Hi Jean - I'm trying to fix some of the bugs in medieval traditional chart. For the prenatal syzygy chart I need to find the date and time of the new or full moon prior to birth. I can get this ok with:
` find time of syzygy in julian date format
if (zeroSun[MOON] < 180)
jdSyz = searchaspect(chartJD - 16, chartJD, SUN, MOON, 0); ` conjunction
jdSyz = searchaspect(chartJD - 16, chartJD, SUN, MOON, 5); ` opposition
This correctly gives me the julian date of the lunation. However, I'm stuck here because I can't convert the jd to local time. The following just doesn't seem to return the correct zone for the place.
syzZone = gettimezone(place, jdSyz);
juliantotime(jdSyz + syzZone, syzTime); ` make local time
I've taken these two lines from the searchaspect() help that I used to identify the jd of the lunation.
The zone returned is either 0 or -1, when it should be much greater as the place I am using is Shanghai. (The place is correctly identified from the natal chart.)
Any help would be appreciated. Ed