Author Topic: Egyptian Harmonic Charts and Weidner Conception Chart Module  (Read 100 times)

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Egyptian Harmonic Charts and Weidner Conception Chart Module
« on: February 12, 2025, 01:42:05 PM »
Hi there - this is a beta release for further testing and development. If you are interested in exploring these techniques please download the script below and copy it to your chosen folder within the Planetdance Horoscope folder.

From the Help:

Egyptian harmonic charts are a sidereal technique developed by Cyril Fagan, the noted Irish astrologer, and Garth Allen, his American colleague. The technique is designed to be used with the Fagan/Bradley ayanamsa or Synetic Vernal Point.

For more information see:

For information on the sidereal zodiac see:

The module also calculates standard harmonic charts (Addey's harmonics). Users can choose between standard and Egyptian harmonics by clicking the relevant button on the first tab.

Weidner Conception chart

The Weider conception chart was developed by Sandra Weidner in the 1980's. The method is described in Considerations magazine, Volume V, Number 2, published in 1988.

This may be downloaded from:


A button on the Conception Navamsa tab can be clicked to display a quadwheel. This shows four charts oriented to the position of the conception navamsa Moon as an ascendant degree.

The inner wheel is the conception navamsa chart.

The mid-inner wheel is the conception chart calculated according to the Weidner method.

The mid-outer wheel is the natal (first harmonic) chart.

The outer wheel is the natal navamsa (novien) chart.

For further information see this thread on the Planetdance forum:;topicseen#msg4634

For screenshots see below.

If you discover any problems or bugs please report them here.

Best wishes. Ed


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Re: Egyptian Harmonic Charts and Weidner Conception Chart Module
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2025, 02:39:14 PM »
Works fine here Ed, no problems detected. Minor issue, on my 2k screen, the values in the table are a bit too much to the right.

I was looking to change it myself so i had a look at the code.

Code: [Select]
  tabNo = tabnumber;
  fill(0, 0, width, height, -2);

I would surely add the tabNo = tabnumber, visible(0) etc into doMainHarmonics, there's no need for those 15 separate functions, much less code.
Greetings from Groningen Netherlands.


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Re: Egyptian Harmonic Charts and Weidner Conception Chart Module
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2025, 12:47:15 AM »
Once again, thank you Ed and Jean.

At first I thought I was doing something wrong when I wasn't getting the same Birth Chart.  Then I noticed the birth time on the chart you made versus the time published in the article were different.  I then check Sandra's website and an online date database and found out the article wrote down the wrong time.  Now mine matches the diagram in the article and the one you made.

I found a weird issue that may have nothing to do with the program.  I loaded the software on my desktop and on an old Surface Tablet.  Sandra said she preferred a black background with white text and symbols so I made a menu selection and color file following what Jean had made for the High Contrast that is found under the Application menu.  It works fine on the desktop, but when you view it on the Surface Tablet, only the symbols and text show up white and the lines disappear into the background.  Maybe this is a screen resolution problem?  I also noticed the Quad Wheel on the Surface Tablet cuts in half the description at the top right hand corner while the desktop has no problem.  When I set the color to High Contrast and look at the Aspect table on the Surface Tablet it's even more dramatic compared to what you see on a desktop monitor.  Like Jean, on the desktop monitor everything is shifted to the right a bit.  On the Surface Tablet, everything on the left of the table fits, but it becomes worse, the farther you go right.  I have a feeling this program functions best on a larger monitor or one that has a better aspect ratio than an old Surface Tablet.


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Re: Egyptian Harmonic Charts and Weidner Conception Chart Module
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2025, 07:04:25 AM »
Hi Tom,

Maybe that tablet has a lower resolution?
I wouldn't know what to do about it,sorry.
Greetings from Groningen Netherlands.


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Re: Egyptian Harmonic Charts and Weidner Conception Chart Module
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2025, 09:59:45 AM »
This is odd.  Now it works.  Maybe it's a refresh problem.  First it just showed white symbols and text with no line.  Now when I close out and get back into the program it shows up.


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Re: Egyptian Harmonic Charts and Weidner Conception Chart Module
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2025, 10:15:55 AM »
Hi Tom - thanks for the feedback. It would be helpful if you could post a couple of screenshots so I have a clearer idea of what's going on.

One of the challenges with writing code for PD is that there are a huge range of monitor specifications (pixel dimensions and screen ratios). It's not possible to code for them all. In my scripts I know focus on FHD (1920 x 1080 pixels, 16:9) and QHD (2560 ? 1440 pixels, 16:9). FHD seems to be the most common monitor size now, and QHD is beginning to become mainstream. I test my scripts on both screen sizes and try to get the best fit on both. I am gradually changing all my scripts from fixed positioning (X, Y pixels) to proportional positioning using the dimensions of the screen. This gives better flexibility over a range of monitor specifications. However, to get an optimal experience on the current releases and updates of PD one needs to have a FHD monitor as standard.

I used to code for small laptop screens (1366 x 768 pixels, 16:9) but this screen is now so small that the more complex tabs/displays can't be accommodated on it without a significant amount of alteration to the underlying code. Since this specification is disappearing on all but the cheapest monitors and laptops I have had to forgo spending time on this.

The screenshot below shows the current state of play with monitor size (from

You can see that 1366 x 768 is now beginning to decline as a % of overall monitor use and by far the most popular size is FHD making up 25% of all screens that PD users are likely to have. I can't see why most PD output wouldn't work reasonably well on 1600 x 900 pixels, especially where the positioning is designed to be proportional. Some of the output might overlap, but not nearly as much as with 1366 x 768 pixels.

All the best. Ed


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Re: Egyptian Harmonic Charts and Weidner Conception Chart Module
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2025, 10:18:31 AM »
Thanks for screenshot Tom - what is the size (X by Y pixels) and ratio of this screen. I might be able to slightly adjust some elements of the display to optimise it for your screen. I am just updating the Egyptian Harmonics module with some of the elements from the main harmonic analysis module and I could incorporate slight positioning adjustments in this upcoming release.

Thanks. Ed


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Re: Egyptian Harmonic Charts and Weidner Conception Chart Module
« Reply #7 on: February 15, 2025, 12:39:52 PM »
Another reason to drop smaller screens was that they are just too small for the amount of info we want to show.
Greetings from Groningen Netherlands.