bounds of a benefic rather than malefic Saturn. In the Buccs-Eagles match, the 'dog was able to mount a comeback (Saturn bound lord of IC) but this signification was not sufficient to overcome the symbolism supporting the favourite.

I will go with the bookies again on this one - Steelers to win at home.


This was close match. The Steelers won in overtime with a field goal.

Seahawks 20 Steelers 23

Bookies 2 Astrologer 2 (both predictions were correct)

Success ratio:

Bookies 13/19 (68%)
Astrologer 13/19 (68%)


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Re: NFL New Season - Predictions
« Reply #26 on: October 18, 2021, 07:32:51 AM »
Bills @ Titans (Week 6)

18/10/2021 19:15 Nissan Stadium

The Bills are favourites in this match, having a 4-1 winning record. They defeated the Chiefs last week on the road and, on paper, are a stronger team than the Titans. However, Tennessee may be stiffer opposition than the Bills have faced so far in the season as the Titans have a 3-2 winning record. The Bills are much stronger in defense and passing; the two teams are evenly matched offensively and rushing.

Bills - favourites

Natural Significator (NS) - Jupiter

Jupiter is stationary, turning direct towards its heliacal setting phase. If the sky is clear over Nashville, Jupiter should be clearly visible. Jupiter is in Saturn ruled Aquarius, in the bounds of Mars, and in the WSH tenth. It is square the horizon so it is the most elevated planet in the chart.

Natural Co-Significator (NC) - Venus

Venus is in Jupiter ruled Sagittarius, in the WSH eighth house, in its own bounds. Jupiter is Venus' almuten. Jupiter is still in its heliacal rising phase, distant from the sun and visible in the night sky.

Ruler of the First House - Venus

See analysis for NC of favourites above.

Bound lord - Jupiter

See analysis for NS of the favourites above.

Titans - underdogs

NS - Saturn

Saturn is in its own sign of Aquarius. It is in the bounds of Mercury in the tenth WSH. It is now direct and picking up speed slowly, albeit in its heliacal setting phase. Saturn is still a powerful significator, but is losing its symbolic power as the Sun moves closer to a new synodic phase with Saturn in about three months time.

NC - Mars

Mars is in Venus ruled Libra, in the bounds of Venus. Venus is the almuten of Mars. Mars is in the WSH sixth, gradually gaining distance from the Sun. It is entering its heliacal rising phase but remains combust for the time being.

Ruler of the Seventh House - Mars

See analysis for the NC of the underdogs above.

Bound lord - Jupiter

See analysis for the NS of the favourites above.


Ruler of the IC - Sun

The Sun is in the Venus ruled sign of Libra, in the bounds of Venus. Venus is the almuten of the Sun. The Sun is in the WSH sixth.

Bound lord - Jupiter

See analysis for the NS of the favourites above.

Hour ruler - Mercury

Mercury is in Venus ruled Libra, in its own bounds. Mercury is its own co-almuten with Venus. Mercury is now direct, having left its retrograde phase. It is moving slowly. Mercury is in the WSH sixth, along with the Sun and Mars.

Dynamic Factors


Other Factors

The Moon is in Mars ruled Aries, in the WSH twelfth. It is separating from the sextile of Saturn and applying to the trine of Venus.


Saturn is the Titan's strongest significator, but it is hampered in a number of ways. It does not rule the bounds of any key positions, for either the favourites or the underdogs. It remains in mixed receptions by exaltation, triplicity and bound with Mercury, but Mercury itself does not rule the bounds of any key significators. Mercury is highly Venusian, being ruled by a Venus in its own bounds.

All significations point towards a Bills win in Nashville. To have any chance, the Titans will have to play a strong defensive and ground game to make the most of their key significator Saturn. However, I don't anticipate that this will be sufficient to overturn the Bills on this occasion.


This was a very close game, with the Titans ovecoming the Bills. The Titans' Derrick Henry scored three TDs rushing. The Bills were favoured by 94% of Pickwatch experts so most pundits didn't pick the Titans to win either!

Bills 31 Titans 34

Bookies 2 Astrologer 2 (both predictions were incorrect)

Success ratio:

Bookies 13/20 (65%)
Astrologer 13/20 (65%)


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Re: NFL New Season - Predictions
« Reply #27 on: October 20, 2021, 07:48:39 PM »
Broncos @ Browns (Week 7)

21/10/2021 20:20 Firstenergy Stadium

Week 7 kicks off with the Broncos visit to the Browns. The Browns are favourites here, although their odds are lengthening and the odds on the Denver team are shortening. The bookmakers still expect the Browns to win. The Browns were comprehensively beaten by the Cardinals last week and their season is 3-3 after a promising start. The Broncos are also 3-3. On paper the Browns are the better side, but not by much.

          Broncos   Browns
Offense        13       9
Defense          8       5
Passing        12     24
Rushing        12       1
Total       45     39
            35.2%   30.5%

The Broncos perform consistently well across the game. The Browns better them in 3 out of 4 stats, but are well behind on the passing game. This reflects difficulties with Baker Mayfield's season and a potential shoulder injury that will be hampering his game.

Browns - favourites

Natural Significator (NS) - Jupiter

Jupiter has passed its direct station and is now moving slowly forward in its heliacal setting phase. The light of Jupiter will progressively dim over the coming months as it sets towards the Sun in the evening. Jupiter is in Saturn ruled Aquarius in the bounds of Mars. It is in the WSH ninth.

Natural Co-Significator (NC) - Venus

Venus is in Jupiter ruled Sagittarius, in its own bounds. It is setting in the WSH seventh. Venus is still moving away from the Sun in its heliacal rising phase. It is a bright point in the evening sky.

Ruler of the First House - Mercury

Gemini rises making Mercury, the trickster, the ruler of the first house. Mercury is Venus ruled Libra in the WSH fifth. It is in its own bounds. It is heliacally rising, but moving slowly, having reached its station direct recently. Mercury is visible, having moved out of the Sun's beams. 

Bound lord - Jupiter

See analysis for NS for the favourites.

 Broncos - underdogs

NS - Saturn

Saturn is in its own sign - Aquarius. It is in the bounds of Mercury and in the WSH ninth. Saturn remains a powerful planet in the chart, being in dignity by rulership. Saturn remains in mixed reception with Mercury and it is co-almuten of itself along with Mercury. Saturn is partile trine to the ascendant degree.

NC - Mars

Mars is in Venus ruled Libra, in the bounds of Venus. It is in the WSH fifth. Mars remains combust as it moves away from its recent conjunction with the Sun.

Ruler of the Seventh House - Jupiter

See NS for the favourites.

Bound lord - Jupiter

See NS for the favourites.


Ruler of the IC - Sun

The Sun is in Venus ruled Libra in the bounds of Mars. It is in the WSH fifth.

Bound lord - Saturn

The greater malefic is the bound lord of the IC. See analysis for the NS for the underdogs.

Hour ruler - Saturn

See analysis for the NS for the underdogs.

Dynamic Factors


Other Factors

The Moon is Venus ruled Taurus, in the bounds of Jupiter. It is moving from the square of Saturn to the square of Jupiter. It is in the WSH twelfth.


The NFL stats give the Browns a slight advantage in this match. However, both sides are very evenly matched. The Broncos perform well in all areas of the game; the Browns are struggling with passing and need to rely on their ground game to prosper. (Baker Mayfield, the starting QB, is now out of the match due to a recurrence of his left shoulder injury.)

The symbolism in this game chart brings to mind the recent Buccs-Eagles match (see analysis above). In that match I picked the Buccs to win. They did. But not until they had seen off an Eagles comeback in the second half of the match. This game may go the same way, with the Browns stretching out a lead, until the Broncos come back strongly at them with their all round game.

Saturn's strength, and being bound lord of the IC and partile trine the ascendant degree, gives the Broncos plenty of muscle, but Venus's role in this chart is potentially decisive. In the Buccs-Eagles match Venus was close to the descendant in the bounds of Jupiter in Jupiter ruled Sagittarius. In this match Venus is in its own bound, again ruled by Jupiter.

This is potentially an example of co-option where the NC for the favourite actually works to the advantage of the underdog. In general it seems that a significator can 'swap' sides if it is in the opponents's house and in its own sign, exaltation or bound (or triplicity?).  If Venus is symbolically tied to the Broncos, they may have the edge, unlike the Eagles in the previous game. In this case the Broncos may run out winners in a tight match.

If Saturn was in the bounds of Venus, or swapped bounds during the match from Mercury to Venus, or the IC was in the bounds of Venus, I would not hesitate to call this match for the 'dog. This match is probably too close to call decisively, either for the favourite or the 'dog, but I am going to give it to the Broncos, challenging the bookmakers. The bookies have the odds on the Broncos shortening, and the odds on the Browns drifting, in the final days before the match. Potentially the Broncos may end up favourites before the match, but as it stands on Wednesday night, the Browns still have the upper hand according to the bookmakers.


This was a very close game again with the Browns winning 17-14. My match analysis was correct, in that the Browns ran out to an early lead (10-0 at the end of the first quarter) but then had to fend off the Broncos' recovery. Nevertheless the prediction was incorrect.

The learning here is that the IC is very much the least important aspect of the method. The horizon (houses 1 and 7) seem to be the definitive and the symbolism of the bound lords of the cusps suggested a Browns win (Jupiter bound lord of both angles).

The placement of Venus in WSH seven needs further reflection, but I am coming to the conclusion that an opponent's planet, particularly the NS and NC, needs to be in it is own sign in the other team's house for co-option to occur. In this case, Venus would need to be in Taurus or Libra for the lesser benefic, the favourite's NC, to work for the underdog.

In the end the symbolism is tricky here. My judgement was based on the bound lord of the IC being Saturn and the ruler of the IC being the Sun in the bounds of Mars, Saturn being strong in its own sign and in mixed reception with Mercury in its own bounds. Mercury is ruler of the ascendant, the angle associated with the favourite.

The symbolism associated with the winning favourites is Jupiter being bound lord of the ascendant and descendant, Jupiter being in the bounds of Mars, and Mars being in the bounds of Venus and ruled by Venus. Venus is in its own bounds in WSH seven ruled by Jupiter. The Moon, although in the WSH twelfth, is in a Venus ruled sign, in the bounds of Jupiter, moving from the square of Saturn to the square of Jupiter.

In conclusion, the symbolism associated with the WSH fourth is not decisive, and it seems can only play a confirmatory role in the analysis. Fourth house symbolism doesn't seem to be sufficient to overcome the symbolism associated with the horizon.

Broncos 14 Browns 17

Bookies 3 Astrologer 2 (astrologer incorrect)

Success ratio:

Bookies 14/21 (67%)
Astrologer 13/21 (62%)


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Re: NFL New Season - Predictions
« Reply #28 on: October 24, 2021, 05:36:41 PM »
Colts @ 49ers (Week 7)

24/10/2021 17:20 Levi's Stadium, San Francisco

In this match the 49ers, the home team, are favourites. However, on paper, the Colts are the better team overall. With the exception of defense, the Colts are significantly better in all areas of the game. The 49ers are the second best team overall in the league for defense, so the Colts might struggle to score, but they have the game to get past the 49ers in offense, passing and rushing giving them plenty of options on the ground or in the air.

   Colts   49ers
Offense   14   26
Defense   20   2
Passing   15   29
Rushing   11   21
Total   60   78
   46.9%   60.9%

The punters' sentiments play a significant role in setting the odds, as bookmakers seek to protect their revenue and profits. Bookmakers are not necessarily interested in which team is the best, but tailor their odds to ensure a return on their side of the bet.

49ers - favourites

Natural Significator (NS) - Jupiter

Jupiter is in the bounds of Mars in the Saturn ruled sign of Aquarius. It is in the WSH eleventh. Jupiter is direct, moving slowly, and has entered its heliacal setting phase.

Natural Co-Significator (NC) - Venus

Venus is in Jupiter ruled Sagittarius, in the bounds of Mercury, in the WSH ninth. Venus is approaching Jupiter by dexter sextile.

Ruler of the First House - Mars

Mars is lord of the ruling sign Aries. Mars is in Libra, ruled by Venus, and in the bounds of Venus. Mars is in the opponent's house, the WSH seventh. Mars remains combust but is being distanced by the Sun. The co-almutens of Mars are Saturn and Venus.

Bound lord - Venus

See NC analysis for favourite above.

Colts - underdogs

NS - Saturn

Saturn has made a significant move recently, changing from the bounds of Mercury to the bounds of Venus. It is in its own sign - Aquarius. Saturn remains a powerful symbol for the underdog, but being in the bounds of Venus suggests a degree of ambiguity. How closely is it now aligned to the favourites, as Venus is the NC of the favoured side. Saturn is in the WSH eleventh. Saturn is moving slowly, in its heliacal setting phase.

NC - Mars

See Ruler of the First House for the favourite.

Ruler of the Seventh House - Venus

See analysis for the NC of the favourite above.

Bound lord - Mercury

Mercury is in the Venus ruled sign of Libra, in the WSH seventh, in its own bounds. It is close to the descendant degree, just above the horizon by ecliptic longitude.

Hour ruler - Saturn

See NS analysis for the underdog.

Dynamic Factors


Other Factors

The Moon is in Mercury ruled Gemini and in the bounds of Mars. The Moon is separating from the opposition of Venus to the sinister trine of Jupiter. Mercury is in a mixed reception with Venus, by ruler and bound.

John Frawley's Method

John Frawley sets out a method of sports prediction using the lords of houses 1, 10, 7 and 4, plus antiscia and the movement of the Moon. Nothing stands out using Frawley's approach apart from Venus antiscion (Venus lord 7 for the underdog) just inside the tenth Porphyry house. Antiscion Moon is just inside the fourth Porphyry house opposing and approaching.

I don't have a great deal of experience with Frawley's method, but my sense is, without much going on in this chart from his point of view, he would call this game for the Colts as underdogs (Antiscion Venus as L7 just inside C10, antiscion Moon as L4 just inside C4, C4 and C7 are the underdog's angles. Antiscion L7 goes to the opponent's house 10. Antiscion Moon, representing the flow of the game, goes to the underdog's house 4.)

For more information see: J Frawley (2007) Sports Astrology. Apprentice Books, London, England.


In this match we have the reversal of significations involving the natural co-significators of the two teams. Mars, the NC of the 'dog, rules the first house, the house of the favourite; Venus, the NC of the favourite, rules the seventh house, the house of the underdog.

Mars, the favourites' ruler, is in the seventh WSH in the bounds of Venus, ruled by Venus. Venus is a co-almuten of the lesser malefic.

Venus, the 'dogs' ruler, is in the ninth WSH, in Jupiter ruled Sagittarius in the bounds of Mercury. Mercury is in mixed reception with Venus - Venus rules Mercury in Libra, and Mercury is bound lord of Venus.

Moon, ruled by Mercury but in the bounds of Mars, moves from the opposition of Venus to the trine of Jupiter. It also moves from the close conjunction with the Lot of Nemesis, Saturn's lot.

On balance I am going to say that the team represented by the first house will win here, so a victory for the 49ers. The bound lord of the first house is Venus, for the favourite, and the favourite has the opponent's NC, Mars, on their side in the opponent's house by virtue of Mars' rulership of the first house.

The challenge is the opponent's ruler Venus in the bounds of Mercury, with Mercury in the WSH seventh near the descendant. However, Venus is in mixed reception with Mercury because it is the lord of Mercury's placement in Libra. Mercury is a strong and unpredictable factor here, and being close to the angle of the descendant could represent an upset with the Colts coming through to beat the 49ers.

If the 49ers were also the stronger side, there is no doubt that they would win, but Mercury casts doubt here, and the match could actually be too close to call with the underdogs sneaking in for a win.


My mid-season slump continues! In the end this was a convincing win for the Colts. One of the conclusions from this game is that the first house can be taken for the favourites.

Colts 30 49ers 18

Bookies 3 Astrologer 2 (both predictions were incorrect)

Success ratio:

Bookies 14/22 (64%)
Astrologer 13/22 (59%)


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Re: NFL New Season - Predictions
« Reply #29 on: October 25, 2021, 07:50:26 AM »
Saints @ Seahawks

The Saints go into this game with a 3-2 record; the Seahawks are 2-4. The Seahawks will be without talismanic QB Russell Wilson who is recovering from a finger injury. The Saints are the bookmaker's favourite in this game.

Favourite - Saints

L1 - Mars
Bound lord - Mercury

The two key significators for the Saints are Mars and Mercury. Mars is in the WSH seventh so is very much in play for the Saints. However it remains in the bounds of Venus. Mercury is close to the descendant degree and so in play for the Saints. It is in the bounds of Jupiter but ruled by Venus. It remains in a mixed reception with Venus - its lord is Venus and Venus is in the bounds of Mercury, although the mixed reception is less powerful than it has been in the last few games. Mercury being in the bounds of Jupiter is a neutral factor as Jupiter is not one of the key significators in the match.

Underdogs - Seahawks

L1 - Venus
Bound lord - Mercury

Venus and Mercury stand in for the Seahawks. Venus is in the bounds of Mercury and Mercury is in the bounds of Jupiter and ruled by Venus, hence the mixed reception. Jupiter is not in play in this game as a key significator so is a neutral factor. Mercury is in the seventh WSH house so is in play for the Seahawks and the Saints.

Other Factors

Venus is ruled by Jupiter. Although Jupiter is not one of the four significators, so it is neutral in this sense, it does seem to play a secondary role as ruler of the L7 and bound lord of Mercury. Venus approaches Jupiter by dexter sextile. Jupiter is in the bounds of Mars, but Mars is in the bounds of Venus, so on balance the greater benefic probably tips towards the underdogs.


I'm going to have another punt on the underdogs here, so Seahawks to win. Mercury is in play for both teams, being bound lord for the rising degree (favourites) and tenanting the the WSH seventh. I think the factor likely to make the difference is Venus' relationship with Mercury through mixed reception. Mercury is in the setting sign and ruled by Venus and Venus is in the bounds of Mercury. Venus is in play being in the WSH ninth. In this game, Mars as ruler of the WSH first is in play for the Saints, but being in the WSH seventh too, has some signification for the underdogs. Mars' ability to act for the favourite is limited by its placement in the bounds of Venus.

I am trying to simplify my method which had become rather cumbersome. The idea of natural signification, whilst symbolically correct, served to add another layer of interpretation which became confusing. Let's see how we get on with this reduced symbol set. One question to explore in this game is whether bodily placement (in house) trumps symbolic relationships. If this is the case, Mars and Mercury being bodily located in the WSH seventh would see the Saints win, as their two rulers are placed in the opponent's house.