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Rishi Sunak - 2024 General Election
« on: June 04, 2024, 06:05:54 PM »
Hi there - the following are some reflections on the UK General Election, which is due to be held on Thursday 4 July 2024. Rishi Sunak called the election with some degree of surprise, leading to a six week campaign. Rishi Sunak is the current Prime Minister and Leader of the Conservative Party. There is no 'official' birth time for Sunak, although the date of his birthday is known. The time given in these charts (22.55) is based on a rectification of mine that seems to work well.

For interest:,_Rishi

Source Notes

Name, year and place from England & Wales, Civil Registration Birth Index. Date from birthday Tweet to him from the official Conservative party account on 12 May 2020 [1].

Starkman rectified to 23.01.20 BST Asc 1Sag10'
(I think this should be 19 Sag 10).

Note that Starkman's rectification is around six minutes later than mine.

Almugea Time Lords

Sunak's chart is nocturnal. In the system of almugea time lords that I developed, the moon is considered the initiator. It is very interesting to note that Sunak is current almugea time lord is Saturn. This period began on 12 May 2023, and will last for 7 years, a quarter Saturn cycle (approximately). He is in the second year of this cycle, and the almugea sub-lord is currently Moon. Hence, since his solar return this year his almugea lords are primarily Saturn and secondarily Moon.

Again, this is very interesting as Sunak's planetary day lord is Moon (born on a Monday) and his hour lord is Saturn (16th hour of the day). The Moon and Saturn are important planets in Sunak's chart. The Moon, the sect lord, is in the very first degree of Taurus, the sign of its exaltation, sextile to Venus in the first degree of Cancer, and trine to Jupiter and Mars in the very early degrees of Virgo. The Moon separates from the sextile of Venus, and applies to the trine of Jupiter and Mars, all within sign. This is an incredible benefic configuration, with both Venus and Jupiter configured with each other, and with the Moon and Mars. Mars, although malefic generally, is in favour in a night chart.

Saturn, on the other hand, also in Virgo, is not particularly well configured. It is peregrine and retrograde, square to the horizon. It is the malefic out of favour in a night chart, and the most elevated planet in the chart. Saturn, the greater malefic, dominates Sunak's chart, and is highly active at this time through being the primary almugea time lord. Saturn is the planet of onerous responsibilities, hard work, disappointment and heavy karma. There is no doubt that Sunak's burden, at the helm of a fractious and divided party, is great at this time.

Saturn Cycle

The Saturnian qualities of this period of time are doubly emphasised by the on-going transit of Saturn opposite natal Saturn. This configuration symbolises Sunak's confrontation with duty and responsibility. Sunak became PM in the last phase of his previous almugea time lord period, ruled by Jupiter, sub-lord Mars. Note that this powerful and highly triumphal pair are configured in Sunak's chart with the benefic Venus and dignified Moon. However, within around 6-7 months (on his birthday May 2023), Sunak entered the 7 year Saturn period and his responsibilities began to pile up. There is a remorseless astro-logic to these images.

Diurnal Charts

I will look at some key dates forthcoming in the election campaign using the technique of diurnal charts. These charts are cast for the place and time of birth, retaining any timezone or seasonal zone changes.

9 June 2024 - on this date, Sunak has a stunning diurnal Mars conjunct his natal Moon. This pair are square to the opposition of the diurnal Pluto and Moon. Effectively, Sunak's natal moon is caught in the cross-hairs of an overwhelming powerful transiting combination of Moon, Mars and Pluto, all in a tense relationship with each other and his natal moon in the first degrees of fixed signs (Aquarius, Taurus and Leo). In my view, this day will be a hugely important turning point in the campaign in terms of Sunak's relationship with the electorate. It could be that the scale of the public's disaffection with his leadership and the Conservative Party becomes obvious and undeniable.

14-16 June 2024 - these dates, roughly one week later than the heavy transits above, show a period of time where Sunak's natal Pluto/MC squares the diurnal horizon, calling into question the basis of his authority as PM in fundamental ways. At the same time, his natal Sun/Mercury conjunction has been moving over the diurnal IC (this pair opposes his natal Uranus), with diurnal Uranus within a day or two of conjoining the diurnal MC. The events around this time are likely to develop rapidly and chaotically, and may even see Sunak opposed by members of his own party as they come to terms with the scale of the opposition to his leadership.

Sunak is already cutting an isolated figure in the campaign, backed up by very few of his ministers, and it could be that in mid-June his isolation becomes an insurmountable obstacle to progress in the campaign.

I will continue to add information to this thread in the coming weeks. It is noteworthy that Sunak's diurnal chart for 5 July 2024 is dominated by a new moon. A fresh start beckons for Sunak, and I very much doubt that it will be to continue as the PM of the country.


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Re: Rishi Sunak - 2024 General Election
« Reply #1 on: June 08, 2024, 05:50:47 PM »
Hi there - a quick update. Sunak's election campaign is running off the rails. He preferred to return to the campaign trail, rather than make a full commitment to attending the 80th anniversary ceremonies for D-Day. He is taking a heavy hit in the media for this decision. In my view (see above) the forthcoming week is decisive for Sunak and the Conservative Party's chances on 4 July 2024 General Election. I am not sure that Sunak will have much support at all by the end of the week.



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Re: Rishi Sunak - 2024 General Election
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2024, 07:45:48 PM »
Further update - Rishi Sunak has been forced to deny that he will step down as the leader of the Conservative Party before the election, following the lacklustre campaign to date. It will be interesting to see how this week progresses, with key dates around 14-16 June imminent. Polling suggests the skids are under the party as there figures slip under 20%.



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Re: Rishi Sunak - 2024 General Election
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2024, 07:09:33 PM »
Hi there - the Conservative campaign seems moribund, and has now fallen foul of a betting scandal. It seems some high ranking members of the party and employees might have benefited from privileged knowledge about the surprise announcement of the the 4th July election date by placing bets with online bookmakers. This possibility is currently being investigated by the Gambling Commission. Rishi Sunak has a further significant hurdle today, with the diurnal Pluto rising. The diurnal Moon is approaching diurnal Pluto, and this combination is tightly square his Taurus Moon in the first degree of Taurus. The potential scandal has continued to escalate throughout the day. Understandably, the electorate is not pleased to hear these allegations.


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Re: Rishi Sunak - 2024 General Election
« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2024, 08:09:52 AM »
Election outcome

The election results indicate a change of government. Rishi Sunak has conceded defeat this morning. Sunak's diurnal chart shows the new moon approaching in mid-Cancer. It is is in the diurnal 5th house by Porphyry and the whole sign 6th house. During the latter part of the election, diurnal Pluto has been moving through the 12th house and is now approaching the cusp of the 12th. Pluto will cross the Sunak's diurnal 12th house cusp on 7 July. This surely indicates the devastating aftermath of the results for Sunak and his party.

In the bi-wheel chart for the 5 July 2024, Sunak's natal Sun/Mercury conjunction is precisely square the diurnal ascendant, both at the midpoint of diurnal Mars/Uranus. Of particular note is the role of the Uranus opposition that is prominent in this bi-wheel. Sunak's own Sun/Mercury and Uranus opposition is being forthrightly triggered by the transiting diurnal Mars/Uranus combination all square to the horizon. Sunak's nodal axis is also playing a role here; the axis is due to cross the diurnal horizon, bringing his unfortunate destiny into sharp relief. This is the earthquake that faces Sunak and his party.

The sensitivity of the diurnal 6th/12th house axis by Porphyry is again highlighted by this bi-wheel. Note that Sunak's 2nd/8th house cusps are precisely aligned with the diurnal 6th/12th axis. This portends great difficulty - all these cusps are known to be challenging and their precise alignment shows the scale of Sunak's challenges.

The Saturn opposition moving square to the diurnal meridian is another factor that brings Sunak's position into sharp relief. During this election campaign Sunak has been experiencing two significant lifetime transits - the Uranus opposition and the Saturn opposition, both of which occur at around mid-life. The diurnal charts in the next few days bring both axes into sharp focus. Sunak's destiny should become clear around 11 July 2024. This day brings key placements in Sunak's chart into alignment with the diurnal angles.

The Saturn opposition comes to alignment with the diurnal meridian, bringing Sunak's ascendant/descendant (horizon) into focus with this axis. Effectively Sunak's ascendant crosses the diurnal MC, with the Saturn opposition square to this axis. During the previous day, the diurnal Moon will have crossed the Saturn opposition axis. In the diurnal chart for 11th July the diurnal Moon is opposite diurnal Neptune, moving to square Sunak's natal Venus in the first degree of Cancer. This will be the point of full realisation of the circumstances in which he finds himself. At the same time, Sunak's triumphal Mars/Jupiter conjunction in early Virgo descends below the diurnal horizon.

The diurnal chart for 11 July is astoundingly powerful and shows the grip of destiny tightening around Sunak and his colleagues.

Screenshots are posted below for reference.