Hi there - I have updated the Diurnal Horoscope module to include the option to calculate converse transits. This works in exactly the same way, by using the time and place of birth and just changing the date. Any daylight savings adjustments on the date of birth are retained, irrespective of whether they apply on the transit date.
The idea of converse diurnal transits are that they are a counterpoint to the direct transits on the chosen date. So for example, if the transits for a date 10000 days after birth are of interest, the converse date will be 10000 days before birth.
In this post I will look at the converse transits to Liz Truss's rectified chart using the 14:35 time in the previous post. I wrote, for the day that she was elected by the Conservative Party membership to be the leader of the party:
Liz Truss' victory in the leadership contest was announced on 5 September 2022. The diurnal chart for this day, based on the 14.35 time, is stunning. Of particular note is the angular Mercury, Jupiter and Mars all within a few minutes of arc of their respective angles. The moon is just sweeping past the meridian degrees and translating light between Jupiter and Mercury. Truss must have felt absolutely elated and unstoppable.
If we look at the converse transits for the 5 September 2022, we get a converse date of 14 June 1928. The chart for this date is most interesting.
We see that the Mercury-Pluto conjunction in mid-Cancer is straddling the MC at 13 CN 54. Uranus has just set at 7 AR 04. Of particular note is the Mars/Uranus midpoint which is around 14 Aries, precisely square MC-IC and the Mercury-Pluto midpoint. So we have a midpoint combination in the diurnal chart for the converse date of MC=ME/PL=MA/UR - explosive! Ebertin gives the following as negative psychological correspondences:
Hasty thinking and speaking, premature action or hastiness, the spirit of opposition, impatience, irritability, over-estimation of self.
All are highly pertinent to the days of Truss's premiership which were marked by rashness, hastiness, and over-reaching.
Ebertin's descriptions for MA/UR are very similar in tone - this compounds the irrational urgency with which Truss and Kwarteng applied themselves to the destruction of the UK economy.
If we look at the bi-wheel in relation to Truss's 14:35 chart we see the extraordinary cross-aspects:
Truss's highly sensitive Moon, Venus, Neptune t-square exactly triggered by the converse nodal axis.
Truss's t-square sitting on the diurnal Porphyry sixth house.
Truss's Pluto opposite the converse setting Uranus.
Truss's nodal axis square to converse Neptune close to Truss's MC.
Truss's sixth house Porphyry cusp at 14 LI 06, exactly on the converse MA/UR midpoint and square the converse MC=ME/PL.
Truss's Sun square converse Jupiter.
I have noted elsewhere in these threads that the Porphyry sixth house does not portend well in these diurnal charts. The sixth house converse activity tends to support this observation.
Readers might be tempted to say "So what?". What in fact does the 14 June 1928 have to do with Truss's fate. It might be purely coincidental of course, but Che Guevara, the Marxist revolutionary, was born on this date, and the British suffragette, Emmeline Pankhurst, died on this day. So we might want to say that in some way, the meaning of Truss's election to the leadership of the Conservative Party was symbolised by these two events nearly 100 years ago.
Emmeline Pankhurst's activism, and that of her suffragette colleagues, paved the way for female emancipation and the right of women to vote. It could be argued that it is only because of Pankhurst's lifetime of political action that women have the freedoms that they do in modern democracies, including the right to hold high office.
The revolutionary zeal manifested by Guevara was antithetical to Truss's right-wing, libertarian capitalism, but her enthusiasm for her cause, however misguided, was not to be doubted.
Readers will have to make up their own minds about the value of converse diurnal transits. However you can experiment with them using the module. You can find it in Horoscope-Progression-Diurnal Horoscope.