Author Topic: Nicola Sturgeon - Resignation  (Read 1109 times)

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Nicola Sturgeon - Resignation
« on: February 15, 2023, 08:43:12 PM »
Hi there - Nicola Sturgeon, the First Minister of Scotland, resigned today. She will remain in her role until a new leader is elected. Sturgeon's birth time is known, so we can look at her diurnal chart for today to see what astrological activity is going on.

You will note that the partile conjunction of diurnal Venus and Neptune is exactly conjunct diurnal MC. Critically, Sturgeon's natal Pluto is just about to pass the diurnal IC. The days around 15 February 2023, the day of her resignation, have brought the Venus/Neptune transit to her natal Pluto to the fore through the meridian transit in the diurnal chart.

Sturgeon's natal Pluto is sextile natal Sun and sextile natal Neptune. Her Sun/Neptune trine is brought into sharp relief on this day through the transit of the diurnal meridian across natal Pluto. Note that natal Sun is rising in the diurnal chart. This speaks of a new beginning for Sturgeon and seems to be fitting symbolism for her resignation speech.

Note that diurnal Pluto is setting in the diurnal chart, trine to the natal Pluto. It is especially striking that Sturgeon's natal Moon is triggering the axis diurnal Mercury opposite natal Mercury and is partile square the diurnal nodal axis. The natal horizon is aligned with the transiting diurnal nodal axis. This is a huge change for Sturgeon, impacting on all areas of her life. The involvement of the diurnal nodal axis marks this out as a very fateful period in Sturgeon's life. She is literally at a personal and professional crossroads. Note that natal Jupiter is square the diurnal horizon and natal Sun.

It will be interesting to see what happens when diurnal Pluto sets in a few days. This is a very powerful phase of Sturgeon's life.


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Re: Nicola Sturgeon - Resignation
« Reply #1 on: February 19, 2023, 07:55:14 AM »
Some further research has revealed the following fascinating diurnal chart. On the 16th January 2023 Sturgeon's attempt to introduce a Scottish gender equality bill was met with opposition from Westminster. Using Section 35 of the Scotland Act 1998, the government blocked the introduction of the Scottish legislation.

For more details see:

From an astrological point of view this date is very instructive in terms of the diurnal transits to Sturgeon's chart.

Note that the diurnal meridian at 24 LE-AQ is very closely aligned (< 1 degree) with Sturgeon's own meridian axis at 24 LE-AQ. However Sturgeon's IC is conjunct diurnal MC. However the real power of diurnal transits is shown by noting that diurnal Saturn is precisely conjunct diurnal MC and Sturgeon's IC. It is on this day that the full import of Sturgeon's Saturn transit to her natal IC was made plain.

Sturgeon is experiencing an extremely powerful waning square to her natal Saturn opp Neptune. The midpoint of these planets is the meridian axis. Sturgeon's political goal was to make the dream (Neptune) real (Saturn), and I think it is on this day she began to realise (tr. Saturn) that she might have achieved as much as she was going to achieve without further great cost to herself.

The reversal of the meridian axis (natal IC conjunct diurnal MC) does speak of Sturgeon's statement in her speech that "“A first minister is never off duty. Particularly in this day and age, there is virtually no privacy. Ordinary stuff that most people take for granted, like going for a coffee with friends or for a walk on your own, becomes very difficult. And the nature and form of modern political discourse means there is a much greater intensity – dare I say it, brutality – to life as a politician than in years gone by."

The alignment of the meridians of the two charts is perfect symbolism for the above statement - with the natal IC on the diurnal MC, transited by Saturn, it is clear that what Sturgeon says is true - 'never off duty', 'virtually no privacy', 'ordinary stuff...becomes very difficult', 'brutality'.

Again this chart warrants in depth study - Sturgeon's natal Saturn emerging from the diurnal twelfth house; diurnal Jupiter's transit to natal Uranus square the diurnal horizon. This is freedom. Diurnal Sun/Pluto square natal Jupiter and opposite natal Sun - all from the diurnal eighth house. This is the power struggle that finally overwhelmed Sturgeon.

The formal announcement of the government's decision was made on Tuesday 19 January, but it seems likely that the actual choice was made on the day of this chart.

This chart makes a fascinating piece of evidence for the power of diurnal charts as a forecasting and analysis tool. Nicola Sturgeon's midpoint trees are also attached below. Of particular note is the MC tree in the 90 degree sort.