Hi there - I have developed a time lord system that takes its inspiration from Rok's work on his Trails of the Stars time lords. In my system I use the concept of almugea or proper face as the basis of the time lord distribution.
You can read more here:
https://forum.jcremers.com/index.php/topic,391.0.html. You can dowload the latest version of the script for your own use as well.
If you take a look at the screenshot below you will see King Charles is in a Mars almugea period that began in 2018 and will extend until 2026. Charles' Mars ruled period is eight years because natal Mars, when measured backwards through the signs, is eight signs from its proper face in Aries (his chart is nocturnal).
This seems appropriate for the period of his life when he has become King, on the death of his mother last September, and being crowned in May 2023. Mars is the ruler of Charles' Aries MC, and is ruled by Jupiter as it is in Sagittarius. Mars is peregrine (without dignity) but is trine his Leo ascendant and Aries MC. Mars in a nocturnal chart is moderated in its malefic nature by being in sect. Mars in a mixed reception with Jupiter - Jupiter is in the bounds of Mars, whilst Mars is in the sign and triplicity of Jupiter.
Charles is currently in the Moon ruled sublord period which began on 19 April 2022 and will extend up until 11 June 2023. The Moon is a highly dignfied planet in Charles' horoscope, being in its exaltation and ruled by Venus (in dignity). The Moon also has a powerful position by accidental dignity being square the horizon. The Moon is the most elevated planet in the chart, and being a noctural horoscope gives the Moon and even more important role for Charles. The Moon approaches the North Node - his destiny is bound up with his people (Moon) and he needs to aware of their needs and feelings. This is true of Charles in all his relationships, but his South Node, in Mars ruled Scorpio with Mercury close by, gives him a mindset that is strong willed and opinionated.
Mercury is a peregrine planet in Charles' horoscope, and it also has a powerful position accidently being square the horizon. Mercury is in the bounds of Mars, and Mars is in the bounds of Mercury, making a mutual reception by bounds. Mercury is in Scorpio, a Mars ruled sign. Note that Mercury is close to the prenatal lunation, suggesting his destiny is deeply bound with this configuration. Here is a King making his views and opinions known but in a way that is out of kilter with the expectations which people have of him. We can see that as he is in a Mars period and a Mercury subperiod, these planets come into high focus until the beginning of 2024. Mercury is retrograde, moving towards the South Node, and approaching sextile Saturn. Charles has to curb the expression of his views, and his responsibilities (Saturn) given him a framework in which to do this. Overstating his opinions given his responsibilities is a constant risk (South Node).
This axis through Taurus and Scorpio is vital to understanding Charles' chart. He has the Moon in the first degree of Taurus, North Node in the fourth degree and the Lot of Eros in the ninth degree opposite the syzygy. Venus is an exceptionally powerful planet in Charles' chart, being in Libra in dignity very close to the IC (angular). Venus is in the exaltation of Saturn, and we have already noted the relationship between Saturn and Mercury. Charles' elevated Moon and North Node in Taurus point to the overriding need for him to build better relationships despite his natural inclination to overwhelm people with his forthright opinions.
In summary, this period, using the almugea time lord and sublords, brings Charles to his people (Moon - North Node) as king, but demands that he put aside or curb (Saturn) his tendency to overstate his views (Mercury) in the interests of building harmony and concord (Venus).