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NFL - 2024-2025 Predictions
« on: September 06, 2024, 08:18:43 AM »
Hi there - although I won't have a lot of time to focus on pre-match analysis and predictions until later in the season, I have decided to open a thread to report on the next phase of this sports astrology project.

I have abandoned my original approach. This is based on my understanding of John Frawley's approach to match prediction that he outlines in his Sports Astrology book. I am re-working my script for sports astrology to exclusively use Frawley's method.

Although I won't be publishing any predictions pre-match until later in the autumn, I thought it might be interesting to report on a few early matches using this work.

The season opener was between the Baltimore Ravens and defending SB champions Kansas City Chiefs. The Pickwatch Pros favoured the Chiefs in this match by a margin of 76%-24%. The Chiefs prevailed to win 27-20. Baltimore were denied a late TD.

Using Frawley's method, as a test during the development of the script, I predicted the Chiefs to win. This is on the basis that the Moon's perfects its sextile to the Chiefs significator (Jupiter) within 4 degrees. Frawley allows up to 5-6 degrees for perfection of lunar aspects as indicators of victory. Although the Moon's final aspect within sign is sextile Mercury (the Ravens' significator) it is too wide at 10 degrees to come into play (the game escapes the Ravens?). In Frawley's view, or at least my understanding of it, this perfection is 'final' and a decisive testimony in favour of the Champs.

An additional testimony is that Fortune is conjunct the North Node. In Frawley's words "Fortuna on the North Node helps the favourite." p. 89. Frawley uses tight orbs again - within two degrees.

One contra-indication is that Jupiter, the Chiefs' significator, is just inside the cusp of the fourth house and my understanding is that this should favour the Ravens. It might indicate a close match, competitively played, with a balance of significators. However, in the end, as Frawley says, the Moon's perfection is final, and hence indicates a Chiefs' win. Frawley has close orbs for main significators conjunct the angles - a max. of two degrees - so Jupiter is just out of the Ravens' reach here. A case of 'nearly but not quite' perhaps.

In Frawley's system, the Moon doesn't stand for either side, even it rules one of the angles - it symbolises the flow of the match.

For reference the chart and analysis is attached below.

One up to Frawley!


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Re: NFL - 2024-2025 Predictions
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2024, 10:17:04 AM »
Hi there - for noting, for the 2023-2024 season the best Pickwatch Pros managed a success rate of around 67% correct games. The best 30 or so Pros managed better than 64% correct predictions.



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Re: NFL - 2024-2025 Predictions
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2024, 09:40:45 AM »
Hi there - the second match that I attempted to predict using Frawley's method was the LA Rams @ Detroit Lions.

My notes for this match suggested a close contest with the Lions eventually prevailing. The match went to OT, and the Lions scored the decisive touchdown outside of regulation play. The final scoreline was 26-20 to the Lions. The Pickwatch Pros had the Lions as favourites by 86%:14%.

I felt the astrology suggested a tougher contest than this and so it proved.

The analysis is captured in the screenshot below. The Moon did not make an aspect to any of the main significators. The Lions' primary significator Mars (Aries rising) was v. closely conjunct the Rams second angle, the IC. Frawley says a significator inside the house cusp actually favours the opposing team, in this case the underdog Rams (Sports Astrology, p.81). However, the crucial point is that the antiscion of Mars is just outside the IC, a position that favours the Lions. Hence, the likelihood of a close match. The antiscion of Mars is further from the cusp than the bodily placement of Mars is close to the cusp, perhaps indicating that the Lions would need extra time to win.

The other factor that I judged to be important was the conjunction of Saturn (the Lions' secondary significator) with the antiscion of Venus (Rams' sole significator as Moon is discounted being Lord of the 4th), and the antiscion of Saturn conjunct Venus. I felt this would ultimately spoil the Rams' chances.

Anyway, with my elementary understanding of Frawley's method, his approach seems to have predicted the winner again.


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Re: NFL - 2024-2025 Predictions
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2024, 05:23:27 AM »
2/2 using Frawley method
Well done Ed 👏
Looking forward to your predictions later in the year 🤞


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Re: NFL - 2024-2025 Predictions
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2024, 04:29:21 PM »
Thanks DB - I'm finalising the Frawley script at the moment. I will take a look at this week's matches soon. Ed


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Re: NFL - 2024-2025 Predictions
« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2024, 07:45:53 AM »
Hi there - the first match I attempted this week was the Thursday night game Bills @ Dolphins. The Pickwatch Pros ended up with the Dolphins as slight favourites here. I found this a bit surprising, but I went with their judgement. The final balance was 53:47 in favour of the Miami team.

The Dolphins have Mars and Saturn as their main significators. The Bills have Venus as their sole significator as the Moon is discounted as it is lord of the 4th house (IC).

There is clear testimony in favour of the Dolphins - the primary significator, Mars, ruling the ascendant in Aries, sits on the Bills second angle being the IC. This is powerful testimony in favour of a Miami win.

However, the Moon's passage using an orb of 6 degrees, moves past a sextile to the antiscion of Venus, a square to the antiscion of Saturn, a sextile to Saturn and finally a square to Venus (with an orb of 5 degs 46 mins).

My judgement was that the game would be much closer than it was, with the potential to go into OT, with the Bills ultimately prevailing due to the Moon's final aspect.

In the end, the prediction was right, and the Bills ran out winners 31-10 over the Dolphins. However, the victory was much easier than I anticipated as the Bills racked up 17 points in the second quarter and then another 7 in the third quarter.

This was a tricky match to predict. My takeaway from this game is that despite the powerful symbolism of Aries' lord on the Bills' angle, the Moon's passage within orb, and the aspects that it makes, seem to be key testimony, potentially trumping angular placements.

Another one up for Frawley.


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Re: NFL - 2024-2025 Predictions
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2024, 10:41:07 AM »
Hi there - my latest effort with Frawley's method of sports prediction was extremely interesting. I had a go at predicting the outcome of the Rams v. Cardinals match last night.

The Pickwatch Pros had the Rams down as favourites 75:25. In this case, the Rams had Jupiter as their primary significator (Sag. rising) and Venus as their secondary significator (Libra MC). The Cardinals at home had Mercury as their primary significator (Gemini setting) and Mars as their secondary (Aries IC).

Frawley's method is extremely incisive here - Jupiter, the Rams' primary significator, is just inside the Cardinals' 7th house cusp (the descendant). There is no more to know from Frawley's point of view - the Cardinals' are going to be all over the Rams and will win as underdogs.

There is very little else going on in the chart, but of note that despite the Jupiter-Venus trine (Venus in dignity and Jupiter in detriment), the Moon has just passed this aspect and is separating from both planets. It's next and only stop is trine to the antiscion of Mars, which is closely conjunct the folorn Jupiter.

From my notes made pre-match: Jupiter just inside Cardinals' C7 - favours 'dogs. Moon's sole aspect is trine a.Mars. On balance this looks like an upset in favour of the Cardinals according to Frawley's method.

The Cardinals ran out winners 41:10.

So - four matches, four results for Frawley. Again, I am still learning this method, but there is no doubt that Frawley is on to something.


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Re: NFL - 2024-2025 Predictions
« Reply #7 on: September 17, 2024, 01:12:01 AM »
Wow great prediction Ed 👏
The scoreline did reflect the outcome of Frawley’s prediction.


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Re: NFL - 2024-2025 Predictions
« Reply #8 on: September 17, 2024, 08:12:46 AM »
Thanks DB - my final prediction was the Falcons-Eagles game. Unfortunately this wasn't a success!

This is from my notes:

Difficult game to pick. Pros have Eagles as favourites.

Decisive factor seems to be Moon's passage from sep. Mars by trine, to conjunct Saturn (although wide). Final conjunction of Moon is decisive.

Contra-indication. Venus - Falcons' ruler - is conjunct the descendant but wide. May give them some chances but nothing decisive.

Eagles to win.

It looks like Frawley is right - beyond 5-6 degrees for the Moon's aspects is too far. So we can discount the aspect to Saturn. The only thing I could pick up for the Falcons was the placement of Venus (their ruler on their angle) but quite wide.

I don't think this is a failure of Frawley's method as such, but probably I should have desisted from judging this one.

Best wishes. Ed


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Re: NFL - 2024-2025 Predictions
« Reply #9 on: September 17, 2024, 11:38:42 PM »
It was a close game in the end, however you did mention Falcons had a chance.
So not a bad prediction 👏


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Re: NFL - 2024-2025 Predictions
« Reply #10 on: September 29, 2024, 05:14:21 PM »

And what if you use the foundation chart? The problem is not knowing the exact time. 
Green Bay: Sun transiting 90? Pluto (I?m not sure if that?s a positive aspect in sports). 
Vikings: Sun 120? Mercury, Mercury 120? natal Sun.

I?m not sure, but I suppose Vikings is better.


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Re: NFL - 2024-2025 Predictions
« Reply #11 on: October 02, 2024, 04:19:19 AM »
Hi Crema - the problem is knowing the correct chart to use. Frawley's method uses the match start time so it is easier to be sure about the radicality of the chart. Sometimes games start later for various reasons, esp. weather delays. However most start within a minute or two of the advertised time.



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Re: NFL - 2024-2025 Predictions
« Reply #12 on: January 23, 2025, 01:41:53 AM »
Games this Sunday.
AFC Championship game
Kansas City vs Buffalo

NFC Championship game
Philladelphia vs Washington

Who wins these games using astrology?
The 2 winners advance to the Super Bowl!