Hi - based on a rectified time of 22:55 for Sunak, the week commencing Monday 20 February 2023 looks particularly challenging for the PM. On Monday morning early there is a New Moon at the beginning of Pisces (01 PI 22) in an out of sign conjunction with Saturn rising at his birthplace. This combination of planets is closely opposite Sunak's Jupiter/Mars conjunction at the beginning of Virgo. I wonder whether the confrontation with the striking nurses and other essential workers will come to a head in this week, with Sunak trying to stymie any pay rises but ultimately being unsuccessful (Saturn - blocking, disappointment).
Transit Mars on the IC at the lunation is setting in Sunak's natal chart and moving towards a square with his natal Saturn and opposition to his ascendant. Transiting Pluto, making it's final passage through the very late degrees of Capricorn, is transiting Sunak's 2-8th axis. Here is a struggle over money, finance and values. This New Moon sets the stage for the events of the coming week which may be very dramatic.
If we turn to Sunak's diurnal transits for 20th February we can see a critical development - Sunak's natal chart is in the outer wheel. You can see that his natal Pluto-MC conjunction, which in the 22:55 chart is very tight, is rising in the diurnal chart. Here is a confrontation with power right in the heart of the world which he inhabits. Developments that have occurred over the weekend of the 18th and 19th February may require immediate attention from Sunak on Monday morning. It is possible that he receives a direct threat to his authority, or that he has to display a dramatic show of his own authority.
At the same time diurnal (transiting) Pluto is near the diurnal IC opposite the diurnal MC. This symbolism seems to be an inversion of his own natal symbolism, with Pluto very closely conjunct his own MC. His natal second house cusp is close to diurnal Pluto, reinforcing the issue of money and power. Diurnal Mars is on his natal descendant, echoing the NM chart. His natal Sun-Mercury conjunction opposite natal Uranus, is on the diurnal second house cusp. Natal Saturn is on the diurnal twelfth approaching the opposition of diurnal Neptune on the sixth.
This is a critical day for Sunak, and the beginning of what might become a make or break week for his leadership.
On Friday 24th February he has further dramatic alignments. Diurnal Pluto is exactly conjunct diurnal IC, opposite diurnal MC. His natal 2-8th axis is closely aligned with the meridian for the day. Issues of power, control and finance are brought into very close focus for Sunak. Diurnal Neptune is aligned with the diurnal 6-12th axis. Alignments with this cuspal axis never portend good. Will Sunak's power be ebbing away? Natal Uranus is exactly on the diurnal 2-8th axis, opposite natal Sun and Mercury. Is a financial shock in store that rocks the government. Diurnal Mars is precisely aligned with Sunak's natal horizon.
I believe Sunak may be subject to a significant challenge to his authority at the end of this week. Note that Sunak's natal Moon is exactly opposite Johnson's natal Moon and Pluto is shaping up to transit this axis at the beginning of Taurus-Scorpio imminently. The diurnal meridian is just about to enter Leo-Aquarius, exactly square the lunar opposition between Sunak and Johnson. This portends a potentially bitter power struggle between the two men.
There is much more in this combination of charts, but the information above sets out the main parameters of Sunak's astrological picture for late February. I believe this week may be incredibly challenging for Sunak. Watch for surprising developments from Boris Johnson around 20 March 2023, when Saturn transits the NM degree from 20 February 2023. On this day Johnson has diurnal Jupiter close to diurnal MC and diurnal Pluto setting.