Hi there - I would like to showcase the medieval mundane astrology module that I am currently working on. An early release of this module has been available, but I discovered a number of significant bugs in the original version and I have withdrawn the download while I sort them out. I'm happy to report that I've made good progress over the last few days, and many of the critical bugs have been resolved.
One of the features of the module is the option to cast 12 ingresses charts for different locations around the world. The charts are displayed on a multi-chart tab so that each chart can be compared and contrasted with others for the different locations.
There are a couple of very interesting Aries ingress locations for 2024 - Washington DC and New Delhi. These cities are the capitols of the United States and India respectively. Both countries have very important electoral processes this year.
Washington DC
The Aries ingress for Washington DC immediately catches the eye. Mars is on the IC and Jupiter is setting. These planets are powerfully placed, both being angular. Neither planet is well dignified in their respective signs - Aquarius (Mars) and Taurus (Jupiter). In fact Mars is peregrine - without dignity at all. Jupiter's sole count of dignity is by term/bound.
However Mars has some advantages. It is the malefic in favour, this being a night chart and Mars being in sect in a night chart. If we take the planetary day ruler to be Mars (although it is in a night chart and Mercury might be considered as the 'day' ruler), it has influence in the chart. The hour ruler of the chart is the Sun, exalted in Aries and ruled by Mars. Sun and Mars, taken together, speak of strong leadership, drive and action. However, with Mars of the IC, this may be directed in subversive or confrontational ways.
For those of you who know Donald Trump's chart well, the degrees of the MC/IC will be immediately recognisable. Trump has Mars at 26 Leo, just above his ascendant at 29 Leo. His degree of Fortune is 28 Aquarius. Clearly Trump's role in US politics, for better or worse, is brought to the fore as a result of this ingress. Ingress Mars on the IC is opposite Trump's natal Mars conjunct the ingress MC. Ingress Mars is conjunct Trump's Lot of Fortune. I will write on the forthcoming presidential election in another post. However, in my view, the ingress may embolden Trump to a degree that we have not witnessed before. Despite his legal problems, based on this ingress, it would be too soon to write him off.
Jupiter, setting in the ingress chart, is in the sign of Trump's midheaven Taurus. Although it is not in the degree of the MC, it is in Trump's whole sign tenth. This ingress position, which is effectively a key transit to Trump's chart, becomes a prominent feature of his natal chart, being square to natal Pluto in Leo and wide of the square to rising natal Mars. During the course of the ingress year, Jupiter will transit Trump's natal MC. This is again a symbol of success, although I would not like to say whether the success is victory in the forthcoming election or overcoming his widespread legal woes. Nevertheless, I am sure that Trump will at least be triumphant in his own mind, even if he is unsuccessful in both endeavours.
What to say about the setting Jupiter, meaning Trump's tenth house is also setting in this chart. I don't think it portends failure for Trump, but I do think, based on this symbolism, that this year is Trump's final roll of the dice. If he overcomes the obstacles that he faces, he will have influence for the next few years, potentially as a returning President of the United States. However, if he is unable to prosper, it could be that his 'star' will wane and he will diminish in the minds of the United States' people in the next few years.
Of further note is the ingress Moon, prominent in Leo in the whole sign tenth (Porphyry ninth), approaching his natal Pluto. This is surely a symbol of the popular appeal of Trump's strongman persona.
I am no fan of Donald Trump. However the astrology speaks loudly and clearly of the central role of Trump over the course of the 2024 Aries ingress set for Washington DC. With a fixed sign rising (Mars ruled Scorpio) the ingress is relevant for the whole 12 months and no secondary ingresses need to be cast to develop an understanding of the mundane astrology for DC. The American electorate clearly have some careful thinking to do, before casting the die for the years 2025-2029 in November's election.
New Delhi
To be continued!