Hi Ed and Jean,
I would like to make a request for the creation of a table that includes profected aspects to natal planets. These are calculated by advancing a given planet or angle by 2.5 degrees per month.
Ed, this is an expanded version of the aspects the profected Asc makes to natal planets that we talked about when you programmed the ninth and twelfth parts tables in the Medieval Forecasting Methods module. Since then, I have seen that European Renaissance astrologers such as Schoener, Rantzau, Leovitius used not just the Asc but the 5 traditional significators. My request is even that the table includes not just the Asc, MC, Sun, Moon and Lot of Fortune, but the 5 planets as well.
The purpose of the table is help in timing the annual promise. I will give two examples and show the table I have created and use. Please see the attached files.
The first one is Novak Djokovic. The inner wheel is his nativity and the outer wheel is his profected chart for 2017, when he was 30. The profected Asc came from 16.04 Cap to 16.04 Can, Venus came from 6.32 Tau to 6.32 Sco, etc.
The year promises a child because the Moon is Lord of the Year and exalted lord 5 and is natally conjunct Jupiter. In the SR chart (not shown) the Moon is applying to conjunct lord 5 Venus, who is tightly conjunct natal Jupiter. Venus is also the lord of the natal Lot of Children and on it.
The year also promises health issues because Mars is in the profected Asc, squares the Moon and he is also conjunct the SR Asc in Gemini and conjunct natal lord 6 Mercury. Djokovic had wrist surgery, but it is the timing of his second child that I want to draw your attention to.
Novak’s second child was born on 2 September 2017 (Month 4 - Lib, ruled by L5 Venus in the 5th.) See the profected table I created. By advancing 2.5 degrees per month, profected Venus, lord 5 and lord of the Lot of Children and on it, comes to conjunct the MC on 26 Aug - 7 days before the birth of Djokovic’s daughter. That is a pretty accurate timing of the annual promise. Notice the way it works: not the MC to Venus, but Venus to the MC. This is the reason why I am requesting all planets and not just the 5 traditional significators.
Example 2: Boris Becker and his 1998 SR, when he was 31. The Asc comes to the Moon. I have not done all the aspects but have calculated just three this time.
On 30 June 1999 Becker was drinking in a London restaurant, consoling himself after an early loss at Wimbledon. He was seduced by a Russian waitress, had quick sex with her inside the restaurant building and forgot about it. Months later, he was contacted with the news that he had become a father. He denied and disputed that initially, but a DNA test proved that we was the father and he paid the mother generously to take good her of their daughter.
The Moon is Lord of the Year and she is natally opposed to lord 5/lord 12 Mars. See the attached table. The profected Asc came to conjunct LoY Moon on 20 Jun - 10 days earlier than the event, but still a pretty good timing.
Keep in mind that Becker’s chart, as well as that of Djokovic are AA ratings from birth certificates. I have not rectified them, and if there is a 2 minute difference, the timing would get closer or further away, depending on the result.
I should say that by including all the aspects and planets the table will have over 20 dates. Not all of these dates will produce important events during the year. What they show should be compared with the monthly solar revolutions and monthly profections. In my experience, the conjunction and opposition provide the best timing. Morerover, the rulers of the times take precedence over the other planets. Only a thorough testing of many charts will show which rulers of the times are most important in this method, that is, I mean the annual ones vs the long-term ones.
If possible, I would like the table to be in the the Medieval Forecasting Methods module. Thank you for your consideration. I know you are very busy and are working on other projects as well.