I also added searchaspectx for aspects between a transit and a horoscope.
from the help:
Syntax: searchaspectx(real start, real end, int p1, int p2, int h, int as);
Action: Searches for aspect as between transit p1 and p2 from horoscope h, from start to end, returns julian day if found, else returns 6000000.
int time[6];
real jd;
jd = getsystemtime(time);
copyhoroscope(-1, 0);
jd = searchaspectx(jd, jd + 370, SUN, MOON, 0, CONJUNCTION); ` find the moment when transit sun is conjunct moon in horoscope number 0.
real zone = gettimezone(defaultplace, jd);
juliantotime(jd + zone, time);