Hi Ed and Jean,
Could I request that you add a monthly and daily profections option that is based on the length of the solar revolution month? In essence, I would very much like to be able to follow Abu Mashar and the Perso-Arabic/Tajika Indian authors in this.
The first monthly solar revolution (MSR) chart is always the SR chart itself. Following Abu Mashar, each of the next MSR starts when the Sun transits exactly by 30 degrees forward. We erect a chart for this moment and its Asc degree and minute is the MSR Asc.
As an example, I have attached the chart of Mel Gibson (3 Jan 1956 at 4.45 pm in Peeksville, New York, USA, Asc 14.59 Can), his 2023 SR (Asc 2.31 Lib) and the 9th monthly solar revolution of the 2023 SR (5 Sep 2023 at 3.41.17 am - Asc 9.33 Leo)
The Sun in Mel Gibson's chart is at 12.30.16 Cap. Therefore, every year his 2nd MSR will begin when the Sun reaches 12.30.16 Aqu. The 3rd MSR will begin when the Sun reaches 12.30.16 Pis, the 4th MSR will begin wheh the Sun reaches 12.30.16 Ari, and so on for the rest of the months.
The tricky part here is that the length of the months differs due to the speed of the Sun and the natal location. For example, Gibson's 9th month starts on the 5th of Sep, not on the 2nd or 3rd. Hence, this will change the length of the 12th parts too. I know that Planetdance offers daily profections lasting 1 day, which is also a traditional option. However, I would like to have the "2.5 day" daily ones. Again, the length of the latter will depend on the length of the month divided by 12 and thus they will not be strictly 2.5 days per sign. This may not seem that much of a difference, but it actually becomes such over the course of the year as deviations occur that are up to a few days, which is longer than the ingress of the Moon in a given sign/house.
I know you said you are very busy right now with your paid job, Ed, and I don't know whether what I am requesting is difficult to program. It is just no other software that I know of offers these specific traditional monthly and daily profections. Thank you for your consideration.