The Enneagram: A Primer for Psychiatry Residents 1. Summary of the nine basic Enneagram personality types
Type Description Basic fear Basic desire:
Type 1: The Perfectionist. Principled, conscientious, organized, responsible, and committed. Concerned with improvement, morality, desire to perfect themselves and their surroundings. Seen as detail oriented, hypercritical and judgmental. Struggle with an "inner critic," repressed anger, impatience and a sense that nothing is good enough. Basic fear: To be bad or corrupt. Basic desire: To be good or have integrity.
Type 2: The Helper. Intuitive, empathetic, people pleasing. Concerned with relationships and sense of connection to others. Seen as warm, emotional, comforting, optimistic, easy to flatter or manipulate. Struggle with advocating for their own needs and often "give to get"—working to meet the needs of others in hopes their needs will be met in return. Basic fear: To be unworthy of being loved, to be unwanted. Basic desire: To be loved.
Type 3: The Achiever. Hard working, competitive, success oriented, and image conscious. Concerned with performance, external validation and praise, and feeling distinguished. Seen as self-assured, energetic, charming, focused on goals. Struggle with vulnerability and self-awareness of their own inner desires. Basic fear:To be worthless or insignificant, to fail and disappoint others. Basic desire: To be valuable and accepted.
Type 4: The Individualist. Sensitive, introspective, reserved, emotionally honest with self and others. Concerned with authenticity, able to endure suffering, and a tendency toward individualism and artistic expression. Seen as unique, creative, withdrawn, moody, self-absorbed. Struggle with a sense that something is lacking in themselves or the world. Basic fear: To have no identity or personal significance. Basic desire: To be meaningful based on their inner experience.
Type 5: The Investigator. Cerebral, sensitive, independent, and emotionally restrained. Concerned with privacy, knowledge, insight, and contemplation. Seen as observant, expert, analytical, eccentric, and devoted to their group. Struggle with social interaction, emotional expression, and the tendency to isolate. Basic fear: To be useless, helpless, or incapable. Basic desire: To be capable and competent.
Type 6: The Loyalist. Loyal, reliable, committed, security oriented. Concerned with clearly defined roles and structure, alliance to beliefs and groups. Seen as responsible, protective, anxious, suspicious. Struggle with fear, paranoia, worst-case scenarios. Basic fear: To be without security and support. Basic desire: To have security and support.
Type 7: The Enthusiast. Enthusiastic, adventure seeking, optimistic. Concerned with freedom, excitement, and spontaneity. Seen as energetic, outgoing, the "life of the party." Struggle with compulsivity, overextension of self, and commitment. Basic fear: To be confined or in pain. Basic desire: To be happy and satisfied
Type 8: The Challenger. Willful, tough, and independent. Concerned with power dynamics, desire to be in control, and justice. Seen as a leader, hardworking, decisive, able to withstand conflict. Struggle with anger, fear of vulnerability, aggression. Basic fear: To be harmed or controlled by others. Basic desire: To be in control and to protect self and others.
Type 9: The Peacemaker. Easygoing, open minded, peaceful, conflict avoidant. Concerned with harmony, comfort, boundaries. Seen as likeable, laid back, dependent, complacent. Struggle with finding their own voice and meaning, being passive aggressive or avoidant. Basic fear: To be disconnected, separate, lost. Basic desire: To have peace and stability in their internal and external world.
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