Hi Jean,
I) I'm attaching the requested interpretation file for the retrogrades planets.
Is structured like this:
1) first Retrograde planets – general semnification with codes from [mer retro gen] to [plu retro gen]
2) then, for each retrograde planet, their interpretation first in signs [mer retro ari], then in house [mer retro 1] ... until Pluto
II) regarding the modification you have done in "maketext.ab" I encoutered a small issue, related to time zone, I suppose.
So, the
strset(b, "%l %s born on %s at %s in %s", "Interpretation for", s, ds, ts, plc);
results in
"Interpretation for Ana born on 29/10/1980 at 23:51:00 in Bacau, Romania, 26e54, 46n34,
The last info,
Europe/Bucharest I suppose is the time zone, but it could be a little confusing, since the city of birth is Bacau and the last city, Bucharet, could be understood as being the birth city, which is not.
So I tried to change the last flag from
gethoroscopeplace(0, plc, 1); to gethoroscopeplace(0, plc, 0);
seeing in the help of AstroBasic that it would return the time zone, but, unfortunately it returned a strange number, 317
Interpretation for Ana born on 29/10/1980 at 23:51:00 in Bacau, Romania, 26e54, 46n34,
which I suppose is the time zone (EET, maybe?) but difficult to understand. Is any workaround for this, please?
PS: the attached file is a zip one and is protected with your full birth date as passowrd

but, as always, it needs the extension to be changed.
Thank you!