Hi - thanks for your post. These variations aren't implemented in the Greek Horoscope module. Eros and Necessity are within the Hermetic Lots and the definitions are as follows:
Fortune: Ascendant + Moon - Sun,
Daimon (or Spirit): Ascendant + Sun - Moon,
Eros: Ascendant + Venus - Daimon,
Victory: Ascendant + Jupiter - Daimon,
Courage: Ascendant + Fortune - Mars,
Necessity: Ascendant + Fortune - Mercury,
Nemesis: Ascendant + Fortune - Saturn.
At night, the second and third factors in the calculation are reversed so, for example, Fortune becomes: Fortune: Ascendant + Sun - Moon.
There are variations for Eros and Necessity listed in the full list of lots on the left of the screen.
There are a couple of variations derived from Robert Schmidt's work for the Hermetic Lots. You can find more information in the help file on the Lots Analysis tab within the module.