Author Topic: Time Lord System - Trails of Stars - Rok Koritnik  (Read 2729 times)

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Time Lord System - Trails of Stars - Rok Koritnik
« on: April 10, 2023, 07:51:23 AM »
Hi there - you are welcome to download the Trails of Stars Time Lord module (see attachments below). This is a new time lord system developed by Rok Koritnik. It is described in his book At the Turning of the Years: A Book on Solar Forecasting.

You can find Rok's website at Rok's book is available at

From Rok's Helpfile for this module:

TRAILS OF THE STARS - a modern time-lord technique developed by Rok Koritnik


Each planet has its male or diurnal and female or nocturnal domicile. The Sun and the Moon only have one domicile each (Leo and Cancer). This division of diurnal and nocturnal domiciles is well known and commonly accepted, but we unfortunately rarely see it put in use.  The technique here does, like most Hellenistic or traditional techniques comply with the principle of sect and also take diurnal and nocturnal domiciles into the account. The procedure is as follows:

1. We determine the initiator - the Sun or the Moon (as described below).

2. We count how many signs the initiator has traveled from its domicile. If in domicile, it gets 12 years. If in the 2nd sign from it, it gets 1 year. If in the 12th sign from it, it gets 11 years, etc.

3. We continue in the ascending order by speed, so if we started with the Sun, the next time-lord will be Mars and if we started with the Moon, the next time-lord will be Mercury. We count the signs according to the sect, thus by day from the diurnal domicile and by night from the nocturnal one.

4. When the full cycle of time-lords is complete, the rulership of time is handed over to the sect Light again.

Rok named this technique Trails of the stars, because the planets are leaving a trail from their domicile that represents years they have traversed, thus the amount of years they rule. To demonstrate this time-lord technique I will use a few of the horoscopes from earlier chapters. We will now look at how this time-lord technique can help to direct our focus.


Ancient techniques for calculating the length of life require that we select the epikratétor or the predominator of the horoscope. This is usually the Sun by day or the Moon by night, provided they meet certain criteria. If they don't, then the other luminary takes the place of the predominator, or sometimes even Fortune or the Ascendant. Since the selection of the predominator is not a part of this technique we will not examine it. The Trails of the Stars time-lord technique does require a similar selection of the luminary from which we start the releasing or counting of time, but the rules are a bit simpler than those for selecting the predominator and are based on whole-sign places. We shall call the luminary that begins the counting of years the Initiator.

The initiator can only be one of the two luminaries. In a diurnal horoscope the initiator is the Sun, unless he is in the 8th or the 12th place (with the 8th place having some exceptions). In such a case the Moon replaces the Sun, provided she is not in the 12th or the 6th place. The same rules apply for a nocturnal horoscope, where the Moon is the initiator, unless she is in the above mentioned places. If both luminaries are in difficult places, then we select the one that is in the 8th or the 2nd, since these two places are succeedent and will eventually move to an angle. In order to not leave too much space for speculation I've decided to write down all the possible scenarios where the luminary of the sect is replaced by the other.

BY DAY (places in order of diurnal rotation):

The Sun in the 12th, the Moon in the 1st = the Moon
The Sun in the 12th, the Moon in the 12th = the Sun
The Sun in the 12th, the Moon in the 11th  = the Moon
The Sun in the 12th, the Moon in the 10th  = the Moon
The Sun in the 12th, the Moon in the 9th = the Moon
The Sun in the 12th, the Moon in the 8th = the Moon
The Sun in the 12th, the Moon in the 7th = the Moon
The Sun in the 12th, the Moon in the 6th = the Sun
The Sun in the 12th, the Moon in the 5th = the Moon
The Sun in the 12th, the Moon in the 4th = the Moon
The Sun in the 12th, the Moon in the 3rd = the Moon
The Sun in the 12th, the Moon in the 2nd = the Moon

The Sun in the 8th, the Moon in the 1st = the Moon
The Sun in the 8th, the Moon in the 12th = the Sun
The Sun in the 8th, the Moon in the 11th = the Moon
The Sun in the 8th, the Moon in the 10th = the Moon
The Sun in the 8th, the Moon in the 9th = the Moon
The Sun in the 8th, the Moon in the 8th = the Sun
The Sun in the 8th, the Moon in the 7th = the Moon
The Sun in the 8th, the Moon in the 6th = the Sun
The Sun in the 8th, the Moon in the 5th = the Moon
The Sun in the 8th, the Moon in the 4th = the Moon
The Sun in the 8th, the Moon in the 3rd = the Moon
The Sun in the 8th, the Moon in the 2nd = the Sun

Note: The Sun in the 6th and 2nd places will always be below the horizon, but if he is up to 6 degrees below the horizon the horoscope is considered to be diurnal.

The Sun in the 6th, the Moon in the 1st = the Moon
The Sun in the 6th, the Moon in the 12th = the Moon
The Sun in the 6th, the Moon in the 11th = the Moon
The Sun in the 6th, the Moon in the 10th = the Moon
The Sun in the 6th, the Moon in the 9th = the Moon
The Sun in the 6th, the Moon in the 8th = the Moon
The Sun in the 6th, the Moon in the 7th = the Moon
The Sun in the 6th, the Moon in the 6th = the Sun
The Sun in the 6th, the Moon in the 5th = the Moon
The Sun in the 6th, the Moon in the 4th = the Moon
The Sun in the 6th, the Moon in the 3rd = the Moon
The Sun in the 6th, the Moon in the 2nd = the Moon

If the Sun is in the 9th place and the Moon is in the 1st or the 7th place and above the horizon, then the Moon replaces the Sun. Since the 9th place is the place of the Sun's joy, the Moon must be above the horizon in order to be able to take the Sun's role as the initiator. She can replace the Sun also if she is in the 11th or the 10th place.

BY NIGHT (places in order of diurnal rotation):

The Moon in the 12th, the Sun in the 6th = the Moon
The Moon in the 12th, the Sun in the 5th = the Sun
The Moon in the 12th, the Sun in the 4th = the Sun
The Moon in the 12th, the Sun in the 3rd = the Sun
The Moon in the 12th, the Sun in the 2rd = the Sun
The Moon in the 8th, the Sun in the 6th = the Moon
The Moon in the 8th, the Sun in the 5th = the Sun
The Moon in the 8th, the Sun in the 4th = the Sun
The Moon in the 8th, the Sun in the 3rd = the Sun
The Moon in the 8th, the Sun in the 2rd = the Moon

The Moon in the 6th, the Sun in the 6th = the Moon
The Moon in the 6th, the Sun in the 5th = the Sun
The Moon in the 6th, the Sun in the 4th = the Sun
The Moon in the 6th, the Sun in the 3rd = the Sun
The Moon in the 6th, the Sun in the 2rd = the Sun

The Moon in the 2nd, the Sun in the 6th = the Moon
The Moon in the 2nd  the Sun in the 5th = the Sun
The Moon in the 2nd, the Sun in the 4th = the Sun
The Moon in the 2nd, the Sun in the 3rd = the Sun
The Moon in the 2nd, the Sun in the 2rd = the Moon

If the Moon is in the 3rd place of her joy, she can be replaced by the Sun only if he is in the 1st or the 7th place and also if he is in the 5th or the 4th place.


The aim of Trails of the Stars time-lord technique is to provide a very individualized time-lords which are used in conjunction with profections and Solar returns. The time-lord by this technique sets up the context within which the subsequent Sun-based techniques (profections and Solar returns) are judged.

Rok Koritnik

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Re: Time Lord System - Trails of Stars - Rok Koritnik
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2023, 10:57:30 AM »
Thank you so much Ed!


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Re: Time Lord System - Trails of Stars - Rok Koritnik
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2023, 08:07:26 PM »
My pleasure Rok! I'm glad we've been able to make your new system available to the astrological community.



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Re: Time Lord System - Trails of Stars - Rok Koritnik
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2023, 04:01:09 PM »
Hi, I can't seem to find the link to download the module for the timelord.


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Re: Time Lord System - Trails of Stars - Rok Koritnik
« Reply #4 on: April 13, 2023, 06:24:03 PM »
At the bottom of the first post.
Greetings from Groningen Netherlands.


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Re: Time Lord System - Trails of Stars - Rok Koritnik
« Reply #5 on: April 13, 2023, 08:28:16 PM »
Thank you


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Re: Time Lord System - Trails of Stars - Rok Koritnik
« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2023, 09:34:45 AM »
Hi there - I have made a minor bug fix for the script to prevent overwriting of the listing window. Please download and update to v.1.17. The script attached above is the most up to date version.

Thanks. Ed


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Re: Time Lord System - Trails of Stars - Rok Koritnik
« Reply #7 on: September 24, 2023, 06:48:55 AM »
Hi there - the latest version of the script is attached at the foot of the first post in this thread.

v.2.01 - corrects bug for Rok's adjustment of significator if Sun is just below the horizon.

Please download again for the bug fix.
