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Medieval Forecasting Methods
« on: May 14, 2023, 07:51:57 PM »
Hi there - this new script is in beta and released for further testing and feedback. The module calculates the solar return for the chosen year, and eleven subsequent monthly returns. All the charts are based on the transit of the Sun to the solar degree equivalent in each sign. Profections are also calculated, by year, month and day. The daily profections are calculated by dividing the length of the month between returns by 12 signs, giving an average length of 2.5 days per sign. This varies through the year depending on the rate of motion of the Sun which alters the length of the monthly return.

Thanks to Zagata for the idea for the script, and also extensive checking during development.

The screenshots display some of the features of the module. Please note that to get the most from this module you will need a monitor with at least 1920 x 1080 resolution.

From the Help:

This module allows users to explore multiple solar returns using the methodology of Medieval astrologers. The return year for the current year will be calculated on opening the module. The monthly returns for the subsequent eleven months will also be calculated. These returns are based on the Sun's transit to the natal solar degree equivalent in each sign. So, for example, if the natal Sun is at 22 Aries 36, the first monthly return will be at 22 Taurus 36, the second at 22 Gemini 36, and so on.

The first chart shown is the solar return for the year identified. The following eleven tabs show the subsequent monthly returns. Additional data is provided on each return tab including:

1. Planetary positions and dignities and debilities
2. House cusps and dignities and debilities
3. Lord of the Day listing: the LoD is calculated by dividing the length of the solar return month by 12 and then allocating a planetary ruler to each day. This creates twelve 'days' of slightly varying lengths, but averaging around 2 1/2 days. The rulers follow the cycle of signs, beginning with the sign of the Lord of the Month.
4. A listing of the dates and times of each return in the year.
5. The Lord of the Year and Lord of the Month is also identified.
6. Natal planets: the natal positions are displayed on the outside of the chart wheel. The positions are identified by natal longitudes.
7. Day and hour rulers: the planetary day and planetary hour rulers for the monthly returns are identified in the centre of the main chart.

Profections: the profection cycle by year and month can be followed using the symbols in the main wheel. At the solar return the sign ruling the profected year is identified using the red dot; the sign ruling the profected month is identified using the green dot. In each return chart the profected month marker will move one sign.

Adjusting the solar return year: any solar return can be cast by adjusting the profection year in the text box at the bottom left of the solar return tab. Click 'New Return' the return cycle will be recalculated using the new profection year.

Calculate button: at the bottom left of the return tabs is the 'Calculate' button. Clicking this button will send the chosen return chart to the main Planetdance window for further analysis using the additional tools within the software. These charts are then available for using in multichart windows using the synastry functions within Planetdance.

Bounds: the user can choose either Egyptian or Ptolemaic bounds systems. The choice is retained between sessions.

Bounds and face circles: users can choose to display the bounds and face lords in the outer wheel if desired. This setting is retained between sessions. The setting can be changed during a session. The final setting will be retained.

Additional tabs provide the following data:

Data Summary: this lists the planetary positions and houses cusps for each of the returns. The date of the return, and the month number are also listed. The Lord of the Year (LoY) and the Lord of the Month (LoM) are also identified. The natal planetary positions and house cusps are also provided for comparison.

Multiwheels: this shows a simple chart for each of the monthly returns, along with the LoY and LoM. From these charts, significant return positions can be identified such as planets conjunct return angles.

+/- 1 Year: this tab shows the solar returns for the previous and subsequent years.

Lifetime: this tab lists 120 years of solar returns. The table is organised according to the profection cycle of twelve years. The LoY is identified, along with the date and time of the return. The age column shows the profection year which can be used to cast further solar returns.

Further information:

J Lee Lehmann (2012) Classical Solar Returns. Schiffer Publishing Ltd, PA.

Jean Baptiste Morin, tr. James Holden (2002) Astrologia Gallica 23: Revolutions. American Federation of Astrologers, Tempe, AZ.

Charles Obert (2018) The Cycle of the Year: Traditional Predictive Astrology. Almuten Press, Minneapolis, MN.


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Re: Medieval Forecasting Methods
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2023, 01:28:40 AM »
I wish to thank you here as well, Ed.

You have done a tremendous service to the astrological community. Planetdance becomes the first software to offer this.

Even paid traditional softwares do not offer all these calculations. And their daily profections are wrong. In addition, with these other softwares, the user cannot see all the 12 monthly charts on a single page, as well as all the other summarized data.


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Re: Medieval Forecasting Methods
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2023, 07:29:15 AM »
There is an update to this script. The latest version can be downloaded from the attachments in the first posting in this thread.

The update includes bug fixes plus a new natal tab. See screenshot below.

Thanks. Ed


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Re: Medieval Forecasting Methods
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2023, 12:21:05 AM »
Excellent work! It would be nice if we could toggle this to calculate Lunar returns in a similar fashion for comparison.  ;D


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Re: Medieval Forecasting Methods
« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2023, 05:23:07 PM »
Hi - thanks for the suggestion. At this stage I think I will stay with the solar returns. I might look at adapting the script for lunar returns in the future. However, I note in Holden's translation of Book 23, for various technical reasons, Morin says " is evident that the revolutions of the Sun are much simpler and more preeminent than the revolutions of the other planets, and also more efficacious." (p. 4) It looks like the calculations of the other planets and the Moon need to take account of latitude and declination from Morin's point of view. This might explain why I have never found lunar returns very meaningful because my guess is that most astrological software just takes the ecliptic degree of the moon as the return point, without accounting for the movement of the Moon in relation to it's nodes.

Best wishes. Ed


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Re: Medieval Forecasting Methods
« Reply #5 on: May 18, 2023, 06:09:25 PM »
It would be interesting to explore lunar return charts for the period of time during which the lunar nodes also return. My sense is that these lunar returns, where the declination and latitude of the Moon will be very similar to the lunar latitude and declination at birth for the natal degree of the Moon, may be very meaningful. For 'returns' when the node is not at its return, the key seems to be celestial latitude. Lunar returns at these times may not be as powerful (perhaps!).


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Re: Medieval Forecasting Methods
« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2023, 08:01:59 AM »
Hi there - due to popular demand this module will be released through the main Planetdance download. I am just running some final checks on the latest version prior to release.



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Re: Medieval Forecasting Methods
« Reply #7 on: May 22, 2023, 06:55:18 AM »
Hi there - Jean will be releasing this module through the main Planetdance module today. I will remove the attachment above - to update please download Planetdance using Help-Check for Updates menu within the main program.

Best wishes. Ed


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Re: Medieval Forecasting Methods
« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2024, 12:51:16 PM »
Can we add a feature for easier export. The goal I'm looking for is to analyze the angularity of each of the planets and  Ascendent in consecutive years and compare them to natal positions as as well as profected as part of the abu mashar methodology


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Re: Medieval Forecasting Methods
« Reply #9 on: February 26, 2024, 05:55:19 PM »
Hi there - can you give a specific chart example of what you are looking for. And also what do you mean by 'export'? Thanks. Ed


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Annual and Monthly 12th Parts and 9th Parts according to Abu Mashar.
« Reply #10 on: April 23, 2024, 01:31:48 AM »
Hi Ed and Jean,

I have a special request. I would love to have Planetdance calculate annual and monthly 12th parts and 9th parts. This is based on Abu Mashar and others and I recently learned about it from the Arab Dr Ali Olomi's Patreon. (He teaches at an American university) Ali Olomi does traditional translations directly from Arabic and I can't recommend his Patreon enough because he is providing information which did not reach medieval Europe. Basically, those of us not reading Ancient Arabic are learning and testing these ancient methods for the first time in many centuries. Even though Ben Dykes translated Abu Mashar on Solar Revolutions from Arabic, there are still many, many unknowns and the book is 99% theory.

I have used Boris Becker's nativity (22 Nov 1967 at 8.45 am in Leimen, Germany, Asc 9.22 Sag) and his 1989 SR. He was 22 = his prof. Asc reaches the 11th sign Lib. His 1989 SR has Asc 4.07 Gem. I am using Lib Asc to save time because earlier today I calculated a chart with a Lib prof. Asc, and the chart takes a while to do by hand. Please see the attached files.

The table has 5 columns. From left to right, they are:

1) The monthly prof. Asc sign, the date it starts based on the monthly solar revolution and the lord of the month;

2) The monthly solar revolution (MSR) Asc degree and minute and where its 12th part falls in the nativity by whole sign houses. For example, Month 3 has 28.28 Can MSR Asc, as calculated by Planetdance, whose 12th part is Gem, the natal 7th whole sign house;

3) The continuous prof. Asc. It is an 11th sign year = Lib = 9.22 Sag natal Asc becomes 9.22 Lib. Each month is 2.5 degrees. For example, in Month 3 (starting on 19 Jan 1990) the 12th part of the prof. Asc is from 14.22 to 16.52 Lib. This is the Pis 12th part = the 4th house sign house, ruled by Jupiter. Thus Jupiter, and the 4th house less so, need to taken into consideration in interpreting the month. Month 3 is considered a peak month because the 12th part of the prof Asc reaches Pis - one of the 4 natal stakes. The blue-coloured and underlined sign shows when the prof. Asc changes sign. This is an important month and shows changes in the native’s identity according to where the whole sign house falls. In Becker’s case in this year, it is Scorpio, the 12th place. This shift does not change the Lord of the Year. It is used for fine-tuning predictions throughout the year.

4)The 9th part lord of the monthly prof. Asc starting at 0 degrees, not at the degree of the Asc. Venus rules the first 9th part of Lib, the Moon rules the first 9th part of Sco, Mars of Sag, Saturn of Cap, etc. Ali Olomi explains that the word Abu Mashar uses for the planet in this column is the same word he uses in the Firdaria specific lord (not the general, first one). Thus we are also to take this planet into consideration when delineating the given month.

5)When the prof. Asc aspects a natal planet. This is from Umar and others, which the European medieval astrologers used a lot. The prof. Asc is at 9.22 Lib for Becker in 1989 and we profect it by 2.5 degrees per month = about 5 minutes per day. Natal Venus is at 13.14 Lib, so in Month 2 (starting on 21 Dec 1989 as per column 1) the prof Asc will be between 11.52 and 14.22 Lib and will reach the body of Venus around 6 Jan 1990. This will be a very significant few day period because the LoY is encountered, in the prof. Asc at that.

As for the months of destiny, I myself have indicated them by this symbol *. From the example given by Ali Olomi in his Patreon video, I understand them to be calculated in the following way. Take the 9th part lord of the natal Moon (there is a procedure for the SR Moon, but it is complicated and Ali Olomi is yet to teach it). Becker’s Moon is at 26.48 Can, whose 9th part is ruled by Jupiter. The rule is that when Jupiter is encountered by the monthly prof Asc, that will be the biggest month of destiny. Natal Jupiter is in Vir, which the monthy prof. Asc reaches in Month 12.

If the 9th part lord of the natal Moon is the 9th part lord of the monthly prof. Asc, that is also a month of destiny, though a weaker one. This last part is not valid in Becker’s case.

I myself created the current table based on Abu Mashar and the explanations of Ali Olomi. The mini table Ali Olomi created is much, much shorter and simpler. It has no dates, just the months, signs and planets are given, and it does not have the aspects of the prof. Asc to the natal planets. With my table, one has the full information at his finger tips and immediately sees which planets, signs, dates and aspects are activated in each of the months.

Ed, in case you decide to program the table in Medieval/Medieval Forecasting Methods, only you know whether there is enough space to fit it in and where. If space is limited, or it would require changing things you have already created, then columns 1 and 2 can be skipped. However, columns 3, 4, 5 are not available in any professional software or calculator that I know of and would be terrific if Planetdance once again is the world pioneer in this. Having this table and using it along with the multiwheels in Medieval Forecasting Methods in PlanetDance presents the perfect snapshot for the whole year.

Thank you for your consideration.


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Re: Annual and Monthly 12th Parts and 9th Parts according to Abu Mashar.
« Reply #11 on: April 23, 2024, 02:25:24 AM »
Hi Zagata. Thank for this interesting post. I am away for a few weeks so can't do anything for a while. However when I return home I will take a closer look at your suggestion. Ed


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Re: Annual and Monthly 12th Parts and 9th Parts according to Abu Mashar.
« Reply #12 on: April 23, 2024, 01:33:57 PM »
Thanks, Ed.


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Re: Medieval Forecasting Methods
« Reply #13 on: May 20, 2024, 05:37:22 PM »
Nice idea, it will give us great addition to already above premium quality astrology program. By all means, just keep making Medieval modules, I'll test them once I get idea how one ought to do so.


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Re: Medieval Forecasting Methods
« Reply #14 on: June 01, 2024, 09:58:58 AM »
Hi everyone - there is a new release of this module today:

v.1.76 - bug fix for planetary day and hour calculations

Please update as this is a critical fix.

Thanks. Ed