Hi everyone - here is a summary of the October updates for 2024:
October 31
- Horoscope-Medieval-Medieval Firdaria: v.2.28 - bug fix for AB variations - position of (S) for south node in sub-listings
October 19
- File - Synastry - Multichart 3 and 4, when Settings - Show birth info in wheel was checked, this data was not correctly displayed in some wheels.
October 11
- Fixed wrong longitudes for objects in Progression Solar Arc and Progression User Arc.
October 10
+ Fixed update process to avoid changes not propagating due to timezone issues.
October 5
+ Added checkbox to Options - Settings - General to be able to determine the fast / slow planet by looking at it's speed when doing Dexter / Sinister.
October 2
* Time - List did not show conjunctions anymore because i tested something and forgot to remove it.
- Time - List did not show the node correctly when searching eclipses.
- Fixed possible crash in File - Synastry Browser - Add.
Please update to grab all the latest fixes and improvements.
Best wishes. Ed