Hey Jean,
With the string strset(s, "%s, %s, %s,%s",place,nation,lonstr,latstr,capital);
and with the command sethoroscopeplace(), I transfer the data to enter the place.
With the command strcmd(30, 0, s);I extract the exact time zone of the place.
Unfortunately, it only works if i resume the theme and confirm the place via getplace()
In dos for a program done in the past, I used to read INTNDX.BIN with a call.
I see that you also get from tz.bin but I don't know how to do it in pd.
Can you tell me how can I get the right tzone value ? 0-415 ?
strset(s, "%s, %s, %s,%s",place,nation,lonstr,latstr,tzcode);
ex: strset(s, "Santo Stefano Belbo, Italy, 8e14, 44n42,346");
and immediately have the right zone location (CST,EDT or CWT etc) in the output.
Perhaps a list of tzcodes and continent/capital would suffice ?